View Full Version : Solar Panel as delivered.

14th December 2016, 01:14 PM
This is what my new solar panel looked like when it was delivered. Packaging wasn't damaged. Bag was ripped and the zip broken, two plastic corners were broken, frame is dented and one of the latches is broken. The distributors solution? Sent me a new bag, one corner piece and a "miscellaneous item". They won't replace the panel, yet it was ordered new. Not happy....

14th December 2016, 01:32 PM
Name and shame mate?

14th December 2016, 02:09 PM
+1 name and shame as I have solar panels on my wish list.

14th December 2016, 02:18 PM
Yep name and shame then send them the link to this forum, then post it on 20 other forums, facebook, twitter, etc :)

14th December 2016, 02:23 PM
If you bought it through eGay you can get something done about it. Even if it wasn't. All depends on how hard your willing to fight. This is what these sellers rely on. Making it hard for you, even though they are in the wrong, just so you give up because its a trying process.
Ive recently noticed flexible panels are coming in.

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14th December 2016, 02:39 PM
Not good at all , name and shame if packaging was not
broken sounds like they are trying to get rid of damaged stock
I recently brought a 160watt folding
panel, but it was well packed in
double cardboard box.

14th December 2016, 02:39 PM
Purchased through where? Ebay, another supplier?

14th December 2016, 03:11 PM
It was 4WD Supacentre. Kids bought it for my birthday. It's the Kings 160w Solar Panel. It was ordered through their website, unfortunately PayPal wasn't used.... :(

If you look at their FB page, everyone is bitching about their customer service (which is non-existent).

14th December 2016, 03:14 PM
It was 4WD Supacentre. Kids bought it for my birthday. It's the Kings 160w Solar Panel. It was ordered through their website, unfortunately PayPal wasn't used.... :(

If you look at their FB page, everyone is bitching about their customer service (which is non-existent).

Get on their FB page with the pics and let everyone know then. They may, or may not, listen.

14th December 2016, 03:17 PM
Get on their FB page with the pics and let everyone know then. They may, or may not, listen.

Already done mate, nil response so far.....

I might put it up again, see how long they take to ban me...lol

14th December 2016, 03:22 PM
It's just been posted on their FB page again....

14th December 2016, 03:49 PM
They replied to another bloke in 10 minutes so obviously they are reading the posts!

14th December 2016, 03:51 PM
They replied to another bloke in 10 minutes so obviously they are reading the posts!

They seem to be very selective though.

If anyone wants to share my post....


14th December 2016, 03:57 PM
They seem to be very selective though.

If anyone wants to share my post....

shared mate

14th December 2016, 03:58 PM
They deleted my comment already! Lasted less then 2 minutes

14th December 2016, 04:02 PM
They deleted my comment already! Lasted less then 2 minutes
Were you rude by any chance lol

14th December 2016, 04:04 PM
Were you rude by any chance lol

Not at all, I suggested the exchange the item overnight and at least throw a few goodies in as an apology...That was it

Yours and Marks are still up ...for now.lol

14th December 2016, 04:07 PM
Not at all, I suggested the exchange the item overnight and at least throw a few goodies in as an apology...That was it

Yours and Marks are still up ...for now.lol

Should screenshot them...lol

14th December 2016, 04:27 PM
Anything negative that would put off people from buying their shit, is deleted very quickly. It has been happening for a long time on the 4wd Action forum as well.

14th December 2016, 04:35 PM
threatening with going to consumer affairs seems to get their attention

14th December 2016, 05:19 PM
Post is still there, but comments have been deleted...

14th December 2016, 09:16 PM
I just commented nicely. Will see if it stays up there

14th December 2016, 09:50 PM
after posting pics of this on nearly every post i have a response.hope it helps BOB

15th December 2016, 12:15 AM
I couldn't find the post at 9:44pm.
I tried to link this forum but my post was rejected.

15th December 2016, 07:05 AM
Got a reply Bob, hopefully a positive outcome ...good luck

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15th December 2016, 08:15 AM
Got a reply Bob, hopefully a positive outcome ...good luck

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks mate, just replied to it, we'll see what happens... :)

15th December 2016, 08:16 AM
My comment has remained there. ‘Jess’ has invited you to contact her this morning Bob.

15th December 2016, 08:37 AM
Did a quick video with my phone, hopefully the link works... :)


15th December 2016, 09:42 AM
Did a quick video with my phone, hopefully the link works... :)

Nope nothing

15th December 2016, 09:57 AM
threatening with going to consumer affairs seems to get their attention

I tried that with the subscription they would not honor but no good so I just cancelled and refund was a lot less than I expected. NEVER deal with them again.

15th December 2016, 10:03 AM
I guess it pays to whinge in social media. A new panel is being organised. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes, but realistically it shouldn't have got to this stage.
Thanks to all that commented and shared my post... :)

15th December 2016, 10:08 AM
after posting pics of this on nearly every post i have a response.hope it helps BOB

Rip off Pricks! Haha! That got their attention I reckon.:clapping:

15th December 2016, 12:08 PM
I guess it pays to whinge in social media. A new panel is being organised. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes, but realistically it shouldn't have got to this stage.
Thanks to all that commented and shared my post... :)

Glad to have stirred them up mate...... Avo was going for it last night hahahaha.

Lets hope they don't stuff up the new one too

15th December 2016, 12:57 PM
I guess it pays to whinge in social media. A new panel is being organised. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes, but realistically it shouldn't have got to this stage.
Thanks to all that commented and shared my post... :)

Good news, let us know when you get a satisfactory replacement so we can post again to let them know they have been seen to do the right thing.

Social media can certainly be quite persuasive. When I bought a used motor for our bus from a Melbourne mob (freighted to Katherine) who guaranteed it for 6 months (my reason for choosing them was they had the best warranty) it came with a new rear main seal fitted by them. This seal failed within 100kms & the motor & gearbox had to be dropped out again & the a new one fitted with a speedisleeve. (After a tilt tray ride back to Katherine from Pine Creek). The motor supplier was really unhelpful, point blank refusing to cover the issue under the warranty in 3 separate phone calls. I had a whinge on motorhome forum I was on, not asing anyone to do anything, just expressing my frustration & distress, & within 36 hours I got a phone call saying “Ok, Ok’ I’ll pay for the repairs (cost a further $800 at Katherine rates) provided you post on that forum that I honoured the warranty”. Turned out he had been bombarded by emails & phone calls from other forum members! :) I agreed, & once he had paid the bill I made the post, but of course by then it was obvious to anyone reading it what had happened & the reason for the outcome. As it was, when the motor was dropped out on the second occasion it was discovered that the rear main seal had been fitted incorrectly, there was an inboard ‘seal support ring’ which had been fitted the wrong way round.

16th December 2016, 01:36 PM
great outcome mate

16th December 2016, 10:43 PM
arseholes........ Avo is banned too apparently lol

https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/15595793_10154399053557772_1423571014_o.png?oh=974 6204e6d3110f322b926f84fed5f7e&oe=585647D2

jay see
17th December 2016, 01:47 AM
Wondering if I should take the same action with the draws that I ordered. Just trying to get a date. If I have to wait a month or two that's fine just would like to know. Calling them is useless as no one picks up.

I'm going past the Lilydale store later today, will see if I can pop in.

17th December 2016, 07:32 AM
Wondering if I should take the same action with the draws that I ordered. Just trying to get a date. If I have to wait a month or two that's fine just would like to know. Calling them is useless as no one picks up.

I'm going past the Lilydale store later today, will see if I can pop in.

I got my drawers but the wings were out of stock, they were supposed to send this last week, didn't happen. Can't put the drawers in their final position without the wings, it's very frustrating. Drawers turned up with some allen screws missing and the bearings on the fridge slide were loose. I sourced the screws myself as they wanted me to jump through hoops to get replacement parts (had to wait a week for someone to say yes or no. The fridge slide bearings are impossible to tighten insitu. So when you get yours, check the all the bearings are tight or you'll be pulling them out again to fix it.

Having said that, the drawers are an excellent bit of kit and well worth the $365 plus freight I paid for them.

jay see
17th December 2016, 08:30 AM
I got my drawers but the wings were out of stock, they were supposed to send this last week, didn't happen. Can't put the drawers in their final position without the wings, it's very frustrating. Drawers turned up with some allen screws missing and the bearings on the fridge slide were loose. I sourced the screws myself as they wanted me to jump through hoops to get replacement parts (had to wait a week for someone to say yes or no. The fridge slide bearings are impossible to tighten insitu. So when you get yours, check the all the bearings are tight or you'll be pulling them out again to fix it.

Having said that, the drawers are an excellent bit of kit and well worth the $365 plus freight I paid for them.
When did you order yours?

17th December 2016, 10:27 AM
When did you order yours?

Ordered them around 18th November, received them 23rd November. At the time, the wings were in stock but the drawers weren't. Got the drawers but still no wings.... :(

jay see
17th December 2016, 12:56 PM
Ordered them around 18th November, received them 23rd November. At the time, the wings were in stock but the drawers weren't. Got the drawers but still no wings.... :(
Mmm, ordered mine on the 21st November, should be seeing something pretty soon.

17th December 2016, 02:26 PM
Mmm, ordered mine on the 21st November, should be seeing something pretty soon.

Maybe a box of wings? :D

jay see
18th December 2016, 12:42 AM
At this stage I'll take anything...

Didn't make it to the store today, will get back on the phone. Hopefully someone will answer.

18th December 2016, 07:11 AM
At this stage I'll take anything...

Didn't make it to the store today, will get back on the phone. Hopefully someone will answer.

Looking at their FB page, they have a serious problem. I'm amazed their management aren't doing something about it. I was told by one of their employees before I posted my pic on their page that a senior manager had made the decision not to replace my panel. Seems they have issues stemming from the top...

18th December 2016, 07:22 AM
Until you put it on social media for everyone to see how bad their service is, then they do something about it.

18th December 2016, 07:26 AM
Until you put it on social media for everyone to see how bad their service is, then they do something about it.

I did, it's the only reason I got a response, although the replacement panel hasn't been sent yet... :(

18th December 2016, 07:27 AM
Until you put it on social media for everyone to see how bad their service is, then they do something about it.

It's sad that these days it's come to that.
These guys have that many issues and complaints surely they would have learnt by now that they have an issue. Good example of how useless consumer affairs is.

18th December 2016, 07:39 AM
It's sad that these days it's come to that.
These guys have that many issues and complaints surely they would have learnt by now that they have an issue. Good example of how useless consumer affairs is.
Too many people out there shopping on price alone. They want a fully kitted out 4WD and they want it asap. Don't we all want that though?
I might be spending 3x or 4x more money on different brands but I am confident in all the products installed to my 4WD and if something goes wrong I know I have good backup from the companies.

For example I bought a Giggle pin winch solenoid for my high mount. It failed about 2 months after the warranty period.
Smithies have honoured the warranty as a gesture of good faith. How good is that! That's why I am happy to spend a bit more money on a top quality product.

18th December 2016, 07:53 AM
I haven't had any issues with their other products and customer service, it's just of late they seem to have decided customer service is not needed. I had a Thumper compressor that had an issue with the safety valve, it would operate at 90psi, they swapped the compressor out with no issues or delay. I have a Kings awning that has never been an issue and the quality is superb. But for the life of me I can't see why they've taken the course of action over the panel. I lodged a complaint straight after I received it. It's obviously damaged and I don't think it was damaged in transport, as the packaging is fine. I just want a brand new panel like I ordered, as when I modify the wiring, I will lose any warranty (their conditions). I have a CTEK D250S Dual in the car, so I'm bypassing their controller. I'm going to use Anderson Powerpoles to switch the controller in or out, so I have the versatility in charging the cranker from the panel if I need too. Powerpoles are more than sufficient for a 10amp panel. I just need the new panel...lol

18th December 2016, 08:02 AM
My theory on this Clubby:
Earlier on if there was an issue, they just deal with it, whatever the issue may be. As time went on, more and more people jumped on their bandwagon due to cheap prices. They got overwhelmed and sale pace picked up. Especially now during holiday season, their sales would be going through the roof and they are merely concentrating on the $$$ . Sorting out problems isn't on their front page of priorities.

18th December 2016, 11:08 AM
Looking at their FB page, they have a serious problem. I'm amazed their management aren't doing something about it. I was told by one of their employees before I posted my pic on their page that a senior manager had made the decision not to replace my panel. Seems they have issues stemming from the top...

Agree the problem comes from the top. It appears that management does not know (and perhaps care) what the sales people are telling customers just to get the sale and I presume commission.
I feel sorry for Jess the latest customer service manager because her hands are tied and she cannot fix problems because of company policy.

18th December 2016, 04:52 PM
Looks like, shits about to get real. lol


18th December 2016, 06:36 PM
4WD Suckercentre. No thanks, I'll spend my cash elsewhere. Thanks for this thread.

jay see
18th December 2016, 07:05 PM
I think I'm going to get onto their fb, if I get a chance tonight (at work) or tomorrow.

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18th December 2016, 07:28 PM
It is fascinating, watching the Visitors Post on their FB page. Negative posts pop up, and then they just vanish magically lol.

18th December 2016, 07:49 PM
It is fascinating, watching the Visitors Post on their FB page. Negative posts pop up, and then they just vanish magically lol.
Yep they have stopped me...all i can see is the posts and cannot comment..weak bunch of pricks

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jay see
18th December 2016, 09:11 PM
OK. I've posted on their page, nothing too bad. Will wait and see.

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18th December 2016, 10:06 PM
Wow. Just wow.


jay see
18th December 2016, 11:01 PM
Got the standard reply.
Sorry bah bah bah we will contact you tomorrow.

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19th December 2016, 06:57 AM
Wow. Just wow.


Most of the reviews I read are for the last month, I hope management pays attention......

Actually, after reading a few reviews I'm of the opinion that I won't get a replacement panel. I hope I'm wrong but if they don't play ball I'll escalate this quickly. I'm too old and cranky to be ripped off by anyone. If they replace it and all's good, I will say so. Either way, it's the last product I'll ever buy from them. I'll get a roof top tent from somewhere else....

19th December 2016, 09:01 AM
They've lost my business as soon as this post was started I unsubscribed from the mailing list and after reading that product review site It confirmed I made the right decision.

19th December 2016, 09:21 AM
I think I'll be adding my review to that page also....

19th December 2016, 10:00 AM
I wonder how financially stable the company is. Perhaps the delays in delivery can be explained if they are taking our money to finance the purchase of stock and the time it takes to come from China. I had no problems with purchases last year with prompt delivery and phone being answered but it seems to have gone belly up this year. Management really have some serious customer service problems to sort if they are to survive.
The magazine is also smaller with less advertisers than it was at issue 200.

19th December 2016, 11:27 AM
I've been reading through their website. Not only do they charge exorbitant rates for their freight (I paid $95 for the Titan Drawers), none of their freight is insured and there is no option I've seen to ask for insurance....


19th December 2016, 11:31 AM
I wonder how financially stable the company is.
Run. Run for the hills...

19th December 2016, 12:30 PM
The magazine is also smaller with less advertisers than it was at issue 200.

probably because they have gone into competition with all of those advertisers with their product lines. i cant imagine the likes of ARB wanting an Ad with their winch on one page and then the supa center equivalent on the page next to it for far cheaper...

my problem with these guys is their unethical marketing practices. they claim to have a different super special sale every day, although the checkout price never really alters. either they will discount the item and up the shipping or discount the shipping and up the item price, either way there is no "real" saving. and as for their "discount" has anyone ever seen the items go for what they say they are actually worth, i havent.

this company is shaking up companies like ARB etc but in the wrong way. my opinion is just to steer clear of companies like these, you get what you pay for stuff like this would never fly with a reputable manufacturer.

19th December 2016, 01:22 PM
Why do ppl keep buying from this mob if the service is so bad, I think Winnie hit it on
the head saying ppl are buying by price. Im like winnie and would prefer to save or wait
till I have the coin for anything I want. what would you prefer leather or vynyl no brainer
Ill take leather anytime. If you need any big ticket items at least let ppl know,
Id be more than happy to help get a better price with my Aust wise contacts.
Dont buy crap that could fail out on the tracks it could be dangerous, ask what others have
and compare. I could not stand bolting crap to my Patrol, its just not on, lol

19th December 2016, 01:30 PM
I could not stand bolting crap to my Patrol, its just not on, lol. What can happen though TD is that kids or partner/friends can give you this stuff for chrissy or birthday thinking they are doing the right thing. I have, not recently thank goodnass, had to explain to a smaller family member that the thing they had spent all their pocket money on three months ago didn't work any more and had to be removed from the truck. Whilst saving money is a good thing, it can be heart breaking to some of the less informed friends/family who think they are doing the right thing.

19th December 2016, 01:34 PM
4bye4 point taken must admit Ive had some dodgey stuff from my boys when they were younger
Customer service is the crux of any business, sad to see they have none, ,,,,,,,,

19th December 2016, 01:37 PM
Is this mob the old Tigerz11, and if it is what was the other name they traded as.

If they keep changing their branding and folk know surely questions get ask why?

It all seems very sus to me.

A mate is all exited about his new RTT for $695 ish, I couldn't rain on his parade as the type of bloke to get a bit pissed about that sort of thing.

Hope he has no problems.

19th December 2016, 01:49 PM
Is this mob the old Tigerz11, and if it is what was the other name they traded as.

If they keep changing their branding and folk know surely questions get ask why?

It all seems very sus to me.

A mate is all exited about his new RTT for $695 ish, I couldn't rain on his parade as the type of bloke to get a bit pissed about that sort of thing.

Hope he has no problems.
Yes they did trade under Tigerz11
Not sure of any other names.

19th December 2016, 01:51 PM
Yes they did trade under Tigerz11
Not sure of any other names.

Would powerful 4x4 be involved as well???

19th December 2016, 01:53 PM
Would powerful 4x4 be involved as well???

I believe they're a different company, but you never know...

19th December 2016, 02:24 PM
Would powerful 4x4 be involved as well???

Name is familiar

19th December 2016, 02:27 PM
Name is familiar
I don't believe there is any connection between the two companies, but their reputations are identical ;)

19th December 2016, 04:17 PM
my problem with these guys is their unethical marketing practices. they claim to have a different super special sale every day, although the checkout price never really alters. either they will discount the item and up the shipping or discount the shipping and up the item price, either way there is no "real" saving. and as for their "discount" has anyone ever seen the items go for what they say they are actually worth, i havent.

I have noticed this from day 1 of Supacentre opening their website! I think I even mentioned it somewhere on the forum a long time ago...
Funnily enough it actually ended up on the parody show exposing false advertising on TV. Shows called Check out on ABC22 some evenings. I pissed my self laughing when I saw it ....
Today it's $50, FREE postage ! Tomorrow it's $45 with $5 postage fee... IF you get their daily emails (around 6 a day), you'll know what I'm talking about.

19th December 2016, 04:25 PM
The way I see it is. Some items are OK to buy from these guys. I mean for example a side wall for the awning for dirt cheap. Ground under-tent cover, spare wheel bag, tyre deflater.... etc...
Stuff that when it breaks (which it will), you just chuck out, who gives a shit. It cost peanuts.

But it get scary when people buy winches from these blokes and expect a few tones of their valuable 4x4 and maybe a family inside, to be hanging off it ! Fridges that catch fire, compressors that work once, etc... Stuff that can get you in trouble or stranded.
Ofcourse this shit can happen with the high shelf brands too... But the odds are definitely in the cheap shit corner's favor.

19th December 2016, 04:49 PM
Actually went into 4by supacenta on the weekend, wanted to get an awning for the folks for chrissy. . I felt a bit dirty as i pulled up out the front, went in the place was a bit wierd, no sales people helping anyone out just stuff on display (ridiculously cheap) and a massive queue winding is way through the shop leading to some desks. Anyway waited for a tiny bit then came to my senses and left. Couldn't believe how cheap everything was some stuff might be right but doesn't give you much faith, sure half the stuff people were getting will probably break and get thrown out before too long. Bit sad living in such a consumer society now days 😕.
Anyway probably going to drop in at roadrunner i think always had great service from those guys. .

19th December 2016, 04:55 PM
Actually went into 4by supacenta on the weekend, wanted to get an awning for the folks for chrissy. . I felt a bit dirty as i pulled up out the front, went in the place was a bit wierd, no sales people helping anyone out just stuff on display (ridiculously cheap) and a massive queue winding is way through the shop leading to some desks. Anyway waited for a tiny bit then came to my senses and left. Couldn't believe how cheap everything was some stuff might be right but doesn't give you much faith, sure half the stuff people were getting will probably break and get thrown out before too long. Bit sad living in such a consumer society now days 😕.
Anyway probably going to drop in at roadrunner i think always had great service from those guys. .
Road runner have a massive Xmas sale on their rro brand awnings at the moment
End of the day it's probably the same factory/similar quality to supa centre but at least you have peace of mind for after sales service.

19th December 2016, 05:13 PM
I've had the Kings Awning for a couple of years now and it gets used a lot. No issues with the quality, so not all their stuff is rubbish...

jay see
19th December 2016, 08:46 PM
I got my suspension from these guys a couple years back, no problem whatsoever. Obviously things have changed.

20th December 2016, 08:56 AM
I got my suspension from these guys a couple years back, no problem whatsoever. Obviously things have changed.

i think its just hit and miss unfortunately. my mate has a double swag and when i first saw it i was impressed at the build quality it was very well made and didnt feel cheap at all. very comfortable for two people by all accounts. that said i still cant handle the way they do business.

20th December 2016, 09:25 AM
i think its just hit and miss unfortunately. my mate has a double swag and when i first saw it i was impressed at the build quality it was very well made and didnt feel cheap at all. very comfortable for two people by all accounts. that said i still cant handle the way they do business.
Imo they are cheap because of finer details that are missed..
Like the roof racks.
They don't prep and prime them.
Just weld and straight to the power coaters. Now this could be saving them about $200 a rack, and to average jo blow itll have no affect, as he'll probably sell his car in 5 years.. but the bloke that's building a personal rig will notice because the paint is all rusting from underneath it.
The father inlaw had an arb rack..
15 years old it was and had only some small spots or rust where the bolts were..

The swags.
Sure not an issue for the normal user, But they use a cheaper rip stop quality canvas, zips are a bit iffy and a light weight base..
My brother being a fortnightly camper wore threw his base in about 10 months..
They blamed his size...
Yet the swags our parents had made for us when we were 16 years old are in mint condition...

I personally don't shop with em..
Although I'll admit I did buy the thumper compressor as I was in need it and had limited cash at the time..
But it's starting to slow only after 18 months..
An arb twin will take its spot when it finally goes..

20th December 2016, 10:14 AM
Reposted on their FB page. They're ignoring my PM's now. Looks like Fair Trading is the next step.... :(

Seems they now have to approve any post to their page...lol

20th December 2016, 10:21 AM
Reposted on their FB page. They're ignoring my PM's now. Looks like Fair Trading is the next step.... :(

I recon Fair Trading will be a busy place for the next few months. A lot of Christmas dissapointments not only from this mob. It seems that some are just cons and many others just can't keep up with their promises. I still like looking at a product, touching it picking it up, paying and taking it home. I guess I'm just old.

20th December 2016, 11:55 AM
Sadly I have had a similar experience with another company, lied to in the emails and lied about on the eBay feedback. They banned me too I think.

Also been researching caravans, there are a few FB sites about dealers and manufacturers completely ignoring customers who may have spent $80000 upwards of their retirement funds only to be left with an un-roadworthy lemon.
One lady owns the https://www.facebook.com/groups/lemoncaravansinaus/ site has a van that Pat Callanan gushes about, her story is horrendous and that "Flower" van mob is taking her to court for defamation etc.

Again advertising budgets not allowing a show like Pat's to research or more accurately report on problems so uninformed folk go by his word and take a lottery if their hard earned is going to be well spent.

Corporate profits come before anything else it seems. Very sad really.

20th December 2016, 12:51 PM
Reposted on their FB page. They're ignoring my PM's now. Looks like Fair Trading is the next step.... :(

Seems they now have to approve any post to their page...lol

i whacked up a big rant the other night,called them a bunch of wankers,rip off pricks and ignoreing people...to my amazement it went up,not long after that Jess answered some of my spam as i was posting on all their posts on the forum....but then i see they banned me from commenting on anything..i can see their shit and share it(like FARK) but that is it...i wouldn't f&^k with them...Just go to the bank and get ya money back,and also try and get onto the bloke that is threatening them with current affair,everyone should be doing this

20th December 2016, 02:46 PM
Got another phone call from Jess, they don't have stock until next week. They're paying for the panel to be returned to them (just printed the con note details). I'm reluctant to send it back without having received the other panel but it seems normal practice. Darche wouldn't send a new tent until the other was returned. So I'll document everything including a signed copy of the con note when it's picked up.

I truly feel sorry for Jess, she's on a hiding to nothing. She's pleasant to talk to but she has a lousy job working for these clowns. She even organised delivery of the missing drawer wings to be on same delivery as the panel. I wished her a Merry Christmas , I think she was bit surprised at that, but she is trying to help. Anyway, we will see what happens.....

jay see
20th December 2016, 03:00 PM
You haven't got a direct number have ya..

20th December 2016, 03:12 PM
clubbyr8 i reckon your right about Jess,i reckon she's trying her best.i bet she was the one that let my post go through,must be hard working in conditions where no one is happy....i would hate to have her job..

20th December 2016, 03:48 PM
You haven't got a direct number have ya..

No mate, came up private number....

20th December 2016, 04:50 PM
I brought my first swag from Elders Alice Springs in 1980 for $100
still use it today, only thing Ive changed is the mattress to a self inflator
It rolls up small its just two flaps but a ripper swag, before that I used
a canvas tarp filled with bedding

Vic Off Road have great specials on solar panels and lightbars

20th December 2016, 06:37 PM
I once bought a packet of toothpicks from Woolies years ago, they're so good I've only had to use one......... and still got heaps for spares

20th December 2016, 08:16 PM
I once bought a packet of toothpicks from Woolies years ago, they're so good I've only had to use one......... and still got heaps for spares

Cunny Funt

20th December 2016, 10:40 PM
Cunny Funt
Ohhhhhhhhh if you insist

jay see
22nd December 2016, 10:14 AM
Called in to the lilydale store today after work, got there at 8.05 already 4 people in line. Waited for my turn and asked if my draws are ready. Guy looked up the order and told me that mine are expected to arrive tomorrow, but best to show up on Saturday. Asked if there's anyway of finding out on Saturday if there ready to pick up, yeah come in, we're not answering the phone there's already 30+ calls.
Didn't even bother asking if there was a set that I could take, someone else already asked and was refused.

22nd December 2016, 03:55 PM
clubbyr8 I think by law they are required to replace the item,,,not repair it
Yeah good luck with that eh lol

22nd December 2016, 04:15 PM
i think everyone on the forum needs to write on their page the exact same thing like a copy and paste and everyone do it every day till they ban us :(

and get all the other forums to do the same, make it hard for them

22nd December 2016, 06:39 PM
i think everyone on the forum needs to write on their page the exact same thing like a copy and paste and everyone do it every day till they ban us :(

and get all the other forums to do the same, make it hard for them

looks like they've removed the ability for the public to so Stropp

22nd December 2016, 07:13 PM
looks like they've removed the ability for the public to so Stropp

bastards that is all

6th January 2017, 05:04 PM
New panel got delivered today, along with the drawer wings. Panel actually looks and smells brand new. Unable to test until tomorrow....

6th January 2017, 05:25 PM
New panel got delivered today, along with the drawer wings. Panel actually looks and smells brand new. Unable to test until tomorrow....

that's good to hear, hopefully they work as should

6th January 2017, 11:32 PM
good to hear mate,hope it goes well...

7th January 2017, 07:16 AM
I got the wings but no drawers , the floor mat was delivery in January but came with the awning a couple of days after order . Their customer service is non existent buyer beware if something goes wrong with your order .
As for the solar panel my son put me onto "Sunyee " but I was after a fixed panel and regulator , the box the panel was in was not damaged but there was a small nick in the panel surface , rang them up and they gave me two fantastic 6" worklights and an extra warranty on the panel .
I buy all my electrical stuff from them now because only one to two days and I usually have the item ordered and they are cheap .

7th January 2017, 07:36 AM
Good to hear they have arrived clubby. Hope they work out. Ironically one of my workmates who recently took his family through NT, Kimberleys etc... Has those panels and he had no issues with them. They worked as intended, unlike his Hilux lol. But thats another story. Hope you have the same luck with the panels.

7th January 2017, 08:46 AM
Initial test is promising. Connected the panel to the cranker, produced 7.5 amps before it settled down to just under 4 amps (this is using the panel's regulator). Will let it run a few hours before I modify the wiring (and void the warranty) so I can bypass the inbuilt regulator and use the Ctek D250S. I', going to use Anderson powerpole connectors so I can switch the inbuilt regulator back in if needed. Early days, but pretty happy with the panel... :)

7th January 2017, 11:54 AM
good result and service as they should of done in the first place.
Hopefully this will encourage others to buy

7th January 2017, 06:14 PM
good result and service as they should of done in the first place.
Hopefully this will encourage others to buy

I still would not buy from them EVER as there are heaps of other reliable places willing to support their product and provide after sales service still at reasonable prices.

7th January 2017, 08:19 PM
I still would not buy from them EVER as there are heaps of other reliable places willing to support their product and provide after sales service still at reasonable prices.

yep...i feel the same way,and warn others...shit just look at the reviews page...no way never

8th January 2017, 08:12 PM
funny thing though

my sister brought the Titan rear draws for her car
3 weeks they were delivered - with a note to say, sorry, we forgot to send the wings
1 week later - wings arrive

I told her at the time - they are cheap for a reason
she was happy they arrived, and over the moon when I fitted them
she knew they are cheap crap - but its better than nothing - and she is / was happy

jay see
9th January 2017, 06:30 AM
Just got back into recpection and have got nothing from them.😡

jay see
20th January 2017, 08:32 AM
After a lot of unanswered emails.
I post this

I'm going to keep posting this to I get a proper answer.

Regarding order 9500000510.
To put it bluntly, where the @$#! is it.?
Have emailed info and got a reply from Cassandra Kirton saying Your request (#225690) has been solved. WTF???
I have nothing...

And now they have blocked me.

20th January 2017, 10:35 AM
After a lot of unanswered emails.
I post this

I'm going to keep posting this to I get a proper answer.

Regarding order 9500000510.
To put it bluntly, where the @$#! is it.?
Have emailed info and got a reply from Cassandra Kirton saying Your request (#225690) has been solved. WTF???
I have nothing...

And now they have blocked me.

Suggest you get your money back asap before it is to late.

jay see
20th January 2017, 03:16 PM
Suggest you get your money back asap before it is to late.
No need, just got a text saying that they're really to be picked up.

20th February 2017, 09:57 AM
I did a review of my experience with 4WD Supacentre http://www.productreview.com.au/p/4wd-supacentre.html

Received a private message then a phone call and I was offered a $25 voucher to change my rating.....

20th February 2017, 10:03 AM
I did a review of my experience with 4WD Supacentre http://www.productreview.com.au/p/4wd-supacentre.html

Received a private message then a phone call and I was offered a $25 voucher to change my rating.....

Hold out for $100. LOL. Make sure you get cash and not product.

20th February 2017, 10:05 AM
Hold out for $100. LOL. Make sure you get cash and not product.

Lol, it was withdrawn when I refused to change my review.....

22nd May 2017, 01:17 AM
That was totally not a good service provider.
Luckily I've order solar motion security light last year and it was delivered as promise no complain at all we are satisfied with the service on how they handle my calls. as I got back on the website they have a huge sale, so we decided to order again a solar phone chargers for camping purposes. If your interested on checking thier item I am happy to share it click here (https://www.agreenorigin.com/)