View Full Version : Air con control

22nd September 2017, 05:11 PM
Hi Guys,

Hope that's right here. Today when I wanted to switch the air con from eindscreen to face I heard a noise like somethings dropping down and at the back and now I can only use the both most right settings. Someone had that problem before and knows what to do?


23rd September 2017, 09:49 AM
Yes I also have the problem . Here is what I have found so far . I removed the radio .
I can now see the control !
I can remove the screws holding the switch assy in.
I have removed the console.
I have a magic box with Diesel written on it . I cant get the plug out of it !!!
the cable appears to be bent I can see what is wrong !!!
but cant get the dam thing out .
Have been thinking about it ........ no progress
I hope this might help

27th September 2017, 04:24 PM
Doesn't sound as easy as I would like it but I will have a look into it as well and keep you posted if I find a solution. Or hopefully any other member may comes up with one.

29th September 2017, 12:51 PM
look up from drivers RHS foot well, easier if the lower dash panel removed, up high in centre you can see air control box - big white thing
The cable sits in a small clip at the top of the white air vent box.....they can come out
Align control knob with say windscreen, adjust under dash the control lever to get air to windscreen, push cable back into clip ad secure ends of clip with zip tie

Other option is the end of the cable comes off control door, can maybe fix back on

the evil twin
29th September 2017, 02:44 PM
Yes I also have the problem . Here is what I have found so far . I removed the radio .
I can now see the control !
I can remove the screws holding the switch assy in.
I have removed the console.
I have a magic box with Diesel written on it . I cant get the plug out of it !!!
the cable appears to be bent I can see what is wrong !!!
but cant get the dam thing out .
Have been thinking about it ........ no progress
I hope this might help

The magic box with Diesel on it is the Sub Tank Computer, not sure why you need to unplug it or take it out unless I am missing something...

3rd October 2017, 07:46 AM
I must be doing something wrong .. I cant get the unit out from behind the dash . the electronic box is in the way . I got the screws out of the switch assy and cant get it out . !! I must be a bit stupid