View Full Version : Dobinsons Flexi Coils

Tony's 4.8
1st March 2017, 07:03 PM
Has anyone tried the Dobinsons Flexi Coils and Radius Arms? If so, what was your experience with them? Would you recommend them and were there any negative aspects to them.
I am looking at a 3"lift and the vehicle will be for rutted/rocky high country work only (not touring or daily driving).

1st March 2017, 07:59 PM
Mine aren't Dobinsons but I have 4inch Flexi coils from Suspension Stuff. Good on the black top and good off the black top. And I do mostly rocky High Country stuff. My radius arms are just standard ones. 5 Link or Superflex arms I would like to get...

2nd March 2017, 02:45 AM
My personal preference is good lineal rate coils. I had flexy coils years ago and the lighter part of the spring used to chatter on corragations. Although part of that could be due to a poor choice of spring on my behalf, it was annoying . Some of my mates have them and the lightest rate just binds up at ride height, which makes that part spring redundant for part of its travel.