View Full Version : Any members in Bunbury?

DX grunt
15th April 2017, 04:21 PM

I'll be in Bunbury, Sunday arvo and willing to catch up with any members on Monday?

If you're interested, let me know the time and place to catch up for a coffee. I'm not a local. Directions would help from Forrest Highway, too. lol


DX grunt
17th April 2017, 09:55 AM
Bump. Last call. I've driven 500k's to see rellies and keen to catch up with any members.

17th April 2017, 11:08 AM
Sorry mate but a bit far for me

DX grunt
18th April 2017, 05:47 PM
Can't say I didn't try.

Thanks, Clunky. Your response is appreciated.

Bad move on my part, coz I tried to turn right onto Forrest Highway from a side street. 5 minutes+ waiting for a break in the traffic in the 110KMH zone. Not user friendly, when everybody's heading back to Perth. lol - not.

18th April 2017, 09:28 PM
Wouldh`ve meet up 6 months ago, your a bit late DX.
Mind you it was a blxxdy good meet up in Esperence,.
hope all is well mate.