View Full Version : Disgusting....

22nd December 2016, 07:52 AM
What the hell is the country becoming???


22nd December 2016, 08:05 AM
Yeah I saw that on the news. Made me sick. They have a pretty good pic of her so I think it will be only a matter of time until she's caught.

22nd December 2016, 08:22 AM
Time for a cull, Brazil style.

22nd December 2016, 08:37 AM
Easily identified with that pic, people will be lining up to dob her in.
She better spend her Christmas in jail.

22nd December 2016, 08:59 AM
Read the the link posted.

The scum handed herself into police and has been arrested

22nd December 2016, 09:10 AM
Read the the link posted.

The scum handed herself into police and has been arrested

Missed that, released on bail so she gets to spend Christmas at home.

22nd December 2016, 09:38 AM
From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26016287

“Hip fracture among older (ie. over 65) patients is a devastating injury in most cases. It profoundly affects the physical, mental, functional and social balance that patients used to have and, beyond the orthopedic injury, it reflects the aging process and its dire consequences. Some reports show that up to 50% of patients with hip fracture die within six months and many of those who survive do not recover their baseline independence and function”.

22nd December 2016, 10:44 AM
Missed that, released on bail so she gets to spend Christmas at home.

Yep, our legal system is a joke, I'm all for bringing in corporal punishment if found 2 be proven guilty without a doubt

22nd December 2016, 06:53 PM
From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26016287

“Hip fracture among older (ie. over 65) patients is a devastating injury in most cases. It profoundly affects the physical, mental, functional and social balance that patients used to have and, beyond the orthopedic injury, it reflects the aging process and its dire consequences. Some reports show that up to 50% of patients with hip fracture die within six months and many of those who survive do not recover their baseline independence and function”.

That is the Tragedy. The victim will not recover and it has likely given her a death sentence.

Merry Christmas

22nd December 2016, 07:34 PM
Worse story was about fucking Muslim malesting and killing a two year old girl

Keeping this thread Ckean Otherwise some other words would be written

22nd December 2016, 07:40 PM
Worse story was about fucking Muslim malesting and killing a two year old girl
Yeah thats terrible isn't it. Pricks like this need to have done to them what they do to others....i dont think being Muslim would have anything to do with it though. Like any person or race, there is twisted people that make them all look bad.

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22nd December 2016, 07:52 PM
Yeah thats terrible isn't it. Pricks like this need to have done to them what they do to others....i dont think being Muslim would have anything to do with it though. Like any person or race, there is twisted people that make them all look bad.

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Fair enough Mark, this prick will suffer in jail!!!! Muslim or not

................on the road

22nd December 2016, 07:57 PM
Fair enough Mark, this prick will suffer in jail!!!! Muslim or not

Unfortunately he won't Kris. He'll get free meals, showers, foxtel, etc... At our expense.

Regardless of his background or what breed of fantasy brainwashing he signs up to, church, mosque, whatever... This here is a perfect case for capital punishment. Period.

22nd December 2016, 07:58 PM
Fair enough Mark, this prick will suffer in jail!!!! Muslim or not

................on the road
Yeah bloody oath! Agreed 10,000,000% I just have very close friends who are practising muslims and they are the nicest people you would ever meet, and i find it quite disturbing that they are often the target for others who do bad.

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22nd December 2016, 08:00 PM
Worse story was about fucking Muslim malesting and killing a two year old girl Keeping this thread Ckean Otherwise some other words would be written I'm more concerned about the world we'll leave our kids in on all aspects of our actions or inactions and not just keeping this thread clean but keeping our country clean of the shit that is inevitably coming our way.

22nd December 2016, 08:02 PM
Fair enough Mark, this prick will suffer in jail!!!! Muslim or not

................on the road

Unfortunately he won't Kris. He'll get free meals, showers, foxtel, etc... At our expense.

Regardless of his background or what breed of fantasy brainwashing he signs up to, church, mosque, whatever... This here is a perfect case for capital punishment. Period.

Fortunately people that hurt kids are usually targeted by other prisoners in jail.

22nd December 2016, 08:03 PM
Fortunately people that hurt kids are usually targeted by other prisoners in jail.
God i hope so.

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22nd December 2016, 08:03 PM
Fortunately people that hurt kids are usually targeted by other prisoners in jail.

Probably the only positive about sending filth like this to prisons. I hope they go to town on him.

22nd December 2016, 08:07 PM
Unfortunately he won't Kris. He'll get free meals, showers, foxtel, etc... At our expense.

Regardless of his background or what breed of fantasy brainwashing he signs up to, church, mosque, whatever... This here is a perfect case for capital punishment. Period.

Mate, I agree with all the privileges he will get but trust me child molesters will not last long inside

................on the road

22nd December 2016, 08:12 PM
Unfortunately he won't Kris. He'll get free meals, showers, foxtel, etc... At our expense.

Regardless of his background or what breed of fantasy brainwashing he signs up to, church, mosque, whatever... This here is a perfect case for capital punishment. Period.

OK this is going way off topic and way off the designs of this forum, but I'll put my view out here. I'm totally against capital punishment, no matter what the crime. Never, ever snuff them, full stop.

On saying that however, I fully subscribe to the application of lack of privileges, forced hard labour and compulsory contribution to either the advancement of society, or if that can't be offered, manufacturing.

That would be the first time most of them would have contributed to society.

Their privileges and human rights during incarceration should directly mirror the human rights they inflicted on their victim. That would be fair IMO.

22nd December 2016, 08:21 PM
Yeah bloody oath! Agreed 10,000,000% I just have very close friends who are practising muslims and they are the nicest people you would ever meet, and i find it quite disturbing that they are often the target for others who do bad.

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Fully agree here Mark. One of my best mates is a muslim. He does Ramadan and all that and surprise surprise is married to a Roman Catholic Italian girl. Go figure!! Well not really. Both are bloody great Aussies but they have their own beliefs. So what?? I don't give a sh!t if you pray to a grasshopper, couldn't give a stuff. If you're a good bloke/chick then who cares what you believe? So saying all muslims are terrorists/arsoles/crazy bastards etc is just so wrong. Gives me the sh!ts when I hear that. I'd love to introduce my mate to anyone who chucks sh!t on muslims and I guarantee he'd out-aussie most aussies!! haha

22nd December 2016, 08:28 PM
Fully agree here Mark. One of my best mates is a muslim. He does Ramadan and all that and surprise surprise is married to a Roman Catholic Italian girl. Go figure!! Well not really. Both are bloody great Aussies but they have their own beliefs. So what?? I don't give a sh!t if you pray to a grasshopper, couldn't give a stuff. If you're a good bloke/chick then who cares what you believe? So saying all muslims are terrorists/arsoles/crazy bastards etc is just so wrong. Gives me the sh!ts when I hear that. I'd love to introduce my mate to anyone who chucks sh!t on muslims and I guarantee he'd out-aussie most aussies!! haha

Well said mate.
Thank f*** there is people out there with open eyes, and not just tunnel-visioned by continuous horse manure media crams down peoples' brain passages!!

22nd December 2016, 08:32 PM
Well said mate.
Thank f*** there is people out there with open eyes, and not just tunnel-visioned by continuous horse manure media crams down peoples' brain passages!!

Unfortunately he's a die hard Carlton supporter. Nobody's perfect I suppose :(

22nd December 2016, 08:44 PM
Unfortunately he's a die hard Carlton supporter. ( Sounds like a man of class to me ;)

the godfather
22nd December 2016, 08:46 PM
So my question is this; how many people watched it happen and did nothing? Cynical I know. But hey, she had to hand herself in. No one stopped her and grabbed her. That is the saddest bit.

22nd December 2016, 08:55 PM
Fully agree here Mark. One of my best mates is a muslim. He does Ramadan and all that and surprise surprise is married to a Roman Catholic Italian girl. Go figure!! Well not really. Both are bloody great Aussies but they have their own beliefs. So what?? I don't give a sh!t if you pray to a grasshopper, couldn't give a stuff. If you're a good bloke/chick then who cares what you believe? So saying all muslims are terrorists/arsoles/crazy bastards etc is just so wrong. Gives me the sh!ts when I hear that. I'd love to introduce my mate to anyone who chucks sh!t on muslims and I guarantee he'd out-aussie most aussies!! haha

Plasy mate, you know me well enough to understand I'm no racist. I was not judging all Muslims in general but this particular bloke only. He is a fuking scum and hope he rots in jail.
Just seems to be a pattern with crime and a particular religion.

22nd December 2016, 09:03 PM
So my question is this; how many people watched it happen and did nothing? Cynical I know. But hey, she had to hand herself in. No one stopped her and grabbed her. That is the saddest bit.

This is true GF. My belief is that society has been groomed, even encouraged, to be passive rather than reactive. We constantly hear police and government say don't get involved, call the police if anything happens. Well, police can't be everywhere at all times. If the public were encouraged to get involved, to take a stance, then the tide may turn against the ferrals that wreak havoc these days. It's time the "normal" people had the power of the masses and reacted accordingly and the scum that loves the freedom of their anti-social ways got hammered by the majority. I had my own experience recently with a feral mother abusing her little son and if I reacted like I wanted it would have been a bad outcome. But if all normal citizens turned on them then these scozzbags would be the outsiders and the masses would rule society again. Oh I dream of a society where a robber fears the people around them rather than the other way around.

22nd December 2016, 09:08 PM
Plasy mate, you know me well enough to understand I'm no racist. I was not judging all Muslims in general but this particular bloke only. He is a fuking scum and hope he rots in jail.
Just seems to be a pattern with crime and a particular religion.

Yeah mate I do know you well enough to know you're a decent bloke. But religion's nothing to do with it, that has nothing to do with a particular person's actions. Talk about patterns, have a look at anglo patterns and there's no difference to the lows they can go. It's the person not the religion. Scum on all sides and I hope they all rot in hell too.

22nd December 2016, 09:13 PM
Yeah mate I do know you well enough to know you're a decent bloke.

Sounds like you don't know him at all!

22nd December 2016, 09:25 PM
Sounds like you don't know him at all!

Bit rough Winnie! Great memories of me and Growler carrying him to bed and he never chucked a wobbly! And that's even before he started cooking moonshine!!

22nd December 2016, 09:29 PM
Just seems to be a pattern with crime and a particular religion.

I hate talking about fantasies (religion) or politics....

But I'll tell you why I personally think you see it that way Kris.
Social media and media in general are the biggest warmongers and hate spreaders that exist. That IS their job. To spread a talking point. Or in this case a hate point. Yes, one cannot ignore the f****** shit thats happening around the world right now with all the terrorist crap. Those pieces of shit are just that, terrorists. IMO they do not represent ANY religion. But it is human nature to hate, so the world hates.

But now the media is red hot on that, brandishing anything "muslim" as a headline. A muslim man has done this. A muslim woman has done that.
"A muslim man has crashed a car through a milk bar". How many fucking non muslims have done that but, have they been labelled by their religion ??? Why the fuck do you have to add the religion to the headline? Is it in their Koran or whatever book it is, that they SHALL crash into milk bars??

They show completely irrelevant or miscellaneous news headlines, that have NOTHING to do with the person being of a certain religion, but the media simply ADD that description just to furiate people. It creates a buzz.

Bogans in hoodies, druggies, all the tattoed shazzas on the dole, ice junkies have been raping the crime system and centrelink for generations that far outnumber the crimes so called muslims or immigrants have ever done in this country... But no... That doesn't sell papers or turn heads.
I guess it's embedded dinto the human DNA to hate something or somebody different.

That's why I believe you see this so called "pattern".

22nd December 2016, 09:45 PM
I hate talking about fantasies (religion) or politics....

But I'll tell you why I personally think you see it that way Kris.
Social media and media in general are the biggest warmongers and hate spreaders that exist. That IS their job. To spread a talking point. Or in this case a hate point. Yes, one cannot ignore the f****** shit thats happening around the world right now with all the terrorist crap. Those pieces of shit are just that, terrorists. IMO they do not represent ANY religion. But it is human nature to hate, so the world hates.

But now the media is red hot on that, brandishing anything "muslim" as a headline. A muslim man has done this. A muslim woman has done that.
"A muslim man has crashed a car through a milk bar". How many fucking non muslims have done that but, have they been labelled by their religion ??? Why the fuck do you have to add the religion to the headline? Is it in their Koran or whatever book it is, that they SHALL crash into milk bars??

They show completely irrelevant or miscellaneous news headlines, that have NOTHING to do with the person being of a certain religion, but the media simply ADD that description just to furiate people. It creates a buzz.

Bogans in hoodies, druggies, all the tattoed shazzas on the dole, ice junkies have been raping the crime system and centrelink for generations that far outnumber the crimes so called muslims or immigrants have ever done in this country... But no... That doesn't sell papers or turn heads.
I guess it's embedded dinto the human DNA to hate something or somebody different.

That's why I believe you see this so called "pattern".

Ok, so called bogans, hoodies and tattooed shazzas on the dole and ice junkies have bombed Paris, Beriln , NY, not to mention all the other areas we don't hear on the media like Pakistan, Turkey, Egipt, Lebanon, Asia,Africa

22nd December 2016, 10:03 PM
Sorry, I forgot to monition there is a "pattern "of the same people involved

23rd December 2016, 07:37 AM
Ok, so called bogans, hoodies and tattooed shazzas on the dole and ice junkies have bombed Paris, Beriln , NY, not to mention all the other areas we don't hear on the media like Pakistan, Turkey, Egipt, Lebanon, Asia,Africa

Sorry, I forgot to monition there is a "pattern "of the same people involved

My above post was aimed at the growing attitude in Australia lately.

As for your pattern on bombings. You're absolutely right. Pattern is clear. They're ALL so called muslims who think theyre above all, and think they represent the whole religion. In turn, the world brands every single muslim out there as a piece of s***.

And you made a great point here....

not to mention all the other areas we don't hear on the media like Pakistan, Turkey, Egipt, Lebanon, Asia,Africa

For example, last week alone more than 40 people got killed in Turkey by bombings by the same breed of turd that possibly commited the crime in Berlin? Extremely f**** up in both cases. But guess which country didn't get mentioned much on the news around the world ?

Edit: Sorry for breaking the forum rules on politics and brainwashing posts. Hit me with the ban stick if you so wish.

23rd December 2016, 07:56 AM
Just in case I should be misinterpreted by anyone for the 'thanks' I've slapped on the above posts ..............I'm not anti Nisshead, he's a good bloke, but like those who have spoken out I am fed up with the negative stereotyping of PEOPLE based upon religion or anything else which is rampant in our society, encouraged by media & right wing politicians.

Lets all remember that we like each other here & not let the hatred being thrust upon us divide us.

23rd December 2016, 08:13 AM
No matter what your Politics or Religion there are arseholes in all of them but on the whole most are Decent People.

23rd December 2016, 09:07 AM
So my question is this; how many people watched it happen and did nothing? Cynical I know. But hey, she had to hand herself in. No one stopped her and grabbed her. That is the saddest bit.

They were probably too busy trying to get their phones out to film it.

23rd December 2016, 09:10 AM
Ok, so called bogans, hoodies and tattooed shazzas on the dole and ice junkies have bombed Paris, Beriln , NY, not to mention all the other areas we don't hear on the media like Pakistan, Turkey, Egipt, Lebanon, Asia,Africa

Bahahaha! Shazza's! Gold! What about the Wazza's out there?

23rd December 2016, 10:20 AM
Fortunately people that hurt kids are usually targeted by other prisoners in jail.
Unfortunately not, they are separated from the rest of the inmates so that doesn't happen

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23rd December 2016, 10:35 AM
Ohhh shit Cuppa has spoken, now I gotta run :)

I remember at the meet up Cuppa, we started a similar conversation and I said "I better leave this alone" and changed subject....lol
Same goes today...Bloody good day for drinking today..30 deg outside and the pool is ready :)

Merry Christmas everybody:santa::santa::newyear:

23rd December 2016, 10:37 AM
Unfortunately not, they are separated from the rest of the inmates so that doesn't happen

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Well that is disappointing.

23rd December 2016, 10:42 AM
It's really is, anyone that does any to a child deserves what's coming to them

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23rd December 2016, 11:27 AM
I remember .........

Must’ve been early in the proceedings! ;) Ha ha.

Merry Christmas mate.

23rd December 2016, 03:54 PM
Must’ve been early in the proceedings! ;) Ha ha.

Merry Christmas mate.

Cheeky bugger, You were on the on the heavy duty stuff yourself!! lol

23rd December 2016, 04:20 PM
Unfortunately not, they are separated from the rest of the inmates so that doesn't happen

Well that is crap. See what I meant earlier in the thread. They get special treatment. So shit.

23rd December 2016, 06:05 PM
And it continues...Thanks to AFP and ASIO to stop these filth before a mass bombing on Melbourne's heart on Christmas Day.
