View Full Version : DickieO's Patrol

6th February 2017, 06:01 PM
I'd just like to start by saying thanks to the members that offered helpful advise to my started threads when i was looking at getting a patrol, and for all the other members that write and answer question on this forum, so much helpful threads/info here and the weeks spent reading over many threads really helped me out a lot.

After looking at a few I got myself a 2001 Patrol Wagon 3.0L Turbo Diesel (manual) and i'm pretty damn happy with her so far. Was hoping for a later model with maybe less scratches and tidier interior but decided to hold onto some coin and get one with the main things i wanted... NADS

So besides the Dawes valve, needle valve, provent 200 catch can, boost and EGT gauge pillar mounted, cross country intercooler w/fan she also got a timer control for the glow plugs and snorkel and about 15 empty screw holes around the stereo and the panel under the steering column :(

She has driven very well, already racked up 2500 kms in the last fortnight, about 1500 of those where continuous highway kms with plenty of hills.
Engine temp was steady (never moved once warm) drove 6 hours mostly over 40 degrees outside.

EGTs stayed around around 200-320 most of the time, would climb to 400's when going up hill, hit limp mode a couple of times unexpectedly (once at 80km going slightly uphill in 5th, boost at 7psi egt at 350 which i thought was odd)

Dawes valve set to max of 15psi

Small issue i had was when going uphill, going 100-110km/h in 5th she just couldn't pull her up without losing speed, boost would increase egts would follow so would have to drop back to 4th. Nearly identical hill, sitting on 120km/h before incline in 5th would breeze up it, 10-12psi boost, egts below 350 degrees and could even poke her to go faster and get up to 130km uphill. Odd or just standard gearing?

Got a few things to tidy up on her and some parts to add in the near future.

Here she is:


6th February 2017, 07:27 PM
Looks good mate. I have an 05 Di with NADS. My EGTS get a bit higher than yours around the place, usually between 300 and 450 with 10 to 12 PSI boost. Max boost I have set is 18PSI. Worst I have had was coming out of Kalbarri last week against a headwind with trailer and aircon full blast. Up a long slow rise after a few mins I got temps over 600 deg at 18PSI together with water temp of 100 deg. Switched off aircon and backed off the loud pedal and all normalised.
Regarding the limp mode, when I was setting up I set the boost limit too high and at one stage it hit limp with 5PSI and EGT over 500Deg. I just reset the Dawes and all good since then. For what its worth, I think that trying to tweak the valve doesn't work for me. I always end up starting again and setting it up from scratch. Another thing that happened is that my threaded insert for the EGT sender stripped out and I moved it to a different spot, about 10 mm difference in a new dump pipe. temps increased heaps. So what I am saying is quoting temps is not always reliable depends on where you are measuring. Best is to see what your temps are before and after and compare to your own set up. My 400 deg might be 300 deg on yours because of positioning of the sensor.
Hope that helps but probably only confuses the issue more. Cheers Tony

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