View Full Version : GQ 4.2 EFI Airbox

3rd August 2016, 02:38 PM
Has anyone got a GQ 4.2 EFI air box. Mine has a broken bottom half and a bit missing. A bottom half would be ok. But a complete one would be better. Cracked on be ok as well. As long as its complete.

Many Thanks

3rd August 2016, 05:53 PM
IMO you would be better of spending the dosh if you can afford it on an after market alloy box, you would probably struggle 2 find a GQ airbox that hasn't broken.

Is your GQ dual fuel?

3rd August 2016, 07:41 PM
ya mate its duel fuel. Just purchased it a couple months back. The tank expired about 7yrs ago.

I'm looking at removing it all together. as LPG here is $1.02 L.
Tank test about $22, and new mixer etc under bonett is an other $370 ex ebay. dollar for dollar petrol works out to be almost the same.
I have read a lot about LPG injection. Its sounds great. about $770 ex UK.

a bottom half new airbox is about $220.

3rd August 2016, 07:52 PM
If you were keeping the dual fuel I would for sure invest in an after market allow air box as its common for gas 2 backfire and blow the original ones, if your converting back to petrol then an original one will be fine. Not sure on LPG injection and if backfires are common, hopefully someone else with more knowledge on gas injection will comment