View Full Version : Patrolapart are moving

20th July 2016, 06:49 PM
It's been a long time coming for Patrolapart but they are finally moving to a bigger and better premise.

Ironically they are moving into where Tigerz were in Lilydale.

I believe they'll be ready to roll at the new place on Monday 5th September.

Much better premises then their last as they were crammed!!!

20th July 2016, 08:46 PM
Good news, the old place on the highway was always tight for parking space as well!! I never heard anything about a relocation sale lol

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20th July 2016, 08:48 PM
Hopefully I can get the truck in there - it caused a bit of chaos when I pulled up out the front with the hazard lights on & ran inside quickly 😁