View Full Version : Potential coolant problem

16th January 2017, 12:42 PM
Hi All,
I have a Nissan Patrol GQ Ti which I haven’t driven that much for the past 3 months. A month or so ago, I noticed liquid dripping from the front diff which I assumed to be a leaking front diff plug / seal. I intended to sort this out when I returned from holiday last week. So this weekend after buying some degreaser I sprayed the diff and waited for liquid to return – it didn’t. However coincidentally (or not), I drove 20kms to work today and the engine temperature gauge showed it getting hot pretty quickly (although it didn’t hit max). When I reached work, the engine smelt REALLY hot. I checked the coolant reservoir which was sitting at minimum and opened the radiator cap – there was no fluid inside. Ive attached a pic (although it loks like there may be fluid, there isnt).

I’m amateur mechanic at best, should I be able to see fluid in the radiator cap?
Does this sound like a radiator leak?
And can i just refill with tap water / a coolant bought from a supermarket
If so how far can I drive the car? I need a pink slip this week and wanted to drive it 30kms from work back to my local garage. Is this going to cause a lot of damage? Ive also got to pick a fmaily up from the airport tomorrow (30kms round trip)

Many Thanks

16th January 2017, 01:34 PM
Once the engine has cooled, just top up with plain water till you are sure that it isn't actually leaking.

Once sorted, drain and refill with coolant to keep everything in tip top shape ( unless you happen to like the rusty colour of the water .... :) )

16th January 2017, 02:00 PM
Do the easy stuff first. It is a good Idea to burp the system so there is no chance of air locks. Make sure you run it with the heater controls on and that the thermostat opens before replacing the cap. Check to see if the cap and tube to the overflow are sealing properly. Inspect all of the hoses and nip up each hose clamp. Make sure the fan belt isn't slipping. Check that the clutch is working on the fan, by flicking it with your finger. The blades should only rotate 1/4 -1/2 turn. If you run the engine with the cap on, you might get lucky and spot if there is a leak when the pressure rises.

17th January 2017, 09:38 AM
Thanks. Added about 4L of water in there but no sign of a leak although i did see that the top of the coolant reservoir has a hole in it so maybe the coolant was evaporating in the hot weather.

17th January 2017, 11:16 AM
Rule 1 ANY time a vehicle has been sitting for any length of time you should always do some
visual checks, simple like a quick walk around the Patrol. and ALWAYS check fluids.
This may have been a very expensive exercise.
Rule 2 DONT mix coolants it will turn to Gel [more problems]
Maybe flush the system and start again once you find the leak

18th January 2017, 08:29 PM
Thanks. Added about 4L of water in there but no sign of a leak although i did see that the top of the coolant reservoir has a hole in it so maybe the coolant was evaporating in the hot weather.

I think you're referring to the overflow hole?!! Or are you referring to a hole made by damage?