View Full Version : What's Ya Name Again?

the godfather
14th August 2016, 10:19 PM
So, I moved house in February to a new estate.
The neighbors move in about 4 months ago.
Lovely young Indian couple with a beautify little girl. Great people, friendly and she can cook like a god.
But buggered if I can remember their names.
I have an overwhelming urge to call him Raj.
Anyway, I am up for ideas,

When is it to late to ask their names again?
Is it to late?
Should I steal their mail and get their names?

Help please....!
The Forgetful Godfather

14th August 2016, 10:56 PM
Haha story of my life, just be honest and ask him again.
I try to match names to something I'll remember. example: my daughters friend is named Katie, linked that to an add on TV from years ago about accident rehabilitation and they say 'bend your knee Katie, bend your knee'. Every time I see her now I think 'bend your knee', will never forget. I've got a few different ones like that.

You can always call him mate and her cook and the child kiddo or something like that, tell them it's real Aussie.

Good luck and if you find out his name let us know, that way it will be here forever.

14th August 2016, 11:08 PM
Haha I call all Indians Raj 😝

14th August 2016, 11:15 PM
Ask them how to spell their names while you have a pad or your phone in your hands. Say you are putting them in your phone directory.

jay see
15th August 2016, 01:03 AM
Ask them hoe to spell their names while you have a pad or your phone in your hands. Say you are putting them in your phone directory.
Good idea, but it would be funny if his name is Raj. lol

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15th August 2016, 08:11 AM
Haha story of my life, just be honest and ask him again.
I try to match names to something I'll remember. example: my daughters friend is named Katie, linked that to an add on TV from years ago about accident rehabilitation and they say 'bend your knee Katie, bend your knee'. Every time I see her now I think 'bend your knee', will never forget. I've got a few different ones like that.

You can always call him mate and her cook and the child kiddo or something like that, tell them it's real Aussie.

Good luck and if you find out his name let us know, that way it will be here forever.

Remembering names is my true weakness. I am terrible. I inspect houses for a living and remember them in fine detail years later but can't remember your name standing in front of you. Fortunately I carry a clipboard and always have the clients name written on the page in front of me, if I change pages I carry it over.

Funny story. O"l mate Jack here^^^^ and I have an ongoing problem. I have met Jack maybe a Dozen times or more, on first meeting him I thought he was Bob from here, both guys are "seniors" and I just slotted Jack in that space in my head as Bob. Damn it if Every time we meet I start with "G'day Bob" kills me!

Sorry Jack!

15th August 2016, 08:16 AM
I would have no hesitation saying to the guy " I'm so sorry mate, I'm bloody hopeless with names and I have lost your name in my head"

I use that line or similar all the time, I often get the reply "no worries mate I'm hopeless too". They will be stoked your making the effort mate. They cop plenty of flack and scoring a nice neighbour is most welcome. Enjoy.

15th August 2016, 08:23 AM
I a noisy bar you can get away with introductions by leaning over to them and saying this is my friend John, then lean over to John & say I don't know this girls name. John then leans over and says Hi I'm John I didn't quite catch you name, then he relays it back to you. Unless John is a prick then he tells the girl "He doesn't know your name".

15th August 2016, 08:24 AM
Funny story. O"l mate Jack here^^^^ and I have an ongoing problem. I have met Jack maybe a Dozen times or more, on first meeting him I thought he was Bob from here, both guys are "seniors" and I just slotted Jack in that space in my head as Bob. Damn it if Every time we meet I start with "G'day Bob" kills me!

Sorry Jack!

Jeez I feel sorry for Jack LOL

15th August 2016, 08:26 AM
Jeez I feel sorry for Jack LOL

Me too....

the godfather
15th August 2016, 12:11 PM
Ask them hoe to spell their names while you have a pad or your phone in your hands. Say you are putting them in your phone directory.

This is a plan.

15th August 2016, 12:15 PM
Remembering names is my true weakness. I am terrible. I inspect houses for a living and remember them in fine detail years later but can't remember your name standing in front of you. Fortunately I carry a clipboard and always have the clients name written on the page in front of me, if I change pages I carry it over.

Funny story. O"l mate Jack here^^^^ and I have an ongoing problem. I have met Jack maybe a Dozen times or more, on first meeting him I thought he was Bob from here, both guys are "seniors" and I just slotted Jack in that space in my head as Bob. Damn it if Every time we meet I start with "G'day Bob" kills me!

Sorry Jack!

Just remember which one is the ugly one. Oh, I see the flaw in that idea...

the godfather
26th February 2018, 10:05 PM
Uuummmm! 2 years later and I have names. Suresh, Radha, and Streesia. Affectionately referred to now as Surri, Ya Missus, and Streetcar. Best food ever comes out of that house.

28th February 2018, 03:28 PM
Everyone is is named "Dude" when I forget their names......be it male or female only because I liked the SCATTERBRAIN song - Don't Call Me Dude :)


28th February 2018, 03:50 PM
Just remember which one is the ugly one. Oh, I see the flaw in that idea...

Hey I resemble that LOL