View Full Version : 4WD Action Subscription Cancelled

7th December 2016, 06:31 PM
After the rip off with last subscription when they would not honor the offer the girl made on the phone, I cancelled and got a refund and put the money towards something far more useful- a Grainfather brewing machine. Now I can make excellent all grain beer at a fraction of the cost of usual swill.

It might be just a coincidence but the last invoice for the subscription showed full retail price for the magazines but the refund was about half.

I would never buy anything from this company again no matter how good the offer is. I have noticed that recently the magazine has less pages than last year and the DVD's are just repeats of previous destinations although I used to get a good laugh at what they did even when they were serious.

I hope some of their advertisers take notice.

7th December 2016, 07:00 PM
I have a similar problem with them at the moment. My last subscription ran out and I decided to take up one of their offers in October. 10 magazines & a Portable Uniden UFH radio. The radio arrived quite promptly but I have not received a magazine yet. Despite Emails and phone calls, still nothing. I even had some bloke from EMG insinuate that because I was getting the magazines cheaper than over the counter, I shouldn't be concerned if they arrive late. Moron! Being late occasionally I could probably put up with, but not arriving at all ..... I don't think so.

The contact on the 4WD Action forum even forwarded my forum comment to them with still no response. He did say that since 4WD Action / EMG are now sourcing their magazine printing off-shore everything has gone pear shaped.

Let the buyer beware.

As already suggested, I would not be buying anything through EMG as they have no customer service, and if you have an issue, they obviously don't give a rat's fuzzy.

the evil twin
7th December 2016, 09:26 PM
EMG have been printing offshore for 10 years or more (direct from the mouth of the publishers at a 4WD action shoot in WA when asked why the long lead times).

In the good old days Subscribers got their mags (any Mag not just 4X) before the general public.
That was the whole idea of being a subscriber.

4WD Action is total shit, their mantra is shit, their standards are shit and the only way they can publish is by bundling their shit Mag with product

7th December 2016, 09:51 PM
The only reason I still get them is the DVD's. Love seeing where they go and how they get through or to it. Albeit I really enjoyed it more when Roothy was on it. There is really no other show like it for offroaders in Australia that I know of.
The mag it'self is as shit as their accessories brands they shove down peoples throats across most pages. I guess that's when they began spiraling down a shit pipe when they began selling Tgerz11 years ago and eventually their current range of shit.

I guess that's what still keeps them going. If it weren't for that they would have gone bust long ago.

8th December 2016, 07:21 AM
I have a similar problem with them at the moment. My last subscription ran out and I decided to take up one of their offers in October. 10 magazines & a Portable Uniden UFH radio. The radio arrived quite promptly but I have not received a magazine yet. Despite Emails and phone calls, still nothing. I even had some bloke from EMG insinuate that because I was getting the magazines cheaper than over the counter, I shouldn't be concerned if they arrive late. Moron! Being late occasionally I could probably put up with, but not arriving at all ..... I don't think so.

The contact on the 4WD Action forum even forwarded my forum comment to them with still no response. He did say that since 4WD Action / EMG are now sourcing their magazine printing off-shore everything has gone pear shaped.

Let the buyer beware.

As already suggested, I would not be buying anything through EMG as they have no customer service, and if you have an issue, they obviously don't give a rat's fuzzy.

My bro in law is having a similar issue. Got one product pretty much straight away, waited 3 weeks for the other one, and when his '6 month' subscription ran out after 5 weeks without one DVD his emails phone calls ect have been ignored.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

8th December 2016, 12:08 PM
I subscribed to the mag since the beginning (it was called 4WD Monthly in those days). I saw it start to go down the gurgler years ago. At one stage they were offering great deals for new subscribers but were totally ignoring their loyal cutomers who had been with them for years. When my subscription was up for renewal and I asked for the you beaut deal and they said it was only for new subscribers! I voted with my feet and left years ago.

8th December 2016, 01:53 PM
When I was advertising with them back when Pat Callinan was at the helm 4WD Monthly had a 3mth turn around.
4x4 Australia with Dean Mellor leading the way had a month turn around time.
I think 4wd action or what ever they call it went down hill a long long time ago.
Their gifts when subscribing were quality back then My Leatherman "Kick" sits proudly
in the centre console.
I dont subscribe to any now.

8th December 2016, 03:56 PM
Who needs a paper copy when you've got a forum as diverse, responsive and good as this?
Even get unbiased product reviews without the ad magically appearing on the next page!