View Full Version : Overheating Gu 4.5L

11th February 2017, 09:28 PM
Hi Guys,

Just bought a 1999 Gu last week and had it at the shop one day later to let it check and they said everything was fine. Today it overheated during a maybe 30 Minute drive. I got home before it reached the H but there was steam coming out around the area around the radiator cap. I left the car for cooling and had a look an hour later. The coolant was nearly empty and there was some of it in the engine room. I refilled the coolant in the reservoir and took the car for a short drive, overheated again. I again let it cool down and then opened the radiator cap and started the engine. There was no coolant in the radiator when I looked where the radiator cap normally sits it only came steam out of it after a few minutes. Any suggestions what it should do? Did I made a fault by refilling?

Thanks for any help.

jay see
11th February 2017, 10:18 PM
Start with the cheapest first.

Go back to the shop and get them to pressure test it.

If you a bit handy on the tools, I'll be taking the radiator out and give it a good flush and clean, refill with water, replace thermostat and radiator cap. If all good then dump the water and fill with coolant.

If that's not the problem you could have more serious issues.

11th February 2017, 10:30 PM
Thanks for reply. That's my plans for Monday but would be good if I could try something tomorrow. I usually try to do most things by myself but it's the first Patrol and the first radiator issue so I'm not to sure what to do. Could the problem be that I only filled up the reservoir and not the radiator itself? Because I think the coolant isn't moving around and can't get from the reservoir into the radiator.

jay see
11th February 2017, 11:29 PM
Don't think so, the problem was already there. If you want to do something, try filling the radiator up. Park it on the driveway so the front of the car is higher. Start engine, turn on heater and fill. Wait about 10 minutes for all the air to escape, then put on cap.
I'll let it idle for another 1/2 hour. If still good go for a spin a see what it does.

jay see
11th February 2017, 11:36 PM
Might wanna pop over to the intros and say a formal hello to everyone as well.

12th February 2017, 12:48 PM
So if there comes steam out of the radiator cap hole its only air which leaves the system? I'm a bit afraid of destroying anything while let it run without a running cooling system or is it okay as long as the temperature isn't high?

I will say hello to all in a second :)

12th February 2017, 03:58 PM
Cut the bottom out of a coke bottle and tape that to your radiator.
This will lift your fill point so any air can escape you may need to
"burp" it. Let it come to temp then see how it goes.
As suggested by others remove and clean the radiator you'll probale
find the bottom is clogged with mud and dust from over the years.
How is your viscous fan? give it a spin and let us know what happened.?

12th February 2017, 04:46 PM
I will try was you said soon but as I tried something I found out that when I press the big hose that runs to the engine I have a slight noise as when air comes out at the back of the plastic in the area left from the radiator cap. So maybe the plastic top of the radiator is cracked. If it's that can I change that only or do I need to replace the whole radiator?

12th February 2017, 04:53 PM
You can replace the radiator cap as its just a cap the overflow bottle will be a pressure release style
Bob will be able to confirm which cap fits where.

Does your GU have any warranty from who you brought it off.
Seems funny you buy it and straight away you have problems

12th February 2017, 05:06 PM
No I mean the plastic part on top of the radiator not the radiator cap itself. Unfortunately not, bought it from private. Had it checked in a shop one day later and they said everything is fine but yeah. Can I load up pictures? Did not found that function. Then you maybe see what I mean.

12th February 2017, 05:20 PM
Radiators are pretty cheap I just replaced mine for $300.
you're talking about the top plastic tank, I think a radiator place
could "rod" your radiator and refit both top and bottom tanks.
Ring Natrad or similar and see what they say

12th February 2017, 07:25 PM
Filled the Radiator with coolant and saw now that its drippin on the left bottom side of the bottom tank/radiator. Filled around 7 Liters and lost 2 or something like this. Unfortunatly I wasn't able to spot the leak. The next nafrad shop is 12km away and I'm not sure if I can make it up there. 300 for a new one would be okay. Where did you got it and was is with installation or do you fixed it by yourself?

12th February 2017, 08:00 PM
Or let TDs over heating fairies take a look at it for you ;)............

jay see
13th February 2017, 01:38 AM
Left side, passenger side?
On the bottom of the radiator tank on the end there is a hex shape threaded plug. That's the drain plug for the radiator, make sure that it's tight.

13th February 2017, 05:52 AM
No I mean left side when u stand in front of the car. So it's drivers side but will check it again when I refill it after work to drive to the shop. I think when I fill it I should be able to drove a few kilometers without overheating.

jay see
13th February 2017, 05:58 AM
That side has the bottom radiator hose.
Check to see the condition of it.

13th February 2017, 04:51 PM
Okay, was at natrad today and they made a very short pressure test because it started directly to come out at the radiator so I need a new one. The guy at natrad offered me a radiator for 405 (aftermarket) and around 120 for the fitting. Where did you find your one for 300? I rang a few more mechanics but they were all around 600 and more. Now I'm also worried that the one from nafrad is maybe not that good because it's the cheapest one? Do I need to choose something special or just any aftermarket?

jay see
14th February 2017, 11:52 AM
Aftermarket should be fine.

14th February 2017, 01:47 PM
Okay, was at natrad today and they made a very short pressure test because it started directly to come out at the radiator so I need a new one. The guy at natrad offered me a radiator for 405 (aftermarket) and around 120 for the fitting. Where did you find your one for 300? I rang a few more mechanics but they were all around 600 and more. Now I'm also worried that the one from nafrad is maybe not that good because it's the cheapest one? Do I need to choose something special or just any aftermarket?

I brought mine on Ebay from Bundoora radiators
'Mudski picked it up for me and Jay see fitted for me
no problems whats so ever since its been it

14th February 2017, 02:31 PM
Okay, was at natrad today and they made a very short pressure test because it started directly to come out at the radiator so I need a new one. The guy at natrad offered me a radiator for 405 (aftermarket) and around 120 for the fitting. Where did you find your one for 300? I rang a few more mechanics but they were all around 600 and more. Now I'm also worried that the one from nafrad is maybe not that good because it's the cheapest one? Do I need to choose something special or just any aftermarket?

Threedogs car is a ZD30, so not sure if the radiatior for a TB45 is bigger or not........ there are plenty on ebay for less than $300 but no idea on what the quality might be like.

14th February 2017, 03:04 PM
No I mean left side when u stand in front of the car. So it's drivers side but will check it again when I refill it after work to drive to the shop. I think when I fill it I should be able to drove a few kilometers without overheating.

Might want to change your hoses over for new ones that way you have a starting point,
if you get what I mean, no idea on the quality of rad in the Link


14th February 2017, 03:17 PM
Thanks Guys. I think I will do it at natrad because it's easy and the fastest solution. Should I let them change something else like waterpump when they do it? I mean something that's not that expensive but would require much Labour.

15th February 2017, 10:35 AM
a new thermostat {OE} water pump runs the viscous fan
not sure if HPD do an upgraded water pump, might be worth looking into