View Full Version : Y62 Patrol

30th January 2017, 08:39 PM
Not a lot happening with the Y62 Post. Are Y62 owners a content lot and not have much to talk about? I have ordered a Y62 not due until April/May. Keen to hear any updates issues from current owners.

30th January 2017, 08:55 PM
I'll take a stab in the dark. Very few active members actually own a Y62 around here. Maybe that's why its so quiet.

30th January 2017, 09:11 PM
Yeah they tend to frequent facebook, which is a real shame

30th January 2017, 09:57 PM
Come on Clunkstar, Tattslotto wins each and we'd have one of those towing beasts for sure! Mr Winnie's already pre-ordered a Y65 for his growing family :-) !

31st January 2017, 05:54 AM
Come on Clunkstar, Tattslotto wins each and we'd have one of those towing beasts for sure! Mr Winnie's already pre-ordered a Y65 for his growing family :-) !
Yeah I thought I'd spoil myself for my 60th birthday!

8th February 2017, 07:14 AM
issues none happiness level extremely high as yours gets closer you will go crazy when you get it and push the stupid grin pedal hard you will know what I'm talking about and plenty of mods happening now

9th March 2017, 05:14 PM
I received a curtesy call from Nissan last week advising me my car had gone into production. So I used google to try find out how long it take to build a car on a production line. I couldn't get any info from Nissan but did fins sorting on a Toyota Yarris. Amazing facts. A Yarris rolls of the production line every 14 minutes. From start to Finnish it takes about 16 hours. I would think a Patrol would take a lot longer. I also asked which country is the Patrol manufactured and told Japan. I wonder how long before it reaches our shores. I believe two weeks by ship once loaded. I should imagine there would be a whole production run before the ship is loaded. Then there is ship availability. Hopefully may see it in April.
Excitement is building