View Full Version : New Forum Member The Zohan

The Zohan
19th January 2017, 07:24 PM

I'm Paul and I have a fire truck red '98 GU I Patrol ST wagon with the TB45. I'm currently in Victoria and I am loving the Victorian high country, beats the hell outta boring sand dunes in WA!
Had the old dinosaur since 2012 and I have tinkered with it since then, fitting it out with some bits and pieces to make it a camping explorer and weekender.
Most of the work I have done myself as it has been straight forward maintenance and simple upgrades, but I am considering an engine conversion and I'm hoping I might be able to find some individuals with the right experience who may be able to share their wisdom.


19th January 2017, 07:25 PM
Welcome to the forum mate, yep, the high country is a great place to be!

Feel free to ask any questions.

The Zohan
19th January 2017, 07:31 PM
Cheers AB. I'll do my best to keep the Victorian high country a secret, but seriously, once the sand gropers realise what's out there...they have no idea.

19th January 2017, 08:08 PM
G'day mate welcome aboard

19th January 2017, 08:11 PM
Cheers AB. I'll do my best to keep the Victorian high country a secret, but seriously, once the sand gropers realise what's out there...they have no idea.

welcome to the forum,nah we know alreadly,just to many bloody victorians over there

20th January 2017, 08:20 AM
Welcome to the forum mate

20th January 2017, 02:16 PM
Hello and welcome to Mexico, jump in anytime you like,
and most of all enjoy your self,lol