View Full Version : Nissan struggling to start

23rd July 2016, 12:35 PM
Hey Guys and Gals,

I own a 2004 Nissan patrol td42 ute, I converted it to an automatic in 2013. I have been having issues with it starting I have a switch in the cab that brings the secondary battery in to help it start but lately even that struggles

my mechanic had a look at the starter motor that the company I purchased the box off supplied and said it might be to small the starter motor is for a ZD30 the old one would not fit with the new gear box as it would clash with the oil filters.

after many dollars spent and many headaches dealing with the supplier I have brought from them an adaptor plate that you fit to the gear box and it fits the original Nissan stater motor. thinking this would fix it I was on cloud 9 however just got a call from the mechanic that is the cairns dealer for the VIC company that I bought the box and kit off and he has said it still has some issues and will have another look at the starter motor. Has anyone been through this or has any idea what could be going on.

please help I'm at my wits end and being self employed its hard to get to jobs when the car isn't working.

23rd July 2016, 02:31 PM
are you sure its the Starter that is the problem

is it really hard to turn it over........... slowly
or is it not glowing, therefore no heat

the evil twin
23rd July 2016, 03:18 PM
Manual to Auto is a common enough conversion and whoever did the conversion should have used the correct adapters/housings to take the TD Starter in the first place.

Anyhooow... as Col said, is it "hard to start" because it is slow to crank or because it cranks normally but won't fire up?

If it cranks normally then it isn't anything to do with the Starter and will be Glow Plugs or whatever
If it cranks slowly then it will be a problem in the Starter high current supply or earth return or Battery's or whatever
It can't be the Starter if two of them are the same fault unless the supplier is dodgy and not reco'ing correctly or using new parts.

Bottom line is if these dudes can't sort it then find a different mechanic to check it over. pref one with a sparky or sparky background.
If it is an issue the first dudes are too stupid to fix, have #2 dude document the issue then go back to the original numptys and ask for a refund of the relevant charges.

23rd July 2016, 06:02 PM
the people that sent the kit tell me that everything that was sent was everything that was required to turn it into an auto. you turn the key till the glow lights come on then you push the button in to engage the second battery and it starts every so often other times you have to repeat the process twice'

lately you turn the key try and start it with the button pushed in and its dead then you stop try again and it comes to life out of no where

the evil twin
23rd July 2016, 06:33 PM
Hmmm... sounds like a few issues there to me as you shouldn't need a second battery for starters (excuse teh pun)

So, did it start first time every time when it was a manual and has only played up after the conversion?
Have you had the batteries load tested?
You say 'till the glow light comes "on" did you mean "off"?
When you say "dead" do you mean dash lights are on but doesn't even click when you turn the key to 'start' and dash lights stay on and bright?
If it is dead and then all of a sudden starts to crank as you retry the key... if so that is 99 times out of 100 a dodgy starter solenoid

23rd July 2016, 07:37 PM
I think its a glow plug issue, the conversion would have nothing to do with it.
You should have a 4.2td starter, not even sure if a ZD30 would suit it.

" you should turn the key on till the glow symbol goes off then attempt to start it"
It should kick over nearly straight away with a little right foot

EDIT::: Make sure auto is in neutral or Park,lol

the evil twin
23rd July 2016, 07:43 PM
Hiya TD ... I agree there seems to be a glow plug issue but that can't mean it is 'dead' and won't crank.
As prev mentioned I think there are a couple of issues with the vehicle now

23rd July 2016, 09:08 PM
you shouldn't need a second battery for starters (excuse teh pun)

no, I LOVE it...................

take the terminals OFF the batteries (both) clean them and the clamps
re-fit, and make sure they are NOT loose in any way shape or form

I had a similar problem with mine - turn key, glows the plugs, go to start - nothing....... like a dead battery
flick the switch for the 2nd battery - started okies

my mate Mike kept telling me I had a loose terminal....
but it didnt feel loose

so in desperation and frustration I took all the terminals off, cleaned them and re-placed the clamps

low and behold - no more starting issues

thats the first part of your problem

also sounds like ET could be right with the starter solenoid

24th July 2016, 10:06 AM
hey Three dogs I know what you mean with the 4.2 starter I bought the kit from wholesale automatics speaking to them a while ago I said to them that the starter seemed to small and in all honesty you would find a bigger one in a ride on mower. The reply I got was that due to the standard 4.2 starter clashing with the oil filters when the box is in they had an old guy that used to build them starter motors that fit and they were based on a med torque ZD30 starter
so I said to them well how can you sell a full product kit if it doesn't function properly? to which I was told sorry mate that's all the technology we had at the time. however now which is 3 years later we have made an adaptor plate that fits your old 4.2 starter

24th July 2016, 10:10 AM
hey evil twin sorry had to post that thread up quick so didn't make much sense haha. Ok so I have checked the battery's voltage is good and they take charge.
correct wait until the glow light goes off
dead is dash lights are on doesn't click and lights stay on
I will get him to have a look at the starter solenoid thanks for the tip mate

24th July 2016, 10:12 AM
Thank you Bigcol ill have a look at those terminals and give them a good clean and see if replacement clamps are needed

24th July 2016, 10:19 AM
i've seen a bad connection behind the key barrel cause this sort of problem as well. might be worth checking it out

24th July 2016, 10:28 AM
thanks garret ill keep that in mind to cant wait till she's running again I miss the big girl I've been driving a magna round and I don't like being that low to the ground haha. And with cairns drivers you need a bull bar and side rails

24th July 2016, 12:03 PM
"dead and wont crank" to me sounds like a dirty terminal post on a battery [Scalely]
Use a green scourer on the post and don't forget inside the terminals [Rat-tail file].