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View Full Version : SA to WA - What to see?

28th May 2010, 11:02 PM
Hi All,

I'm visiting an old mate in Perth area and planning a trip over there in mid June.

I'm happy to take my time and see the sites and looking for any hot spots to see along the way.

Looking forward to hitting the Nullabor Desert, really hoping I don't break down but I'm pretty excited.

Anyone know of any good spots to visit along the way?

Appreciate any feedback and help.


Sam. :)

29th May 2010, 12:21 AM
I can't give you any advice on what to see along the way as the Nullabor is straight, straight and more straight but I can give you some advice.

Take a ship load of lollies, games, music, company, beer (if someone else is driving) petrol, food and whatever can keep you busy as It's a long haul.

Last time i did the Nullabor (many years ago) I had used a gameboy which was placed on the steering wheel and only looked up at the road every 30 seconds to make sure i was in the middle of the road (i don't condone this!).... It's dead straight for a long time so stay awake and keep busy!

Good experience though...Few have done it so enjoy!

3rd June 2010, 01:30 PM
Thanks Andy, yes i have another mate in the car too so we'll just take turns which shoudl break it up a bit!

3rd June 2010, 08:49 PM
Hey Sam, I've done the Nullabor trip 3 times and my advice is to go to one of the Visitors Info Centres before the Nullabor and get one of the Crossing the Nullabor guides, they are great.

3rd June 2010, 09:19 PM
That's a great idea thanks Dogman!

It's amazing the trips you go on and drive miles to get there but probably miss out on so many great sites along the way.

Thanks, good tip!

3rd June 2010, 09:28 PM
Hi Patrolling, that's so true.

I remember back in the days when my old man took us to Ayers Rock and the Kimberley's, etc.

From Melbourne we pretty much drove straight there, only stopping to sleep and then back on the road again.

We used to travel up there every Christmas for years and we never stopped to see anything along the way.

Looking back now we would have missed out on so many places to see!

Sometimes the best vacation is an unplanned one!

DX grunt
3rd June 2010, 10:58 PM
Hey Sam.
Apparently the Great Australian Bight is very picturesque. You can get plenty of info on the web too.
Google ...... Goldfields, Esperance, Central Wheatbelt, Great Southern, South West and RACWA. You've got a couple of options to get to Perth once you get to WA. You can either go Norseman to Coolgardie, and head west along Great Eastern Highway and that'll take you straight thru to Perth, or you can turn left at Norseman and go down to Esperance and down around the bottom.
There's plenty of free maps. RACWA have a trip planner on their website. Check it out.

I don't think you'll get too much change out of $2 a litre around the Nullabour area from what I've heard. Many small towns' shops close at midday Saturday and don't open up till Monday.
Most roadhouses on the highway do pretty good hours. Google in 24hr service stations in WA and see what it comes up with.

You'll love the west. I left home in Victoria in 1976 ..... and the rest is history.........

Like Andy says... take plenty of CD's across the nullabour...... Google in the ABC and see what AM or FM channel comes up. Or just leave your unit in search mode and eventually it'll find a channel.

Most of the land is pretty green and you'll see lots of farmers going round and round or up and down on their tractors. Bring some warm clothes too. If you're driving at night, be careful, there's lotsa emu's, kangaroos and other 'things' out there either on or very close to the road.

You never know. We might convince you to stay here !

Take care and enjoy your trip.


4th June 2010, 10:50 AM
Great, cheers mate for the detailed response.

Ill check out RACWA for sure.

Yeah ive heard the petrol isnt the cheapest around, stock up in town and go for it i say...

Might convince me to stay there...haha...You never know!!!

DX grunt
6th June 2010, 02:22 AM
Another great wa website for wisdom is www.mainroads.wa.gov.au

Take care out there.


6th June 2010, 10:30 AM
Very handy site, thanks for the link Ross.

8th September 2010, 03:58 PM
The Nullarbor is boring drive as in the straight stretches of road that seem to go forever and for hours... only to get to a corner and freak-out and nearly crash...lol

stop at as many tourist stops as you can and make sure to swap drivers regularly as I did this drive solo when i migrated from sydney 7 years ago and wasnt much fun....

Interestingly when i crossed the Nullarbor it bucketed down solid for 9 hours.... it was so dark and rain was so heavy i had to stop on the shoulder i couldnt see 20 feet in front of me...

solace came in the form of a road train who i managed to get on the radio who told me to tuck in behind him and turn my lights off.....

Hitting a loose cow frightened the bejesus out of me and nearly rolled the truck with blood and guts all over the windscreen lol.

anyway good luck and safe travels...

8th September 2010, 10:08 PM
Holy cow!!

LOLOLOL.....Nice one Plassy......lolol

Finly Owner
8th September 2010, 11:16 PM
why not take a scenic route through deserts join a guided trip as part of your trip over so you get to test you and beast in different senarios and no boredom and u see something others don't.

DX grunt
9th September 2010, 09:33 AM
Too late Timbo, he went over in June! Heh heh!

But you're right. I can highly recommend diverting off the highway just past Nullarbor RH and heading north to Cook, then west across to Forrest and Rawlinna (not along the track though) and then along the track to Kalgoorlie. There's some awesome country out there.

Speaking of which.... Where's your trip report and pics?? Hmmmmmm

DX grunt
29th October 2010, 11:58 PM
Coming mate. I'm about half way through it.

Bump. lol