View Full Version : Truck Claws

1st March 2017, 10:01 PM
Has anybody tried these?

1st March 2017, 10:12 PM
They look the goods, but wouldn't they damage the rims a bit?

1st March 2017, 10:18 PM
I could imagine how easy that ratchet strap would be to undo when its full of mud! Would also be no good for those of us with bigger tyres that have to remove front mudflaps for clearance already. I'd have to rate these pretty low on my list of recovery options.

2nd March 2017, 06:49 AM
i have steel rims with small holes... and not clearance from the mud flaps. other than that its great getting all muddy. seen the one where they use a 2x4 and some rope?

2nd March 2017, 08:13 AM
Great if you were skid bogged only and had the clearance around the wheel and guard , but if you were really bogged down to to floor they would be next to useless I reckon .
Only upside I can see they would make your average Toyota more capable maybe .

2nd March 2017, 10:59 AM
Maybe on the rears but only maybe, there is enough recovery gear on the market
to make any recovery doable and affordable.
Can see these things doing massive damage in the wrong hands, I'll pass,,,lol

2nd March 2017, 11:26 AM
Wouldn't be much good in sand I think. Also, if you read up on the forces involved when a truck is stuck in mud, these have the potential to load up the drive train and maby damage the clutch if used where the vehicle is really "stuck". Might be worth having as an extra assist when winching. Just my opinion.

3rd March 2017, 04:20 PM
A farmer I know simply threads heavy rope, approx 1" dia around the tyre and thru the rim, ties it off and clunks out of the goop. He only wraps where he can access and it works, only has to untie it and roll up the rope. Works for soft ground and mud. He uses this for the tractor and the old farm ute.