View Full Version : fuel pump fault

5th August 2017, 08:01 PM
Hi there, i recently purchased an E.C.U. Talk. plugged it in and found i had a electronic govener fault.
my question, what symptoms would this fault produce? And can it just be reset??

5th August 2017, 11:49 PM
What vehicle? I'm assuming an early GU if your using an ECU Talk. What motor? Whats the fault code? Clear the faults via the ECU talk and see what happens...

7th August 2017, 01:05 PM
It's a 98 G.U. 2.8 The code is 18F/INJ F/B2. The manual said it was the ''electronic govenor'' Would this cause black smoke on acceleration? Also if reversing up my driveway with a trailer, and being on and off the accelerator i get quite a bit of black smoke. Will try resetting the fault and see what if anything happens. if that dose not work looks like a trip to the fuel pump man.