View Full Version : Help screwed my ignition barrel

18th August 2017, 08:17 PM
Hi, I've just done something really stupid and have wrecked my ignition barrel I think!
I just read a post on facebook about unplugging the annoying warning beeper under the steering column when you leave the key in. It looked like a simple two minute job, but somehow I have managed to nip what looks like the transponder wires with my screwdriver when I was removing the key surround. Faaark!, turns over but won't start now and I'm supposed to be heading off on a 6 weeks trip on Sunday!

Does anyone know, can I source something like this from a wrecker or is there a way around it!

http://4x4downunder.com/images/2017/08/18/IMG_4968.md.jpg (http://4x4downunder.com/image/Z2YN)

18th August 2017, 08:30 PM
I think it may be a Saturday Morning trip to Nissan Spare Parts ..... That should fix it for you

18th August 2017, 08:31 PM
Hi, I've just done something really stupid and have wrecked my ignition barrel I think!
I just read a post on facebook about unplugging the annoying warning beeper under the steering column when you leave the key in. It looked like a simple two minute job, but somehow I have managed to nip what looks like the transponder wires with my screwdriver when I was removing the key surround. Faaark!, turns over but won't start now and I'm supposed to be heading off on a 6 weeks trip on Sunday!

Does anyone know, can I source something like this from a wrecker or is there a way around it!

http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/ (http://4x4downunder.com/image/Z2YN)
Yendor are you on line?? And can you help??

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18th August 2017, 08:31 PM
Ouch that looks nasty .

18th August 2017, 08:44 PM
Just spoke to a locksmith, he reckons he did a 2008 model not long ago and it was just a straight replacement with no programming required. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can hunt something down tomorrow. I'm not sure if any Nissan Spare parts dealers are open on Saturday in Perth, but I'll be on the hunt for sure.

18th August 2017, 10:14 PM
I hate to say it....... But are you on any of the 4wd facebook for WA or Perth? Try and put a call out and see if anyone can help

18th August 2017, 10:42 PM
I hate to say it....... But are you on any of the 4wd facebook for WA or Perth? Try and put a call out and see if anyone can help

Nah, not on too many facebook sites for the 4wd scene, wish I was never a member of ZD30 warriors now, LOL. I've just joined a GQ/GU Perth owners group, so see if anything eventuates. I figure worst case scenario it it will be a few days delay and I may need to change some plans on the way East, as I am committed to be on the Gold Coast for a wedding on a set date. I'll do the call around wreckers/dealers etc tomorrow and see what I can come up with.

18th August 2017, 10:44 PM

I have read of someone that did something very similar, pulled the NATS ignition key reader off, located and found the break in the thin copper wire coil, stripped off the coating and soldered together, and then used a hot glue gun to hold it all in place .... worked for him

I am not sure I would want to do this just before a big trip though.

18th August 2017, 11:12 PM

I have read of someone that did something very similar, pulled the NATS ignition key reader off, located and found the break in the thin copper wire coil, stripped off the coating and soldered together, and then used a hot glue gun to hold it all in place .... worked for him

I am not sure I would want to do this just before a big trip though.

yep, I read the same post and thought the same thing, not keen to be stuck on the Madigan line or Anne Beadell with a busted ignition. I know I've stuffed it, but what a prick of an idea to have it wound like this.

18th August 2017, 11:39 PM
I had the same problem a few years back and caused by trying to get rid of those stupid beeps. I had to wait a couple of days for Nissan to get the part in. I should have tried to fix it myself but had already had it towed fo Nissans and could not get to it.
I would suggest trying to fix it yourself, nothing to loose.

18th August 2017, 11:44 PM
I had the same problem a few years back and caused by trying to get rid of those stupid beeps. I had to wait a couple of days for Nissan to get the part in. I should have tried to fix it myself but had already had it towed fo Nissans and could not get to it.
I would suggest trying to fix it yourself, nothing to loose.

I'll have a ring around in the morning, but if I get desperate I'll see if it's just a matter of joining the wires. I'm not really sure how it works, and whether I'd add too much resistance etc soldering it? Going extremely remote on this trip, so not keen for a bodgy fix.

19th August 2017, 12:44 AM
Use a lighter to burn the insulating lacquer about 5mm off the ends to be joined. Scrape the carbon off and then tin them with a solder before joining them. Solder quickly so you don't destroy any more insulation. Use a thin bit of electrical tape over the join, rewind the coil and Bob's your uncle.

I forgot to add, solder the ends side by side and bend the join to fit the curve of the coil. Twisting the wires together before soldering will make a lump in the coil.

If you need some wire and are a hoarder like me, try stripping it out of an old charger transformer or the like.

19th August 2017, 09:13 AM
Use a lighter to burn the insulating lacquer about 5mm off the ends to be joined. Scrape the carbon off and then tin them with a solder before joining them. Solder quickly so you don't destroy any more insulation. Use a thin bit of electrical tape over the join, rewind the coil and Bob's your uncle.

I forgot to add, solder the ends side by side and bend the join to fit the curve of the coil. Twisting the wires together before soldering will make a lump in the coil.

If you need some wire and are a hoarder like me, try stripping it out of an old charger transformer or the like.

I'll see how I go today, cheers for the tips, my soldering skills are woeful at the best of times.

19th August 2017, 09:51 AM
Hey Mate, I got caught out the same way! Hated the beep and thought it looked straight forward too. I ended up pulling it out carefully, scraped off the plastic coating from the copper carefully with a flat blade screw driver on a hard flat surface, then gently soldered the break together. Hardest part was trying to get it to sit neatly back in the barrel spot. It got me out of trouble as I was in a similar scenario of having to go away on a trip. Just take some solder and a gas match if your worried about it failing out bush its not hard, just tedious! :) Cheers - Westie

19th August 2017, 10:20 AM
Did the same thing on my Titanium a couple of years ago. It's $300 fix unfortunately, to replace that antenna wire bundle from Nissan. I had no luck at the wreakers as they wont separate it from the system. One good thing ..... like me, you should not need to reprogram the keys. Just plug the new antenna in and it all should work again.

19th August 2017, 11:56 AM
Yep, not having much luck sourcing one yet, mines broken in about 4 or 5 places, so not going to risk it when we are going remote. One dealer should be able to have one here Monday morning, so at worst I'll lose a day or two. $355.00 from one dealer, $411 from another. I also have a local guy who may have one from a 2007, but the wreckers says it needs to be from 11/2012 onwards to fit mine? Not sure yet and waiting on a call back from him.

I am thinking it's going to be a genuine one from the dealer and I'll just have to cop the trip delay. I was originally going to leave Monday, but brought the trip forward a day, so really will only lose a day, maybe half a day if I can get one by Mid morning Monday (Stock in a Nissan warehouse in WA, but not open today)

19th August 2017, 01:48 PM
Hooray, she is alive ! I managed to get one from a local guy that does some backyard wrecking, it weas apparently from a 2010 model and was exactly the same part number! Our trip is back on track!

19th August 2017, 01:51 PM
Ripper! Have a go at repairing the old one, anyway, and chuck it in the back as a spare.

19th August 2017, 02:23 PM
Good to hear on the good outcome mate. Enjoy your trip! Safe travels.

19th August 2017, 03:39 PM
Well that is good luck .... I hope that you actually didn't forget to disconnect the brown key in ignition wire whilst you were in there :harhar:

19th August 2017, 04:25 PM
Well that is good luck .... I hope that you actually didn't forget to disconnect the brown key in ignition wire whilst you were in there :harhar:

That was the annoying thing with mine when I had the same problem, l had disconnected it But Nissans reconnected it when they replaced the part.

19th August 2017, 10:20 PM
Well that is good luck .... I hope that you actually didn't forget to disconnect the brown key in ignition wire whilst you were in there :harhar:

I've left the bastard plugged in, so that every time it chimes it reminds me what a dumb arse I was, bahahahaha! ;)
I must have run over a chinaman, I've had a shit week, and after this happening, we've found our brand new bathroom reno is leaking, the clothes dryer has died, and I got home tonight and my bloody vac sealer is buggered. I am almost too scared to head into the desert!