View Full Version : Leak Sealer for inflatable dingey

9th October 2016, 08:07 PM
I have an old Clark Rubber inflatable dingey that has a small or number of small holes in it that are nigh on undetectable. I've done the soapy water thing but 48hrs later the thing is soft. I am trying to find a seler that you pour into the chambers, blow it up and swirl it around to seal from the inside. I have contacted a company in the US but bet they won't ship, Clarke rubber has nothing, Whitworth Marine has nothing, ebay has nothing - any ideas? Its a good strong rubberised canvas boat and worth the effort.

9th October 2016, 10:07 PM
Very left field, but...
Tyre slime???

9th October 2016, 10:59 PM
Very left field, but...
Tyre slime???

Great idea uncle frosty! Works wonders on tyre leaks but not cheap for something the size of a dinghy. But if its worth it get tyre slime at motorbike shops or maybe ebay.

10th October 2016, 06:03 AM
G'day Phil,
Give 3M tech department a call mate.
They have a vast range of stuff not really advertised. We buy a special contact adhesive from them direct in squat/gas type bottles with a gun, sticks like poop to a blanket.
They'll have something to float your boat for sure!

10th October 2016, 11:10 AM
.But if its worth it get tyre slime at motorbike shops or maybe ebay.
Even try cycle shops - they may carry larger bottles (or steer you in the right direction for larger amounts)
You should be able to get away with less than what is suggested on the bottle for tyre size - plus you wouldn't want to add too much weight into your buoyancy chamber! It's just the difficulty of getting it to coat the inside of the inflatable section (easy on a bike tube, but a dinghy...)
Also, Slime shouldn't stick the insides of the inflatable together in the case of it being stored deflated for a while (hopefully...!)

10th October 2016, 04:49 PM

many thanks for the leads. I will have the dinghey deflated most of its time so whatever I use needs to set after its swished around inside the chambers and after inflated it still needs to remain flexible, and also not slump to the bottom od the dingey - almost needs to be on some sort of rotational moulding spinner - but thats a crazy idea. I will have a close look at what is around from these areas.

10th October 2016, 11:51 PM
G'day Phil,
I believe my neighbours southern cross back home is still standing after yesterday's chaos!
It wouldn't be a full rotationial system but strapped to it could work a little :-) !

12th October 2016, 07:21 AM
G'day Phil,
I believe my neighbours southern cross back home is still standing after yesterday's chaos!
It wouldn't be a full rotationial system but strapped to it could work a little :-) !
I have found a product called too seal in the USA. I am waiting for a corrected invoice to arrive so I can buy it. It's a quart bottle, costs $55usd and $30usd shipping. I still think it will need some rotation to ensure its an even coating but maybe I am being too anal about the finished product - will let you know how it turns out.

12th October 2016, 07:22 AM
Too seal one word

12th October 2016, 07:24 AM
Try again toobseal

22nd October 2016, 04:51 PM
Try again toobseal

Quick follow thru. The bottle of Toob-Seal arrived and tipped it into the deflated boat, pumped up the chambers, swished it around for maybe 10 minutes, followed by a roatation every 45minutes for 3 hrs and pin hole leaks gone. Hold pressure and saved a good little boat - highly recommend it. Took less than 5 days USA to Melb.