View Full Version : Dimmer switch & pod gauges

27th June 2016, 07:42 PM
hi all, after some auto lecky advice

i currently run an Autron EGT/Boost/Oil Press & Dual Volts/Amps gauges in a pod in my 2005 GU IV, it also has the enhanced lighting controller.

I was finding the night time light levels really annoying when travelling in the dark hours, so i managed to set them to a decent level at night. My main problem is that i use the lights during bad weather etc during the daytime which makes the guages unreadable when i turn the lights on.

Since i dont want to use the current dimming switch to dim gauges as well (due to other issues caused that i have read on forums), i was thinking of using another dimmer switch from the wreckers to control dimming of gauges.

The instructions for the Redarc GA-ELC (Autron) ehnaced lighting controller shows 2 yellow wires coming from it & going to globe in dimmer circuit


is it a matter of attaching the 2 yellow wires to either side of the dimming switch or is there more to it? the switch has 3 posts coming out the back of it not sure which post is which

Help would be appreciated.


27th June 2016, 08:21 PM
What if you put a switch in to disconnect the park light circuit so that when you what full bright you just open the switch.
If you were electronically minded you could set up a day light sensor to dim when ambient light drops.

27th June 2016, 10:16 PM
I’d suggest that you give Redarc’s tech dept a ring or an email. They are pretty good with that sort of stuff usually. I’ve got the same setup, & have found similar to you. I tend to flick the lights off momentarily if I want to check the gauge. Despite this niggle I reckon they’re great gauges.

28th June 2016, 11:13 AM
Id tend to agree with GeeYou8, wire in a parklight bypass switch. Easy and straight forward.