View Full Version : Rules & Regs for using CB Radios while driving.

23rd March 2017, 10:23 AM
The rules for using CB radio microphones in different states. This topic came up on an Amateur Radio group & I thought I would share it here. While there is no defining rule for the use of CB or radio microphones while driving the only mention in the rules comes under Mobile Phone use.

With the exception of the Northern Territory who do not have a defined rule on this all other states clearly state "mobile phone does not include a CB radio or any other two-way radio".

NSW - http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/regulation/2014/758/part18/div1/rule.300 (Section 4)

ACT - http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/sl/2000-10/current/pdf/2000-10.pdf (Page 33 Section 30B (3)

VIC - https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.legislation.vic.gov.au%2F domino%2FWeb_Notes%2FLDMS%2FLTObject_Store%2Fltobj st9.nsf%2FDDE300B846EED9C7CA257616000A3571%2FD5B36 E4B1802DB8BCA25800A00775C92%2F%24FILE%2F09-94sra019A%2520authorised.pdf&h=ATMf4o18q7z8FFlX44gZ3JUMaF5GwNEgXf70HNmMvcmYINa1 qWz-ZsyGa3hlsKVdTQ7JDwvlidRkt0JD3wdChpPJbQv3Al835LALkC iSfUOFcShGyUV2v5IMbirEc3J9f-WfBg (Page 411 Part 18 (4)

SA - http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/sa/consol_reg/arr210/s300.html (Section 300) (4)

QLD - https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/T/TrantOpRURR09.pdf (Page 299 Section 300) (2)

WA - https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.slp.wa.gov.au%2Fstatutes %2Fregs.nsf%2F(DownloadFiles)%2FRoad%2BTraffic%2BC ode%2B2000.pdf%2F%24file%2FRoad%2BTraffic%2BCode%2 B2000.pdf&h=ATMCDF2P9nNNGHTzbHhd-j7G4lKiwJBokqaPFeHJigH7oL5oGx_p34MZlF3hwHgn11pAYaj JowDO0Vy-4BfvSODh--Y6VAVAcGCYn4EjMBiLFt-KQ402I1Dmw-tZLNZ3PWtefw (Page 276 Section 265) (2)

TAS - http://www.thelaw.tas.gov.au/print/index.w3p;doc_id=+131+1999+AT@EN+20080510000000;re c=0 (Section 300) (2)

NT - http://www.darwin.nt.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/NTTrafficRegulations.pdf (Page 13 Section 15A)

The overriding rule for using a microphone is that you must "Operate a vehicle with due care", so you can still be fined if you are found not to be in full control of a vehicle.

Knowing the rules might just help in avoiding a fine.

(DISCLAIMER: for info/educational purposes only. Newer or other legislation might contradict these links)

23rd March 2017, 08:40 PM
Yep always found it funny that its illegal 2 hold and talk on a mobile phone but legal 2 hold and talk on a UHF.... go figure, now just to make my mobile look like a UHF mike :)