View Full Version : Airbox repairs 4.2 EFI Petrol

13th August 2016, 10:29 PM
HI All.
In the pictures can you all please tell me if the holes in the bottom half are supose to be there or not.

The air box is going through some rough repairs and will work like new again.

14th August 2016, 01:23 AM
Is that from a duel fuel? Don't remember any holes like that in my straight TB42E

14th August 2016, 08:37 AM
Yes they are meant 2 be there for what reason I do not know, I assume the big one at the bottom is 2 let water out if it should fill with water.

The hole closest 2 the top of the box on mine had a plastic blocking cap until just then when I pushed it out and lost it on the gravel driveway :)

16th August 2016, 01:37 AM
Hi All, Finally fixed the airbox Its not pritty but its sealed up and works. The top and bottom are held together with cable ties.


Arfa Brayne
22nd August 2016, 08:58 PM
There are full alloy boxes available, or I'm told a Commodore VL runs the same airbox (wreckers)

23rd August 2016, 11:45 PM
Gee thanks for that I will check out the VL ones.

Thanks Mate