View Full Version : My Quick n Nasty Reverse Light & Shovel Holder

19th October 2017, 10:44 AM
Because you kindly asked GQtdauto

Just some quick pics of a reversing light & shovel/spade holder I made for the Y61.

I've wired up the light so I can turn it on when needed, it's not connected to the reversing lights.




19th October 2017, 10:54 AM
Well done mate I like it .

19th October 2017, 01:29 PM
Does that spacer have the proper sized studs and nuts?

20th October 2017, 08:21 AM
Does that spacer have the proper sized studs and nuts?

Seems to. It's an old one I used on a Hilux.

23rd October 2017, 08:55 PM
Because you kindly asked GQtdauto

Just some quick pics of a reversing light & shovel/spade holder I made for the Y61.

I've wired up the light so I can turn it on when needed, it's not connected to the reversing lights.




I like this design. What holds the shovel to stop it rattling around or falling off the mount hooks - is it sandwiched by yje tyre against the bracket? Bit hard to see,

30th October 2017, 04:13 PM
Sorry PeeBee missed your reply. I just use an Ocky/Elstic strap around the shovel & the vertical pole.

30th October 2017, 04:34 PM
Ok thanks, might look to blanch some of this onto my wheelcarrier

7th November 2017, 09:30 PM
10G looks good the ocky strap would hold it snug.

As an option for those interested, I pick up a second hand ARB H/Lift jack BRKT that clamps the shovel handle quite well (do even hang a 12mm steel cable spool off it ocassionally). Adjusted brkt stand off distance from rim dish face so the shovel mouth pulls up against tyre sidewall. Secures well.

Millweld rear bar - swing spare wheel carrier & dual jerry (tools in one J holder). Behind (back of) spare wheel / carrier have fixed a reverse light brkt and adapted a Kaymar H/Lift jack Brkt back of swing arm to secure jack (tucked away in between door and spare wheel)..

And yes thats a tree branch that fell on the top (few blending scratches only).