View Full Version : How to have fun in mud that appears as sand

18th March 2017, 02:54 PM
I reckon they could've used the long winch rope to pull the bogged one out by tying it to the tree, rather than getting the recovery vehicle bogged & tipped over? Or even use the recovery vehicle as a "joiner" between the tree & the bogged one?
Or may be the bogged one was way too bogged to do a slow winching but needed a quick "jerk" to get it out, 'cos the they were on the clock with the tide?

They looked like they had enough long length of the rope?!


Either way, a good lesson not to screw around with the tide. :)

18th March 2017, 06:50 PM
Reckon if they used their brains and straight pulled they would have been ok , overloaded to the hilt , either the suspension was shit or wrong for vehicle so very top heavy and spongy and taking that into account including the bog
If you don't use a snatch strap in a straight line I'd be assuming you wanted it to tip over so you could get at the underneath bits of the 4by .

18th March 2017, 07:51 PM
I have watched that a few times and still shake my head. A little bit of panic goes a long way.

18th March 2017, 07:52 PM
Reckon if they used their brains and straight pulled they would have been ok , overloaded to the hilt , either the suspension was shit or wrong for vehicle so very top heavy and spongy and taking that into account including the bog
If you don't use a snatch strap in a straight line I'd be assuming you wanted it to tip over so you could get at the underneath bits of the 4by .

So.. they weren't that good with 4by'ing and recovery?

18th March 2017, 08:28 PM
Dont get me wrong sort of a fan of the show but they do some stuff they really shouldn't .

19th March 2017, 11:26 AM
Dont get me wrong sort of a fan of the show but they do some stuff they really shouldn't .

I think that's the idea, 'cos it's a TV show meant for entertainment, and they probably stage these incidents as well. ;)
But, I'm pretty sure the above incident was not planned, 'cos we could see the stress level on his face. :)

Even with a good turboed landcruiser, I wouldn't dare to do the crossings Simon does with all his heavily packed trailer, specially with only two guys in the "group".

19th March 2017, 11:32 AM
I have watched that a few times and still shake my head. A little bit of panic goes a long way.

Yeah, I could see the panic on the shows lead narrator's face.
But, I think he was right when he said he was asking for it.
It's a bad idea to try that when you know the tide is pretty close to hit that area, and there's no professional backup recovery plan.
Probably, he wasn't going to lose the vehicle per say, but would've water damaged it beyond recovery?

What I was wondering about is the reason they weren't using anchor type winch recovery at all?
It is not an option in such situations?!!