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18th April 2011, 03:54 PM
These novices demonstrate how not to drive in the bush, not only do they not check the depth of the water, but they also do a risky dangerous recovery


18th April 2011, 04:08 PM
MMMM lolux!

18th April 2011, 04:22 PM
Yep - didn't check the depth, had no one guiding him, and snatch strap straight over the towball ... very professional all round - just the types I want to be heading out bush with ... LOL

18th April 2011, 07:52 PM
Haha let's hope they have learnt a lesson from this

18th April 2011, 09:02 PM
I doubt it. It usually takes a disaster and some people just wont listen.

18th April 2011, 09:19 PM
Bloody stupid or what. The guy on the video knew or had a feeling the tow ball wasn't the best place for the strap....

18th April 2011, 09:21 PM
The scary thing is that there are so many muppets on Youtube videoing these sorts of things.

Pete's GU3
18th April 2011, 09:34 PM
amateurs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pete's GU3
18th April 2011, 09:36 PM
yeeeeeeha i have just graduated to expert level with my 100th post ...watch out now .....only took me 9 months ...lol

18th April 2011, 09:39 PM
Well done Pete, slowly getting there mate!!!

18th April 2011, 11:03 PM
It's only funny cause they got out of it safe - but LOL! And the truck looks too fancy for that sort of fun. Makes you wonder what some people think when getting a machine like that and going off the road :) We've been in similar situation - but then again - having a front and rear winch proved a good idea. :)

19th April 2011, 01:02 AM
95% of the time, the participants in this sort of tomfoolery do make it out safely.

It's the other 5% of the time that life gets real interesting (or real short) real quick.

19th April 2011, 01:26 AM
IDIOTS words fail me

lg 91
1st May 2011, 07:17 PM
lol this is so true one of my mates has just recently got into 4x4n his first mistake is that he brought a jeep his second mistake he drove through a pudle i said ive driven through it heaps of time but we should cheak it it to be on the safe side he said nah it will be right well it wasnt.
the engine stalled she drunk a fair bit of water we pulled out the spark plugs 3 of the cylinders were full of water and so was the in take maifold we got most of the water out sprayed a bit of wd40 and an hour later we got it running got it back to a mates place and changed the engine oil and filter well it had about 4l of water in there and the oil filter was full of water.

the water was over the center console

1st May 2011, 07:28 PM
Bumma for ur mate! I had the exact same jeep as my 1st was a good unit but wouldnt swap it for me troll! HAHHAAHa

1st May 2011, 08:34 PM
Great pics, thanks for sharing, yeah thats a deep one without a snorkel!!!

Finly Owner
1st May 2011, 10:40 PM
Hmmm, good lesson learnt, and how many times can you now tell that story?


1st May 2011, 11:02 PM
Hmmm, good lesson learnt, and how many times can you now tell that story?


Not enough, I think would be the answer to that one Tim lmao

20th August 2011, 12:43 PM
on a related subject, If you were to wade into any of the creeks around here you're liable to get a nasty nip from a large reptile. Any tips on how to handle a situation where you don't know which is the worse of two evils?

20th August 2011, 01:09 PM
on a related subject, If you were to wade into any of the creeks around here you're liable to get a nasty nip from a large reptile. Any tips on how to handle a situation where you don't know which is the worse of two evils?

use a very big stick....... lol

20th August 2011, 02:36 PM
I've seen a depth sounder (4wdaction mag nayb)you put on a fishing rod and troll across and shows you the depth in different spot

23rd August 2011, 04:43 PM
thanks for the vid and pics, good way of driving home the lesson.

Sir Roofy
23rd August 2011, 06:29 PM
These novices demonstrate how not to drive in the bush, not only do they not check the depth of the water, but they also do a risky dangerous recovery



1st September 2011, 12:22 AM
True all the above comments but to be fair it wasn't really a high loading recovery. there was no 'snatch' just a nufty in his city shoes stuck in a puddle. I would say there would be more newtons on the towball pulling out a medium size runabout at your average ramp.


1st September 2011, 06:36 AM
True all the above comments but to be fair it wasn't really a high loading recovery. there was no 'snatch' just a nufty in his city shoes stuck in a puddle. I would say there would be more newtons on the towball pulling out a medium size runabout at your average ramp.


Maybe, but you just don't know if there may be a hidden fracture or some other fault in the towball. If a towball fails while your pulling a boat up a ramp the trailer falls off and the safety chain catches it (hopefully), but if the towball fails while there is a streched snatch strap attached to it you have a missile - it's a chance I and most others are not willing to take, its just not worth it.


Dirty Driver
4th September 2011, 08:50 AM
What I don't get is why these nuckleheads even attempt to drive though this in the first place! What does it achieve? It just wrecks the roads for everyone else and gives the broader group of folks who use their vehicles to see the sights that a family sedan cannot get to a really bad name. I've never had a winch on either of the Patrols I've owned and have enjoyed a motto that if I've gotta put it into 4wd then there is a good chance the road is not in a suitable condition to be traversed and therefore we need to reassess if we can find another way to get to our destination. Like so many others in this forum, I too have had to pull so many people out of holes or sticky situations that they need not have had to get in to in the first place. I go back to backing head against red dot on the wall!

4th September 2011, 09:23 AM
What I don't get is why these nuckleheads even attempt to drive though this in the first place! What does it achieve? It just wrecks the roads for everyone else and gives the broader group of folks who use their vehicles to see the sights that a family sedan cannot get to a really bad name. I've never had a winch on either of the Patrols I've owned and have enjoyed a motto that if I've gotta put it into 4wd then there is a good chance the road is not in a suitable condition to be traversed and therefore we need to reassess if we can find another way to get to our destination. Like so many others in this forum, I too have had to pull so many people out of holes or sticky situations that they need not have had to get in to in the first place. I go back to backing head against red dot on the wall!

True mate - when leaving Landcruiser Park last time, just as we finished packing up, a lady from a neighboring campsite came over and asked if we could go recover her husband who had just drowned his brand new Hilux .. drove into one of the water holes in the pig pen - standard lift, no snorkel, and no idea!! Hydro locked the engine and it was only a couple of months old ... just dumb ...

4th September 2011, 09:59 AM
True all the above comments but to be fair it wasn't really a high loading recovery. there was no 'snatch' just a nufty in his city shoes stuck in a puddle. I would say there would be more newtons on the towball pulling out a medium size runabout at your average ramp.


these guys are absolutley WRONG all round mate bloody dangerous nomatter how one looks at it

4th September 2011, 12:59 PM
All right Mr worst case scenarios out there, not every one is perfect like you are but guys like these give other better prepared experienced legendary unstuckable guys like us something to laugh at eh? I am sure if we were there we would mention this to them. Education and experience doesn't just happen. It has to be shared.
Sometimes though it pays to just stay out of the way. ;)
Went out with a group the other day and one friend of someones came along, you know the type, no gear, bald spare. That was actually hanging on at the start of the track by one loose nut. Oh' that always come loose.!!!!! A quick spin of the cross brace, some big cable ties and a you stay behind me sorted it. Large bulge in right rear tyre. At thye end of the track we all aired up and went our ways. Found out old mates bulge blew on the way home..... Didn't know that was gonna happen...
We all know of these sort of stories and we all have learnt from them. Whats the point of getting all worked up about something we weren't even witness too? If we were there the right words given the right way can well avert disaster and if they want to be negative, we tried.

Of course all of the above gets thrown out the window when its our kids not listening to our advice and damaging our trucks or themselves.!!!

LOL Happy Fathers Day


5th September 2011, 03:30 AM
What I don't get is why these nuckleheads even attempt to drive though this in the first place! What does it achieve? It just wrecks the roads for everyone else and gives the broader group of folks who use their vehicles to see the sights that a family sedan cannot get to a really bad name. I've never had a winch on either of the Patrols I've owned and have enjoyed a motto that if I've gotta put it into 4wd then there is a good chance the road is not in a suitable condition to be traversed and therefore we need to reassess if we can find another way to get to our destination. Like so many others in this forum, I too have had to pull so many people out of holes or sticky situations that they need not have had to get in to in the first place. I go back to backing head against red dot on the wall!

apart from the recovery i dont see the problem in this?!?!

1. if I saw that i'd drive through it
2. if i measured that id still drive through it it wasnt very deep, that gutlux just never had a hope though

9th September 2011, 08:44 PM
Yeah i agree with you BIGARCH. Apart from the recovery it looked fun. For me 4wding is about having a bit of fun. Ofcourse here in tassie we dont have to worry too much about track degredation and over use so yeah sometimes you pick the worst line just to see if you can make it instead of going around. Thats the difference between touring and 4wding. Dirty Driver, if you dont want to put it in to 4wd then go touring in a family sedan you can see heaps of australia without getting off the blacktop. A lot of people dont consider it a good day unless they lock the hubs in:) Look at all the 4wd comps, they are all about hard lines and tough tracks.
I ride a dirt bike too, i dont just idle around the gravel roads from bbq spots to lookouts, i hit some big hills, mud holes and tight single track because its fun then i stop at a nice spot for lunch and enjoy the scenery:)

9th September 2011, 08:55 PM
Heres a mate. Didnt check the depth, didnt care! Towed home. Drained 26 litres of water out of the engine. He had a great day!

10th September 2011, 10:26 AM

Great day I'm sure....haha

21st January 2012, 03:54 PM
Another Fail.


23rd January 2012, 06:43 AM
Well....... it was a Toyo.......

23rd January 2012, 07:21 AM

DX grunt
23rd January 2012, 10:06 AM
I wonder if that was payback for trespassing???????

23rd January 2012, 02:41 PM
Hi was sure that his prado real SUV ....

23rd January 2012, 02:52 PM
no fail for having a go at a mud pit if it's not going to swallow you whole that is just a fail on the recovery you're not 4wding untill you get bogged or almost bogged or lift a wheel or two

The Tank
26th January 2012, 07:18 PM
Not enough jandal , should have flown through that wee puddle!

5th February 2012, 08:35 AM
only thing missing from that was a stubbies in his hand lol and it amuses me that 89% of these blokes that get stuck act like women when it comes to getting wet or dirty lol get in and enjoy i say if its good enough for you to put yu car in dont be frightened of the water lol there funny

8th February 2012, 01:50 PM
I love the fact that no mater how dumb some people are, they still know how to make a video and post it.