View Full Version : SA Salt Creek trip to share

4th September 2016, 11:21 PM
Hey all, was going to put this up in the fishing section but thought some of the non fishing 4wd'ers might be interested to.
Had last week off and after getting back from the shack on Wednesday I decided to head down to salt creek on the coorong for a night or two.
Left Thursday morning and got on the beach by about 10am and much to my surprise found it had undergone some radical changes since I was last down there. Usually after entering a 42 mile crossing it's a simple and somewhat boring 15min drive along a fairly hard beach up towards tee tree crossing (summer crossing only) and more fruitful gutters.
The beach is much steeper now and was very soft with no track close to high tide so I had no choice but to take the top track in the dunes, this also used to be fairly tame and after a few hundred metres here and there you would pop back onto the beach.
The top track now is pretty damn gnarly with many rises, drops and rutted out switchback turns which certainly kept me interested while making my way up the beach. I wanted to let others know who may be interested in checking the place out or are thinking of heading down for a fish.
Set up a little south of tee tree for the avo/night, bagged about half a dozen big salmon and through the night a 20lb mulloway! So was well worth the trip down.
I don't want people to get the wrong idea of me driving on the back track as I know that we are supposed to stick to the beach and designated tracks but this place is changing all the time and it is for this reason so is the top track. I always ensure my tyres are well down and luckily with the patrols ability to remain grounded in rutted out areas cause minimal impact on the track. I also have found myself stopping at camp sites on the way through to fill countless bin bags with other wankers rubbish, chairs and unwanted cooking utensils....sweet.
To people who haven't been here before it is an amazing place but must be treated with respect, many have lost vehicles down here or spent countless hours trying to get them off the beach and so it pays to speak to Adam and co. at the salt creek roadhouse about beach conditions. This is also the poor bloke who usually has to drive out to help recover people who get into trouble on the beach so be nice.
Also don't even bother trying to get over tee tree atm as it is about 5ft deep and very very salty, it should be dry and crossable in a couple of months.

Well there we go ramble over, enjoy! Potsy.

4th September 2016, 11:38 PM
You're a lucky bugger Potsy !
Coorong's about the closest sand us Mexicans can find (legally) mate.
Carpenters Rocks, fond memories as a young bloke, old man wrestled his Mulloway all night :-) !

5th September 2016, 08:28 PM
Cheers MB, that's my first legal so was a great weight off the shoulders. Now just to find that elusive 50lb'er....
Shame about the lack of beach access for you guys over there. We truly are lucky here to have so much beach to play on which is why it sucks when I see how many people treat it like a skip bin.
Mind you if I weren't so into beach fishing I'd love to have the high country over here mate.
I haven't been further south than beach port but have always wanted to make the trek to blackfellows caves or carpenters rocks, just can't seem to make it past the salt creek turn off!
Is it similar terrain to the robe/beachport area? How big was his jewie??