View Full Version : 1998 gu patrol cutting out around right hand corners.

17th December 2016, 07:26 AM
Gday all,
I've seen some threads on this topic with no outcome.
Yesterday my 1998 gu started cutting out on right hand down corners, hasn't stalled yet but is very close to shutting down, when I'm on gas I have no problem.
My main tank is running gas and the sub is fuel.
Any other ideas on a fix for this. ??

17th December 2016, 10:50 AM
Have you got a long range tank? What brand is it if so.
Does it only do it below 1/4 tank of fuel?

Im still having dramas with mine. Havent pulled the pump yet to check out the pickup point

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17th December 2016, 11:29 AM
It's a standard tank, going to pull the pump and pick up out tomorrow to have a look

19th December 2016, 06:28 PM
Worked out the problem, fuel pump was stuffed thanks