View Full Version : Pleased Nissan GQ 1989 Owner almost at 500,000 km (currently 496,000km)

6th April 2017, 05:19 PM
Hello I'm Roland and I'm quite pleased that my Nissan GQ 1989 has almost reached half a million kilometers. it's at 496,000km so it should cross over to 500K sometime in March 2017 (actually its a Ford Maverick which as far as I know is just 'Ford speak' for a Nissan Patrol), I have had it for about 12 years now and paid 11K for it back then, the chap I bought it from took good care of it and had driven it around / across Australia and one day I hope I'll get a chance to do the same again. I've often thought of joining this group, and look forward to working out how to get my GQ through to 1000,000 km, At some point I hope to make it look good again, right now the seats are a bit shabby, and the steering wheel is perishing but over all I feel it's in good condition given that it's 28 years old - best Roland


6th April 2017, 05:24 PM
Hello Roland and welcome to the forum, Im sure all the GQ guys
can give you tips on wheel and seat replacement. Good to
see your Patrol is finally run in lol. Ask anything you want and
most of all enjoy yourself,,,lol

6th April 2017, 05:30 PM
Only difference is fords don't break down !! ?? , welcome to the forum , my first intro into 4wheeling was a maverick.

6th April 2017, 06:19 PM
i own one of those ford patrols/nissan mavericks too. done a bit to mine not a lot to the engine and i too have gone over the half million k's be it awhile ago.
top tip don't bother ringing ford for parts just ring nissan they actually still stock some parts.

6th April 2017, 08:53 PM
G'day Roland welcome aboard mate

6th April 2017, 09:07 PM
Welcome to the forum mate, looks like a very neat beast!

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7th April 2017, 12:55 PM
Welcome to the forum mate

7th April 2017, 01:43 PM
Hi Rolsta

My GQ is the same age with about 300,000 less kms.
Needless to say I can advise the clutch and brake master cyclinders and original radiator have a lifespan of 28 yrs. Just had to change all mine last month.
Brakes still have 6mm on the pads and they are original so should be good to go for a few yrs yet.

Some good info on here .


7th April 2017, 11:11 PM
Welcome mate.
The biggest killer of pre 94 gq's is rust.
It was around 92-94 that they started using zinc sheet on the body, pre then it was just mild steel.
My old 91 had 527*** genuine factory everything (even the clutch) when I sold it 12 months ago..
Regular services is a major key to any diesel.
Apart from that enjoy the car.

Sent from my SM-G800Y using Tapatalk

17th April 2017, 11:28 AM
G'day mate and welcome to the forum.