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View Full Version : Maximum boost in a 2.8 gu

25th April 2011, 01:55 PM
Hey alll

I own a 2.8 turbo gu and was just wondering if any one knows how much boost they can take standard. Mine runs at 14-15 psi is this ok?

Cheers Ashley

25th April 2011, 06:04 PM
Tony (YNOT) is probably the best person to answer this Post. Hopefully he will see your Post and answer tonight or tomorrow.

26th April 2011, 05:45 PM
ok thanks does he have one himself? or previously owned?

26th April 2011, 05:59 PM
14-15 psi is about as far as you would want to push any standard turbo, any higher and the turbo become inefficient, ie the temperature of the compressed air becomes too hot to be beneficial and the life of the turbo is reduced.
To get more power after that would require either a bigger turbo or having the original turbo high-flowed (where the original housings are machined out to accept bigger compressor and turbine wheeels). Either way will result in a larger volume of cooler air entering the engine. A more efficient intercooler would be essential for better performance.

I've never owned an RD28 Patrol but I've been around and owned Patrols for more than 10 years and have 16 years experience as a mechanic in the motor industry.


26th April 2011, 05:59 PM
ok thanks does he have one himself? or previously owned?

He's a mechanic mate (amongst other specialities like LPG) who has owned multiple forbies and knows his way around them extremely well - has helped many of us previously diagnosing problems etc over the forum and the phone. He's been on today mate, but being a public holiday, you might have to wait till tomorrow.

Good luck with it.

Edit: or he might be on today!!! LOL

26th April 2011, 06:27 PM
ok thanks for that tony i might get a boost controller to wind it down a fraction just to be on the safe side..


15th June 2011, 01:02 AM
12 psi with out an intercooler is a nice number if you want it to stay together.

10 years Aircraft Engineer
I run 20Psi intercooled and Power Kero all day around town like i stole it
in a MQ SD33T no prob last 80000kms out of 400000kms