View Full Version : RIP David Whimpey (Threedogs Son)

28th April 2017, 12:38 PM
Just received the following email from John

Hi Bob sadly they have found my son.
His body was found last week on a property near Heathcote. So all our worse nightmares have come true.
My doctor is coming over to stay a while and have a chat. So sadly my first born , my best mate has now been murdered by some scumbags.
We still have no idea on why this has happened. Life suxs big ones then some.

Condolences to John & Family

28th April 2017, 12:41 PM
So sorry to read this TD. Sincerest condolences to your family. :(

28th April 2017, 12:58 PM
Condolences John. Tony and Carole

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28th April 2017, 01:00 PM
Sincere condolences to you and your family John.

28th April 2017, 01:14 PM
I am really sorry to hear this John, condolences to you and your family.

28th April 2017, 01:15 PM
Mate, I am so sorry this is the outcome. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. As I've said before, please contact me if you need to talk.

28th April 2017, 01:22 PM
John my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time
Rest in peace David

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28th April 2017, 01:25 PM
So sorry to read this John.
RIP David

28th April 2017, 01:41 PM
Sad,sad,sad.Commiserations TD

28th April 2017, 02:12 PM
So sorry to hear John so sad. All the best mate & fam thoughts are with you.

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jay see
28th April 2017, 02:41 PM
Thoughts and prayers for you a your family mate.
Call me whenever you need to.

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28th April 2017, 02:57 PM
I cant write my first reaction but four lettered words were involved.
I am so sorry to read this today and send my condolences to John and his family.
Bloody nightmare come true.

28th April 2017, 03:06 PM
Just horrible John, sincerest condolences mate.

28th April 2017, 03:15 PM
A parents worst nightmare , we are not supposed to bury our kids , they are supposed to bury us .
Thinking of you and your family mate , ever need to vent or have a yak you have my number .

28th April 2017, 03:18 PM
oh dear, john im so sorry to read this. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Stropp

28th April 2017, 03:19 PM
Fark John, terrible news mate.
Condolences to the family

................on the road

28th April 2017, 03:37 PM
Sorry to hear this news, words will never be enough. Please stay strong and fight through the grief this has no doubt brung to you and your family.

28th April 2017, 04:02 PM
Sorry to hear 3ds. All the best

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28th April 2017, 04:02 PM
Condolences to you and your family John, devastating outcome :(

28th April 2017, 04:51 PM
Sorry to hear this news John, condolences to you and your family

28th April 2017, 05:11 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss John.

Best wishes to you and your family at this time


28th April 2017, 05:13 PM
So sorry to hear your loss John!

28th April 2017, 05:15 PM
That is so fucked up. Parents shouldn’t have to bury their children.

My sincere condolences John to you and your family.

28th April 2017, 05:18 PM
Damn it John! That is bloody terrible news mate. Deepest Sympathy and Condolences from my Family to yours mate. Our thoughts are with you.

28th April 2017, 05:24 PM
It breaks my heart. I know how you feel 3D. Try to stay strong for each other.

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28th April 2017, 05:27 PM
Thanks Bob.
John I wish it were otherwise.

28th April 2017, 06:16 PM
Me heart just sunk a mile when i read the title.
I canot begin to image what you guys are going threw.
John if your reading mate, if you need a chat or even need to get away for a bit mate do not hesitate to come for a drive.
Sad sad time.
RIP David.

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28th April 2017, 06:48 PM

28th April 2017, 07:01 PM
Sad sad time condolences to you and the rest of your family John

28th April 2017, 07:20 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss mate. Hope the fella charged gets a loooooooooooooong and painful time in gaol

28th April 2017, 08:29 PM
Extremely sorry to hear such news John. Cannot even imagine what you're going through.
No parent should endure this.
Thoughts are with your family mate.

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28th April 2017, 08:38 PM
There are no words adequate.

Rock Trol
28th April 2017, 09:57 PM
Condolences to you and your family John. This is terrible news.

28th April 2017, 11:15 PM
So sorry to read this John, condolences to you and your family

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29th April 2017, 01:08 AM
This is horrible John. So sorry to hear.

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29th April 2017, 01:10 AM
Condolences 3D's and family.

DX grunt
29th April 2017, 07:57 AM
Condolences and sorry for your loss, John and family.

Unconditional love to all.


my third 256
29th April 2017, 08:23 AM
sorry the here the devestating news our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family
keep your chin up for the sake of the rest of the family
stephen ,anjila,kathleen ,jack

29th April 2017, 09:17 AM
To you and you family John , please accept my deepest and sincerest condolences.
Thoughts and prayers to you and all involved.

29th April 2017, 12:29 PM
Condolences to John & Family

29th April 2017, 01:04 PM
Devastating news John,
Our deepest condolences from Natalie and I.

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29th April 2017, 02:19 PM
So sorry to hear. Our thoughts are with you

29th April 2017, 02:45 PM
Condolences John, Lilly and Daniel - so devastating for you all.
Jack and family.

29th April 2017, 04:01 PM
For those who wish to attend the Funeral

The funeral service is @ Blessed Oliver Plunkets church on Gaffney St
Pascoe Vale from there to Faukner cemetary. Date is the 11th of May.
Id like to thank everyone on behalf of Lily and Daniel for all your kind words , we are feeling the love but its still very hard.

29th April 2017, 04:50 PM
My thought will be with you all .

29th April 2017, 05:41 PM
TD,so sorry mate.................

30th April 2017, 09:48 PM
Omg that is tragic news. Condolences to you and family John.

1st May 2017, 11:01 AM
Awful news, condolences to you and your family.

Sir Roofy
1st May 2017, 12:27 PM
Condolences John and family
Roofy & Jane-o

12th May 2017, 12:48 PM
Yesterday was the sadest day if my life I had to do what no parent should have to do
and thats to bury your children,
There was a great turn out with lots of laughter and tears. Now David is gone and taken a piece of our hearts with him.
So Proud of Daniel he organised everything I cant thank him enough, Mates I havent seen for years turned up.
It was a special day ,,its was Davids day and he took it with both hands, like they say " there is only one David Whimpey"
A huge thanks the the members that took the time to PM me Ive been a bit of a mess of late. Now to try and start healing.
Once my patrol is repaired I be taking a few up the Murray for a celerbration fishing trip on behalf of David.
Again thanks to all.

12th May 2017, 12:54 PM
Really feel for you John, definitely a terrible thing to go through.
As you said, time to start healing and a trip up the river would do you good.

12th May 2017, 01:02 PM
Nice to hear from you again TD. Hoping you can now start the healing process.

12th May 2017, 06:00 PM
katwoman you know how we spoke about old cars a while back. well a freind has gemini with a V6 commodore motor in it he is giving us
as he knew how much David loved it and worked on it. David was a qualified auto sparky. the car is in show room condition

12th May 2017, 07:07 PM
Nice to see you back TD , a Gemini with a V6 should burn rubber no problems mate .

12th May 2017, 10:00 PM
katwoman you know how we spoke about old cars a while back. well a freind has gemini with a V6 commodore motor in it he is giving us
as he knew how much David loved it and worked on it. David was a qualified auto sparky. the car is in show room condition

Sounds sweet TD. The memories and connections like that are all we have now. Cherish them. I know you will.

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12th May 2017, 10:26 PM
Yesterday was the sadest day if my life I had to do what no parent should have to do
and thats to bury your children,
There was a great turn out with lots of laughter and tears. Now David is gone and taken a piece of our hearts with him.
So Proud of Daniel he organised everything I cant thank him enough, Mates I havent seen for years turned up.
It was a special day ,,its was Davids day and he took it with both hands, like they say " there is only one David Whimpey"
A huge thanks the the members that took the time to PM me Ive been a bit of a mess of late. Now to try and start healing.
Once my patrol is repaired I be taking a few up the Murray for a celerbration fishing trip on behalf of David.
Again thanks to all.
Crap John, something we don't wish on anybody!
Good to see you back on the forum mate!

...........on the road

13th May 2017, 04:58 PM
Crap John, something we don't wish on anybody!
Good to see you back on the forum mate!

...........on the road

I need to bow out for a while this is killing me inside and still abit of a mess
Ill take the time to finish some things like a locker and a few other neccessary item
Its just so sad I thought Id be stronger be I can't help it...maybe see a few of you out on the track
David and I were very close like I said my first born, now gone because of a lowlife scum , so angry
,so sad just hollow who know how long it will take

13th May 2017, 05:11 PM
I need to bow out for a while this is killing me inside and still abit of a mess
Ill take the time to finish some things like a locker and a few other neccessary item
Its just so sad I thought Id be stronger be I can't help it...maybe see a few of you out on the track
David and I were very close like I said my first born, now gone because of a lowlife scum , so angry
,so sad just hollow who know how long it will take

Totally understandable John, take your time to grieve mate.
Jump in any time mate if you need anything

................on the road

14th May 2017, 01:21 PM
To stop any rumors etc this is what actually happened .
Davis knew too much and was going to come clean and
get his life on track, the last I saw David was on the 22 nd of oct last year about 10am
the low life killed David in the 24th and left him to rot in a paddock near Lake Eppalock
until they found him about the 20th of last month, nothing sinister noting about money.
just David wanting to get his life back of track. Now those two scum are asking for protection
come to my house you losers Ill give you protection, we'll meet again you can count on that
and that will be the day youll need protection ,in court

14th May 2017, 03:40 PM
you shouldn't have to explain yourself mate.....not here anyway..

14th May 2017, 05:05 PM
you shouldn't have to explain yourself mate.....not here anyway..

14th May 2017, 05:08 PM
To stop any rumors etc this is what actually happened .
Davis knew too much and was going to come clean and
get his life on track, the last I saw David was on the 22 nd of oct last year about 10am
the low life killed David in the 24th and left him to rot in a paddock near Lake Eppalock
until they found him about the 20th of last month, nothing sinister noting about money.
just David wanting to get his life back of track. Now those two scum are asking for protection
come to my house you losers Ill give you protection, we'll meet again you can count on that
and that will be the day youll need protection ,in court

you shouldn't have to explain yourself mate.....not here anyway..

As Avo said mate. You dont have to explain anything here man

14th May 2017, 06:48 PM
I loved my son so dearly, you think sometimes you have enough to go around
I dont think so Im doing it hard whilst two scum are getting 3 hots and a cot.
The system has changed and from what I hear no plea bargaining.. those two can rot in hell as
far all I care, thanks for the support I really need it as of monday I'll seek professional
help.I cant go on like this i'll end up doing something i'll regret. again thanks all

DX grunt
14th May 2017, 07:10 PM
I loved my son so dearly, you think sometimes you have enough to go around
I dont think so Im doing it hard whilst two scum are getting 3 hots and a cot.
The system has changed and from what I hear no plea bargaining.. those two can rot in hell as
far all I care, thanks for the support I really need it as of monday I'll seek professional
help.I cant go on like this i'll end up doing something i'll regret. again thanks all

Words cannot express the grief that you and your family are going through. I'm shattered, for you all.

I've needed professional help for various issues and concerns I've had, and the results were amazing.

I stand and applaud you, 3D, for acknowledging that you need help.

Take care out there.

Unconditional love to you and your family.


14th May 2017, 07:18 PM
I loved my son so dearly, you think sometimes you have enough to go around
I dont think so Im doing it hard whilst two scum are getting 3 hots and a cot.
The system has changed and from what I hear no plea bargaining.. those two can rot in hell as
far all I care, thanks for the support I really need it as of monday I'll seek professional
help.I cant go on like this i'll end up doing something i'll regret. again thanks all

Good on you for seeking help John. Just remember you still have a good family, they need you and you need them so stay close to them.

Feel free to vent and speak your mind on here, I know we can only offer words of support but I hope they can help.
Stay strong mate.

15th May 2017, 07:51 AM
So glad your seeking help John. As said we as your adopted family can only offer so many words, but you know we`re all here 24/7 if needed.
Very special thoughts and prayers to you and your family John.

15th May 2017, 09:32 AM
Not enough words .............. thinking of you mate.

15th May 2017, 11:39 AM
You have your family, may they be closer to you.
If you have a faith, may your god be with you.
You have your friends, may they stand beside you.
You have friends and acquaintances on the net, may they support you.
And you have support that does not come from those above, it is good to see you intend to seek their help.
Time can move so slowly, but we know time is the greatest healer.
John it is easy to offer words, please know you have my best thoughts as well.

22nd June 2017, 02:33 PM
I received a text from John today, he's still struggling with all thats happened, the court cases are coming up in the next few months so hopefully this will provide some sort of closure for him. I really wish him the best for the next few months and hopefully we see him back here rambling on. I am at a total loss of what else to say to John...

He also says hi to everyone....

22nd June 2017, 02:52 PM
I received a text from John today, he's still struggling with all thats happened, the court cases are coming up in the next few months so hopefully this will provide some sort of closure for him. I really wish him the best for the next few months and hopefully we see him back here rambling on. I am at a total loss of what else to say to John...

He also says hi to everyone....

There is not really much that can be said. Thanks for posting and stay in there John.

24th July 2017, 02:54 PM
Still doing it very hard some days are better then others, very proud of my other son Daniel he has organised everything,
David is now at rest and the court BS will starts next month, Ill be going for Davids sake. I know itll be hard but I need to do it.
Already know too much that I can never tell Lily, I hope the bastards get what they deserve. again thanks for your thoughts.
Been very hard just typing this Ill be back when I have no idea,,,Threedogs

24th July 2017, 11:47 PM
Still doing it very hard some days are better then others, very proud of my other son Daniel he has organised everything,
David is now at rest and the court BS will starts next month, Ill be going for Davids sake. I know itll be hard but I need to do it.
Already know too much that I can never tell Lily, I hope the bastards get what they deserve. again thanks for your thoughts.
Been very hard just typing this Ill be back when I have no idea,,,Threedogs

All the best mate, I hope the court case goes well and they get what they deserve!

25th July 2017, 12:41 AM
This is a shit thing to read , I've never met you threedogs but have spoke on the phone & bought your recovery points ( you took yours off your own car & sent them up to me if you remember ? ) , had time away from the forum for a few months as work was insanely busy so I missed this at the time . Don't know what to say mate it's bloody terrible. I've had issues with my ex & not seeing my other kids & had gaps of 6 mths or so without them & it guts me not seeing them so I can only begin to imagine what your going through - especially the circumstances around his death . So sorry , our thoughts are with you.

25th July 2017, 09:36 AM
Been talking to a member here via email and its helped alot. He knows how he is
without him listening to my rants dont know where Id be, As it turns out we have a lot in common,
and when the Patrol is going Ill be up to his place with a box of coopers pale. I miss you all
as you are like a second family to be especially as you have gone through this drama with me,\Anyway stay good
All I seem to be doing is crying all the time but its slowly getting better, see you all soon maybe if not up the Murray
maybe at a Donk party in the future, miss you all big time......Threedogs,,, should be twodogs now as we have Tyler
a blue Am Staff female great dog,,,,

25th July 2017, 09:39 AM
Well done TD , look after yourself mate .

24th October 2017, 10:06 PM
Sorry to hear mate, sad news.

My mate across the roads son hung himself 5 years ago, tore the family to shreds. He has been on medication for 3 or 4 years, the only thing that kept him sane, maybe the doctor could prescribe something to help you out, cheers Wayne.

my third 256
26th October 2017, 07:23 AM
thee dogs is on so much medication now i dont think another drug would be advisable as they seem to interact with each other and have bad side affects
but thats my thoughts and maybe you are right

26th October 2017, 10:33 AM
Hi all things are still tough, alot of fighting for no reason
the two scum are to appear at the Magistrates court on
the 20-21st of feb for a committal hearing. There are too many triggers that set me off big time
anxiety attacks big time they are slowly getting better. Seems if I dont see anyone Im ok.
Funny eh wedding anniversary today we decided to cancell any future ones. Tyler is a tower of strenght
only 8 months but keep your fingers clear of the pointy end lol
Again big thanks to Rob, Stropp and Col it does mean alot. just need to battle on day by day'
David was my first born the one I taught how to use an electric drill at 2,,mum didn:t like that.
I miss him so much, Im expexting him to walk through the front door anytime now,, but thats not going to happen eh

No Idea why pics are so big ideas anuone??

27th October 2017, 07:36 AM
Geez, sorry to hear of your loss TD, I've been away for a while, also dealing with loss of a family member.

Although life will never be the same again, you will find that you can live, love and laugh again soon. I think you are on the right track too. Dogs, music, the bush and the travel getting to the bush have been where I have found some respite. Get that truck going, plan that trip, load the CD stacker and that cracker of a camp oven, and start the first round of bush therapy! Then rinse and repeat! Good luck mate.

22nd February 2018, 12:44 AM
having not been on the forum much of late I dropped TD a pm and was shocked to read his response!

My deepest condolences go out to you and your family, we are all here for you any time you need, and please don't hesitate to call if u need a chat

United we stand, devided we fall. Surround yourself with friends and family you are not alone

28th March 2018, 12:38 PM
Hi all still very sad here and will be for ages to come I suppose
The next hearing is on the 6th of Nov and should last 6 weeks
Again Id like to thank Rob [GQtdauto] for putting up with my rants.
Was Davids birthday last sunday not a good day.
Im making a section for David from old and repro auto stuff so if yo have any
old bottles or oil cans youll never use Id proudly display them for David, someone donated
a 89 gemini with a holden V6 engine should go ok when finished.
So if your not using it give me a PM thanks for reading this and no Rob you cant have my anvil
A few of those bottles are original

28th March 2018, 01:51 PM
Those oil bottles bring back memories, my first job was in a servo and I was constantly re-filling those bottles for customers to use.
Unfortunately I don't have any at home, never thought to keep any back then.

9th November 2018, 01:22 PM
Well not much has changed still crying a lot ,just cant belive it.
getting great support from a few Forum members.
Davids trial starts on the 12th of Nov. Not sure if ill
be going itll be too graphic. I want to remember him
when I last dropped him off, hope the Pr$$$cks get
what they deserve. very sad very sad. just been sitting in my chair

yeah just so sad

9th November 2018, 02:05 PM
Hi John, sorry I havn't been in touch lately but have had issues, some of which you know about. Went on working holiday photography and 4x4 and came back to find the house broken into, I think you know about that. Just about got over that when my server at work crashed big time and have been manually putting in data since. I will try and contact you via email on this week end mate.
Cheers Tony.

9th November 2018, 02:39 PM
Thanks Tony, only just talking to Lily she was a
very angry person for a long time and still is.
Daniel is very angry as well at 6ft 3in and a registered fighter
I need to talk to him before this trial starts.
He's met jeff Fenech through his boxing, he is. not to bad at all
Good thing is he takes his aggression out via the boxing.
Will still be going up the Murray Craig rang which was just at
the right time so thanks Craig. Once the water tank is fitted to my camper
and a few jobs done on the mighty GU, its all hands on deck

9th November 2018, 06:15 PM
Will be thinking of you next week John, was just thinking this should be coming up.
Hope that the a$#oles rot in hell.

9th November 2018, 08:03 PM
Absolutely TD I hope they get what's coming and as for the anvil it's mine you hear me mine , just can't lift it that's all .

the evil twin
9th November 2018, 08:29 PM
Big Internet Hug to ya TD... best I can do from this far away mate.

9th November 2018, 09:28 PM
The Mighty Murray John Mate!
Such a special place agreed for sure!!

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10th November 2018, 12:38 AM
Hey mate you look after yourself and the family, if it’s too much to attend the trial so be it, look after your own health and well-being mate. I’ll be hoping along with you those pricks get hard time.

10th November 2018, 02:54 PM
Absolutely TD I hope they get what's coming and as for the anvil it's mine you hear me mine , just can't lift it that's all .

Thinking you could roll it.
As for the last few months only just talking with Lily.
Daniel has calmed down a bit, My trouble is Im trying to look
after ever one but who looks after me. Trying as haed as I
can to staystrong but have my moments when Im left alone.
Even typing this is very hard, I think the lap top os the trigger
as it was from the laptop I told you about what had happened.
There is never a good day just some are easier than the last one.
My sister has lost 2 children so Naida is my sounding board I suppose.
Might even have a red tonight and see how we go....

10th November 2018, 05:29 PM
If you weren't so far away I would come over with a couple of bottles and have a few with you. I know alcohol doesn't fix problems but it helps me sometimes.
Few nights on the Murray with mates will definitely help.