View Full Version : 2003 3L hand grenade?

8th December 2016, 09:46 AM
Hey guys,

A mate of mine is looking at a 2003 gu thats had the head replaced.

Generally speaking, what are the chances of the engine lunching itself again?

8th December 2016, 09:55 AM
Id say fifty fifty

Sir Roofy
8th December 2016, 10:03 AM
as Clunk has said 50 50 and depends whether it was new or second hand

8th December 2016, 10:15 AM
A compression test may indicate something. Depending on how much the Patrol is selling for, and is your mate prepared, if the inevitable does happen? I bought mine 4 years ago kinda knowing it was going to happen, but the purchase price was good, back then, so I took the gamble. And lost. Although it was just the injector pump that went, but round figures of 4-5K I was quoted for a new pump. Then I found out that number four piston had a crack in it anyway, so it was ready to let go. AND, I bought this car with a 120k old rebuilt motor too. I did another 70 odd thou I suppose before it died.

8th December 2016, 11:36 AM
All depends I guess .... they should have checked the pistons when the head was off, and if they were OK, then it should all be good.

If they didn't check the pistons, then run, run, run .....

8th December 2016, 11:53 AM
Hey guys,

A mate of mine is looking at a 2003 gu thats had the head replaced.

Generally speaking, what are the chances of the engine lunching itself again?

As everybody else is saying, it depends on who did the rebuild, how comprensive the repair was, was it a new head etc. etc. etc. Unless you know the history I would steer clear.