View Full Version : 1969 patrol 60 Clutch setup

4th May 2017, 06:14 AM
I have a customers 1969 Patrol 60 in my shop and i'm hoping someone can help me with the clutch slave cylinder and linkage. It seems to be missing the arm that bolts to the cross shaft for the throw-out, but i cannot find any pictures or diagrams for the vehicle. the vehicle initially needed a water pump, the one installed was seized. I found a shop in Oregon who rebuilds them and have sent it off. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

4th May 2017, 07:46 AM
Welcome aboard from abroad mate! We have a legendary wife and husband team on here who have a small collection of old G60's that may be able to help out katwowan and Steve. TPC Tony recently bought one too as a project truck and may be able to snap some pics for you also, Cheers!

4th May 2017, 02:26 PM
Welcome aboard from abroad mate! We have a legendary wife and husband team on here who have a small collection of old G60's that may be able to help out katwowan and Steve. TPC Tony recently bought one too as a project truck and may be able to snap some pics for you also, Cheers!

Legendary huh ? I know we've got a couple of workshop manuals, and I'll mention this post to SteveO after work.

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4th May 2017, 02:54 PM
Top work Kat & Steve :-) I'm sure Dan above being a mechanic from good ol USofA would be able to reciprocate the help if you ever need on the 350 Chevrolet motor you have in one of the G60 beasts ;-)

4th May 2017, 06:33 PM
I have a customers 1969 Patrol 60 in my shop and i'm hoping someone can help me with the clutch slave cylinder and linkage. It seems to be missing the arm that bolts to the cross shaft for the throw-out, but i cannot find any pictures or diagrams for the vehicle. the vehicle initially needed a water pump, the one installed was seized. I found a shop in Oregon who rebuilds them and have sent it off. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OK, I can probably find you a picture in the manual of the pin your missing, and maybe even order a new one here in oz if you like. Failing that go to this forum http://60patrol.com/wp/
Which is mostly American G60's.