View Full Version : Monster Fly

11th March 2017, 01:58 AM
Hey guys,

Can you recognize this fly?
It's the size of a 20 cent piece. I found the big fella under the motorbike cover, buzzing pretty loud, trying to get out.
Way too big for an ordinary fly by the looks and size of it.
It's got no stingers that I can see.

Location- Melbourne Outer East
Time - Late arvo
Date - 10/03/2017




my third 256
11th March 2017, 05:09 AM
imagine the size of those maggots you would get to put on the hook for fishing ( a large tuner maybe) lol

11th March 2017, 07:56 AM
Id call that a true Dunny Budgie, full of maggots ready to burst

11th March 2017, 11:44 AM
Id call that a true Dunny Budgie, full of maggots ready to burst

Well...looks like she won't. I found out this morning she's missing her left front leg, and dying.
That's why I was able to catch it easily.

It's the biggest mammoth fly I've seen around here.

Don't blowflies have kinda bluish feathers and body?
It's belly is more like an asian hornet.

I think it was either dying at the end of it's life cycle when I caught it yesterday or the injury of missing leg causing it to die slowly by losing body fluids.

11th March 2017, 11:46 AM
BTW, white scales at the bottom of the red plastic container belongs to the fly.
It was either scaling the skin bits off or pooping.

11th March 2017, 11:50 AM
According to the below article, it's a "flesh fly" which is a type of blowfly.


It's presence might have been indicating there's something rotting around here(No, it's not me. :))

12th March 2017, 08:31 PM
Hey DOM, I was up at Harcourt today and saw one of YOUR monster flies - enormous, lumbering and flew like a beetle it was so big.

12th March 2017, 11:51 PM
Hey DOM, I was up at Harcourt today and saw one of YOUR monster flies - enormous, lumbering and flew like a beetle it was so big.

Hey Phil,
I reckon something's going on climate change wise. Melbourne's been having mild summers for three years in a row now.
It's mid march, well into the autumn, yet it's still pretty dry & warm.
Ideal conditions for flies, mozzies, etc, I think.
I've never seen flesh flies or blowflies around here, yet I've found a one sheltering itself under my bike cover.
These critters lay hatched eggs of larvae right on your food, so make sure to keep your food covered.
The larvae critters can give stomach bugs that can only be killed with strong antibiotics and can give you years of IBS without showing signs of it's a bacteria.
In late 90's I was having an outdoor meal and then got distracted for ten minutes or so.
I came back and started finishing my plate full of meal to realize there were maggots in it.
Luckily for me, I didn't think I ate any maggots, nevertheless, ran into the nearest bottle shop and bought a bottle of scotch and gulped few shots down the throat to kill the imganiary maggots. :)
That was my excuse for getting drunk in the middle of the day. :D

13th March 2017, 10:16 AM
As a kid we used to tie cotton around blow flies so you could fly them.
This fly would have been perfect for that,,lol,lol

13th March 2017, 03:39 PM
As a kid we used to tie cotton around blow flies so you could fly them.
This fly would have been perfect for that,,lol,lol

Yeah, but it's half dead when I caught it with a missing front leg. It survived for around a day.
I gave the "poor" fleshfly a decent funeral. :)