View Full Version : NSW FIRES stay safe

13th February 2017, 02:46 PM
These NSW fires must be horrendous to those in the area.
and to think 3 fires were lit deliberately makes me sick to my guts
How can anyone do that to their community ,family and friends.
Huge thanks to the Firies and all emergency services that are on the front
line as well as the CWA for feeding everyone.
Stay safe all we can do is send our best wishes and say a little prayer.

13th February 2017, 07:07 PM
Yeh pretty bad day yesterday, We were very fortune in the Blue Mountains, we were only issued with a sever FDR and nothing started thankfully. A strike force team was made up from a few surrounding RFS brigades that headed out 2 I believe the below fire which is still out of control and the only one currently left as a Watch and Act

Sir Ivan Fire
ALERT LEVEL: Watch and Act
LOCATION: Sir Ivan Doherty Dr, Leadville, NSW 2844
COUNCIL AREA: Warrumbungle
STATUS: Out of control
TYPE: Bush Fire
SIZE: 54339 ha

This is a screen shot of the Chaos happening yesterday :(


DX grunt
13th February 2017, 08:53 PM
Eastern States on fire. WA flooded.

Take care all.


9th November 2019, 07:55 AM
Pretty scary up there on Central and North coast areas currently. macca hope all is well your way mate and everyone else that might be effected up there

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9th November 2019, 07:52 PM
Pretty scary up there on Central and North coast areas currently. macca hope all is well your way mate and everyone else that might be effected up there

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Yeh heard it got pretty bad out at Old Bar, though I had Ian's number but can't find it :(

9th November 2019, 07:58 PM
We had one at Emergancy Warning Yesterday about 15mins drive around 17km away from me and pretty much across the road from my sisters house, lucky no houses lost. Nothinhg comared 2 whats happening north of us.

Next week after Tuesday is meant 2 be pretty bad for most of the state, heard a rumor we could have Total Fire Ban Days for a full week straight.... thats bad! :(

9th November 2019, 09:35 PM
Been trying to touch base to no avail with my father in law great mate tonight as he’s some years back retired up to the Diamond Beach area.
Word on the family grapevine is he’s thankfully ok although a few nearby town friends are apparently sheltering at his brick house closest to the beach.
Best wishes to all up there, take care, stay safe!

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10th November 2019, 06:04 PM
Any word MB on your father in law?

Anyone heard from macca???

We have been advised already we will have catastrophic conditions on Tuesday if a fire breaks out, doesn't sound good for all those fires still burning in the north :(

10th November 2019, 07:02 PM
Yes thanks mate, received an SMS late last night.

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10th November 2019, 11:45 PM
Our thoughts are with all those who are affected...take care and stay safe

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11th November 2019, 11:10 AM
Anyone heard from macca???

They took off to travel some time back, but not sure where they might be now. Hopefully safe.

16th November 2019, 03:18 PM
Thanks mate, yes were are good and very lucky.
The choppers turned up at the right time to save housed from a fire 400 mts from our place. we probably would have been ok but our neighbors wouldn't.
The wind was blowing real hard towards them and us. Elvis flew within a few meters of our place and we were very pleased to see it!
Hopefully we have dodged a bullet, sadly many haven't, our hearts go out to them.

16th November 2019, 03:19 PM
They took off to travel some time back, but not sure where they might be now. Hopefully safe.

We're home, where are you?

16th November 2019, 10:06 PM
We're home, where are you?

G'day Macca,
Long time no speak, glad you're safe & sound.
We left Broome last June & arrived here in the Daintree at the end of September. House sitting here until the end of January, then have another caretaking gig north of Lockhart River for 5 weeks (they are flying us up there) followed by a further six week sit on Cairns Northern beaches (Clifton Beach) after which we should just about be at the end of the Wet & ready to drive back up the Cape for the duration of the dry.

Have a gander at our blog http://cuppa500.com/Blog/

17th November 2019, 02:39 PM
G'day Macca,
Long time no speak, glad you're safe & sound.
We left Broome last June & arrived here in the Daintree at the end of September. House sitting here until the end of January, then have another caretaking gig north of Lockhart River for 5 weeks (they are flying us up there) followed by a further six week sit on Cairns Northern beaches (Clifton Beach) after which we should just about be at the end of the Wet & ready to drive back up the Cape for the duration of the dry.

Have a gander at our blog http://cuppa500.com/Blog/

Nice, enjoy... reckon you will