View Full Version : Tracks from Marrinup State Forest to Nanga Road

14th March 2017, 10:02 AM
Hi All,

Hoping some of the WA members may have been through here, closest town is Dwellingup.

Does anyone know of any tracks through Marrinup State Forrest that would bring you out on Nanga Road primarily avoiding bitumen? Hema Explorer isn't indicating so but google maps satellite is showing some although maybe private property.


5th May 2017, 02:16 PM
I used to go there 20y ago, I know that things have changed, especially since CALM has taken over the Nanga campsites.
I'd be very interested to hear from someone who has been recently if there are still "wild" campsites in the area.

the evil twin
7th May 2017, 01:04 PM
Short answer is, No, not that will traverse from say Scarp Road to Nanga road.
There are a couple of access tracks to the Bibbulmun and a couple of gravel roads etc between Vandals and Nanga near Dwelly but they are/were gated at the Lane Poole boundary

Long answer is most of them such as Murray Valley Cct, Vandals Road etc are gated off at various points but you can still drive maybe 50% of the fire trails... but... I haven't been there for about 3 years altho one of my boys was there last year and the bits he did (western part near Scarp) hadn't changed. Eastern part near Vandals has been closed off

If you are after a nice track then following the fence line on the Forest side from just past the Rangers House at Scarp Pool until it meets back up with Scarp Road is OK

AFAIK no 'legal' campsites/camping on the CALM/DEC parts Scarp Pool to Dwelly, then you hit Lane Poole so you have to go much further south.

8th May 2017, 12:42 AM
We camped on the Fireline track and the rangers were NOT happy with us.
We tried to explain that we hadn't camped (no fire) and were just waiting for the light to take photos.
Several good places to NOT camp along the track to Quindanning.

10th May 2017, 12:38 AM
We went on the Captain Fawcett track.

105km from Dwellingup to Quindanning, through great Jarrah forest, following the Murray river.
There are some deep ruts that after heavy rains will turn it into a difficult track.
As usual, you are not allowed to camp on any of the several nice spot where you could.
The fault lies mainly with those morons that leave rubbish, toilet paper and excrements behind as well as cut down trees and shrubs to make more space and a fire.
We collected two big bags of rubbish from one of such sites.
Of course did not camp, but would have loved to.