View Full Version : New fireready app Vic

22nd November 2016, 08:50 PM
Pretty important folks in Vic

I didn't know about this and hadn't received notifications for a month or so now, get on it!

Set your range and notification settings.

VicEmergency by State of Victoria - Department of Justice


22nd November 2016, 09:00 PM
Mine converted automatically on android. Crapple you probably have to do it manually

23rd November 2016, 08:42 AM
I hope the developers are reading and listening to the feedback they are getting about the new version. This is something that people may need to rely on during the summer. And if the app gets it wrong in the time of need?

23rd November 2016, 10:13 AM
I hope the developers are reading and listening to the feedback they are getting about the new version. This is something that people may need to rely on during the summer. And if the app gets it wrong in the time of need?
What's the issues ?

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23rd November 2016, 10:40 AM
What's the issues ?

Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk
Go through the comments when looking in the play store. Seems most have the same issues too.

Sent from my GT-N7105T using Tapatalk

23rd November 2016, 12:14 PM
This (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-21/cfa-app-glitch-vic-emergency-app-provides-incorrect-fire-ban/8042572) might be of interest...They will get it sorted pretty quick I'd say.

23rd November 2016, 02:04 PM
This (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-11-21/cfa-app-glitch-vic-emergency-app-provides-incorrect-fire-ban/8042572) might be of interest...They will get it sorted pretty quick I'd say.

Thanks. Thats it! I read this page yesterday, and then forgot all about that when Luke asked...

23rd November 2016, 04:49 PM
"Sharon" said producing a new app that worked well was "not rocket science".

Yet Saron has no idea off coding and the fact a small change can make something that worked before no longer work

Lesson for 2day is don't listen 2 Sharon cause she has no idea!

Yeh the app might be buggy but they will fix it, and you Vic peeps are still ahead of NSW, they at least have overlays you can switch on and off.

I've asked NSW RFS 2 include wind speed and direction as an overlay 2 their website and app and was told most people wanted it kept simple so no was basically the answer.

2 me if a fire is listed ne home the first thing I want 2 know quickly is what direction is the fire heading and what the wind speed is. Yes I can achieve that by having other apps open at the same time but would be great if it was all in the 1 app

23rd November 2016, 08:29 PM
The old app got annoying.... too many alerts for random stuff so I uninstalled it.

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23rd November 2016, 09:17 PM
Good work AB ;-)
Mine tonight didn't update automatically:-(
Full new iphone download/update thingy was required and min 30km radius reset as before!

24th November 2016, 10:01 AM
"Sharon" said producing a new app that worked well was "not rocket science".

Yet Saron has no idea off coding and the fact a small change can make something that worked before no longer work

Lesson for 2day is don't listen 2 Sharon cause she has no idea!

Yeh the app might be buggy but they will fix it, and you Vic peeps are still ahead of NSW, they at least have overlays you can switch on and off.

I've asked NSW RFS 2 include wind speed and direction as an overlay 2 their website and app and was told most people wanted it kept simple so no was basically the answer.

2 me if a fire is listed ne home the first thing I want 2 know quickly is what direction is the fire heading and what the wind speed is. Yes I can achieve that by having other apps open at the same time but would be great if it was all in the 1 app

I'm reading this thinking, who the fark is Sharon. Lol Then the light bulb went on.