View Full Version : Safely Crossing Rivers with a 4.8 Petrol Engine

Tony's 4.8
26th December 2016, 12:46 PM
My previous 4WD's were diesels. This will be the first Petrol motor I have owned for a very long time. Aside from fitting a snorkel, what other precations need to be taken for a successsful river crossing in relation to:
1) Protecting electrics (preventing an engine stall)
2) Preventing the radiator fan from breaking (do the break ?)
3) Other ???

Any and all advice welcome. Thanks. Tony

26th December 2016, 01:59 PM
I used to cover the dizzy with a safeway style bag
A tarp or wading bra would help as well
I used Lanotec as it was a bit thicker than say CRC or similar
and sprayed the dizzy etc
Some will tie off the fan to prevent it spinning

Crossed the Jardine in '83 but we had a switch for the thermo fans

27th December 2016, 08:10 AM
The 4.8 dosen't have a dissy. The coil packs are up high on top of the motor (connected directly to the spark plugs). I've had no problems with water crossings up to say 1 meter (guard height). If you want to go deeper than that, look at extending your breathers. Electrical grease on your O2 sensor plugs if you like. Tarp on the front if it's really deep.

Tony's 4.8
27th December 2016, 02:13 PM
Thanks ABW. What about the fans. Are they prone to breaking ?

Sent from Tony's Samsung S5 using Taptalk.

27th December 2016, 03:32 PM
I'm not really aware of any problems. The only thing i'd suggest is to turn off your ac to avoid your thermo fans turning on during the crossing.

7th January 2017, 12:38 PM
would marine grease on the plugs seal just as good?