View Full Version : Mornington peninsula, mechanics.

21st June 2017, 06:26 PM
Hi guys, finally got down to the Mornington peninsula for the next 2 yrs for work.

Looking for a good mechanic? The more info you can provide about said mechanic the better. ie. Cheap, expensive, good, excellent Exe...

Second thing would be services to stay away from.

Cheers Warwick

21st June 2017, 07:18 PM
Welcome to freezing Mexico Warwick mate :-)!
Don't know any mechanics down that way sorry mate.
What do you mean by "services" to stay away from mate?

1st January 2018, 03:46 PM
Hey fellas just bumping this up because I'm still looking, i don't mind driving further north just looking for some recommendations on a mechanic east of the city?

1st January 2018, 04:08 PM
Happy New Year Warwick mate!
In regards our Patrol beasts we do use ‘Patrol Apart Lilydale’ for all our personal and small fleet needs with 99.99% joy, sorry I sook sometimes, all good blokes, lol :-)
Honestly the best part of the ‘Lilydale Industrial Park’ is having all the services we all need there like ‘DieselTec’ for rollers etc...
Please do honestly be weary of SupaDuper 4wd a few doors down for anything other than swaggy’s, potties, tarpies all decent but do talk to the real blokes up the road first! Cheers Mark ;-)

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