View Full Version : Non-Patrol extendable towing mirrors

22nd June 2016, 09:02 AM
Has anyone adapted the Chevy, GMC, F-truck style extendable towing mirrors onto a GU?

I see the Clearview mirrors here are ~$740 and I can buy the American style units for sub $200USD. It doesn't look like they'd be difficult to adapt.
I'll be in the US in August to see my grandkids so wanted to do some useful shopping while I'm there.

22nd June 2016, 11:41 AM
I found that site as well , first thoughts were we get ripped a new one
Maybe they have a Universal style that would fit?
What about the Nissan Titan??
Do you still have the link??

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/CLIP-ON-TOWING-MIRROR-tow-extension-side-rear-view-hauling-extender-hItch-gm3-/361240101327?hash=item541b9681cf:g:2dYAAOSwBLlVAhl 3

22nd June 2016, 12:20 PM
Your link is to clip-on mirrors. I don't want those, I want to fit the extendable mirrors that slide in and out. They're electric, heated and can have indicators in them as well. I want to leave them on and just extend them when towing.
I don't want the hassle of fitting clip on stuff.

22nd June 2016, 12:25 PM
Would it be worth taking a mirror off and tracing out a template also marking mount holes to take with you to the US?

22nd June 2016, 01:31 PM
Would it be worth taking a mirror off and tracing out a template also marking mount holes to take with you to the US?

I thought I'd just take pics and measurements of the GU triangle and get what appears to be the closest
If I'm going to make my own adaptor plate I'll probably have grind the new one a bit anyway.
The important part will probably be the angle at which it leans in or out because they're not a precise vertical fit.

the evil twin
22nd June 2016, 03:27 PM
... or use the Grey Nomad 2 step method of changing lanes.
Step 1 - Turn on indicator (optional)
Step 2 - Change lanes (under no circumstances check mirrors to see the resulting carnage)

Seriously tho, John, if you do find something either very close or very easily adapted make sure you post up here (or start your own import business)
Clearviews are great... but the price?... bloody hell!

22nd June 2016, 03:33 PM
Step 1 - Turn on indicator (optional)
Step 2 - Change lanes (under no circumstances check mirrors to see the resulting carnage)

I usually try to avoid using the indicators both in the Patrol or my work truck. I find it encourages those behind to drop a cog and speed up beside you to prevent you changing lanes.

22nd June 2016, 04:35 PM
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/L-R-Manual-Extended-Towing-Side-View-Tow-Mirror-07-14-Chevy-Silverado-1500-2500-/171542855519?hash=item27f0c03f5f:g:yRoAAOSwhOBXUIJ a
boy they like their Tahoe and Dodge Rams ,GMC over there eh
Ive fired off a few emails as well .see what results that brings

22nd June 2016, 06:02 PM
I LOVE my Clear Views - but they are pricey. Also they do stick out a fair bit even when retracted. I sent them a suggestion once to put a second hinge point close to the mirror. That way you could fold the arm back and then the mirror out and it would only stick out as far as the original mirror. I never received an answer from them.

Also, I have had a problem with the driver's side mirror folding in when a truck went past. I informed them of this and they said the mirror had to be returned to them and for a price they would fix it. I told them I was on the road at the time and could not be without a mirror. To cut a long story short they eventually sent me the fix which was putting more tension on the spring by padding it out with a couple of washers. Go figure - they wanted it returned to do that?

But I still love them.

22nd June 2016, 07:31 PM
I saw these on a car a few years ago and grab some pics. This would be Sooooo easy to make!!







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22nd June 2016, 07:49 PM
They also make these for the Patrol at $450, similar to Clear View but a bit more realistically priced. Can't find the Patrol ones on the site at the moment but they do (did) have them.


22nd June 2016, 08:03 PM
That's still about $340USD. I could buy 2 sets over there for that price..

23rd June 2016, 11:14 AM
I've received an email back from one mob who make them[USA]
and they don't have any plans of making a universal style fit

23rd June 2016, 12:26 PM
I saw this thread, and knowing one of my workmates fitted extended mirrors of some sort to his Prado for caravan purposes. And asked him what they were so that I could perhaps post it here.
Then I realized he removed them.
They are/were Clearview but he got a defect on them due to protruding a certain distance from furthest point of body panels.
Ironically and funnily enough he got done in Mansfield on Australia day lol.

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23rd June 2016, 12:58 PM
As for MRs pics that could be an easy build using some 25mm x 12mm aluminium.
Very easy IMHO.

so I take it Clear view are not ADR approved at $700-$800 a pair plus a fine.

Hodge would that mean any mirror sticking out more than OE is illegal.
Do they sell ext mirrors with a warning >>> they have been around for

23rd June 2016, 02:54 PM
Have no idea mate this is coming from him.
He just bolted factory mirrors on and got it cleared hasn't used them since.

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23rd June 2016, 03:07 PM
My Clearview mirrors had a stamp stating they were ADR approved. Just because some idiot books you doesn't mean he is correct. Talk to Clearview and if your mate is in the right - tell him to take it to court. How could he lose? Most plods out there are good people - but as with any group you have your know-it-all boof heads who take pleasure in giving people a hard time - knowing that most would be too afraid to do anything about it.

23rd June 2016, 03:18 PM
From the Clearview website - ADR Approved


the evil twin
23rd June 2016, 05:14 PM
The Clearview ADR statement doesn't mean squat unless it states which ADR's it complies too as there are several ADR's for Mirrors

As for how far out the mirror can project...

ADR 14/00 states for an MA vehicle (passenger car) Mounting - The mirror mounting shall provide a stable support for the mirror and neither the mirror nor the mounting shall protrude further than the widest part of the vehicle body except to the extent necessary to produce a field of view meeting the requirements of Clause

As a point of interest Truck Mirrors were once limited to max of 150mm past widest part of vehicle or trailer by the same ADR

Sooo... if your mirror is further out than 150mm (yes, I know that is the truck spec and not the car) I would suggest that Mr Plod will use that as a guide and be 'interested' and you may (rightly or wrongly) get defected.

23rd June 2016, 05:38 PM
Are Patrols classed as light trucks????

23rd June 2016, 06:06 PM
Are Patrols classed as light trucks????

23rd June 2016, 10:38 PM
I thought 4WDs were MC not MA. Does that make a difference?

the evil twin
23rd June 2016, 10:47 PM
I thought 4WDs were MC not MA. Does that make a difference?

Yes, you are correct, they are and no, it doesn't make a difference.
MA, MB, MC and MD1 are all the same in this specific clause

23rd June 2016, 10:53 PM
Personally, I love my CView's!

the evil twin
23rd June 2016, 10:54 PM
Are Patrols classed as light trucks????

No, Wiinnie is on the money... Light Trucks are NA (GVM up to 3.5T) NA1 is up to 2.7T and NA2 is 2.7T to 3.5T

Patrols are MC2 (pax vehicle, over 2.7T GVM, max 9 seats, designed for offroad use, 4WD, high clearance)

As a point of interest for Zook drivers, MC1 is the same 'cept the GVM is under 2.7T

23rd June 2016, 11:32 PM

24th June 2016, 12:29 AM
G'eve, ET :-)

You're a legend mate!! Where can we all find these statutes referred to, ADR www.? booklet? Mounting - The mirror mounting shall provide a stable support for the mirror and neither the mirror nor the mounting shall protrude further than the widest part of the vehicle body except to the extent necessary to produce a field of view meeting the requirements of Clause

Would love to challenge a 'Double Bubble' on some of the points above 'necessary' yet I may come undone within ?hopefully/thankfully I do have a very wide ute tray :-) !

the evil twin
24th June 2016, 10:16 AM
G'eve, ET :-)

You're a legend mate!!

I am not a mere legend, I am a god and all should bow before me!
Thats my opinion anyway.

Oh, and ADR's are all on the web.
Just type, say, "vehicle mirror ADR" and you should get a hit or if you know the number just "ADR 14"

24th June 2016, 10:31 AM
Cheers ET !


This must be the one, good old Google :-)

24th June 2016, 10:34 AM
Maybe not light truck but light commercial in some cases like the Pod brigade.????

the evil twin
24th June 2016, 01:39 PM
Maybe not light truck but light commercial in some cases like the Pod brigade.????

Wagons obviously no, but, if your Tray Back is built and registered as a Goods Vehicle and complies with all the other ADR 's for an NA category then, yes, it could be an NA2 not an MC2.

25th June 2016, 12:28 AM
G'eve God :-) !
Thanks to your guidance, I am now feeling/hoping slightly more relaxed with my argument against my 'necessary' wide 'VIC' - 'G' coded tray :-)
Was thinking about upgrading the Mrs wagon to CViews but seriously worried about what JHopper would think once she's disconnected from 2.2m wide float, just like every caravan 'necessary' whilst in tow:-(
Your thoughts mate ?

the evil twin
25th June 2016, 12:33 PM
G'eve God :-) !
Thanks to your guidance, I am now feeling/hoping slightly more relaxed with my argument against my 'necessary' wide 'VIC' - 'G' coded tray :-)
Was thinking about upgrading the Mrs wagon to CViews but seriously worried about what JHopper would think once she's disconnected from 2.2m wide float, just like every caravan 'necessary' whilst in tow:-(
Your thoughts mate ?

Uuummmmm... OK, here goes,
Brexit is good
Greens are bad (as in both food or political view)
Bacon is yummy
Prados suck
Boobies are awesome (way more cool than Pelicans or Gannets)
Mermaids aren't very effective as speed bumps cause they squish to easily
Clearviews, dunno, I've never had a set so never looked closely how much they stick out.
They are a big mirror but if the inside edge is level or close to the body extremity then they should be OK.
Can't see why they would make them if they can't be installed correctly but also not sure how they install or whether people can balls it up.

I would be more inclined to install a decent Camera myself given the quality and reliability of the current generation of Cams available

25th June 2016, 04:54 PM
Thanks ET,
Great idea, cameras for her float I will definitely look into it !
As for my ute, I think they'll be fine, did also just find this picture on their website I'm going to keep on phone for if it was to ever come up with Mansfield coppers!

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26th June 2016, 09:28 AM
I always understood that extended mirrors are legal as long as you are towing, in the ADR it says "except to the extent necessary to produce a field of view meeting the requirements of Clause" so if your towing a wide van they are OK. In the pic with the police there is a wide trailer (maybe if you put out witches hats they are legal, not to mention illegally parked on wrong side of the road).
So if your towing & don't have them they can get you as well.

26th June 2016, 09:50 AM
I always understood that extended mirrors are legal as long as you are towing, in the ADR it says "except to the extent necessary to produce a field of view meeting the requirements of Clause" so if your towing a wide van they are OK. In the pic with the police there is a wide trailer (maybe if you put out witches hats they are legal, not to mention illegally parked on wrong side of the road). So if your towing & don't have them they can get you as well. Graham
That's my understanding now too Graham. My ute has Cviews and with 2.0m wide 'G' coded tray they are necessary 100% of the time. My concern of putting them on the Mrs wagon is that I believe she would be legal on weekends with the float but like Hodges mate could get done when disconnected mid week :-(

26th June 2016, 10:08 AM
Sorry guys just read through this. I asked Darren about it and he said he had no trailer on at the time.

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Sir Roofy
26th June 2016, 10:12 AM
Why spend all that money when a pair of clip
ons will do the same job $30 super cheap

26th June 2016, 10:23 AM
Sorry guys just read through this. I asked Darren about it and he said he had no trailer on at the time. Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
I'm starting to think there's a reason that Cview sell both options, clip on's and permanent.

26th June 2016, 12:12 PM
If that is the case - I WANT MY MONEY BACK !!!! I bought them under the understanding - complete with ADR compliant label - that they were totally legal. I have sent Clearview an email and am waiting for a reply.

I've just spent $4.5 k on GVM upgrade and new towbar (which looks exactly like the old tobar except for the numbers on the compliance label) to make absolutely sure I am totally legal - and now I hear this CRAP about mirrors!!!!! When will it end?????

the evil twin
26th June 2016, 01:54 PM
snip... When will it end?????

When we shoot all the Bureaurcrats...
Oh and allow the Police to go back to giving anyone who deserves it a good kick in the rrse so they can take out all their aggro on anti-social wankers and achieve balance and perspective in their workplace.

'Pain builds Character' and, in my opinion, self discipline and respect for others.

26th June 2016, 06:41 PM
Spoke to him some more this afternoon.
He bought the Prado with the mirrors on, arrived from WA. When he drove through Mansfield , everybody was getting booked for everything. Everyone knows what the cops are like up there. Regardless, he took the mirrors off, and got the defect cleared (he also got booked for tires) and few other things.

The cops who got him may have had a moody day and mirrors could have been fully legal for all he knows.

26th June 2016, 09:54 PM
That's it!!!! I'm selling the Patrol, the caravan, AND the bloody mirrors and I am buying a Prius!!! Anybody want to buy a GVM upgrade?

4th July 2016, 07:08 PM
That's it!!!! I'm selling the Patrol, the caravan, AND the bloody mirrors and I am buying a Prius!!! Anybody want to buy a GVM upgrade?
G'day Bill, please never, they're too bloody good you know mate :-) ! Is there any chance that CView has got back to you yet mate?

4th July 2016, 11:12 PM
G'day Bill, please never, they're too bloody good you know mate :-) ! Is there any chance that CView has got back to you yet mate?

Nope - not a word - which probably speaks for itself. Maybe if we all emailed them and asked if they really are ADR compliant we may get an answer.

5th July 2016, 04:59 AM
Nope - not a word - which probably speaks for itself. Maybe if we all emailed them and asked if they really are ADR compliant we may get an answer.
Maybe someone we know could offer them vendor advertising for a YES/NO answer here? :-)

5th July 2016, 09:15 AM
I've read all this thread and was still a little confused about legality, so I read the clear view website and found this. Still not totally convinced so I will make further inquiries before purchasing


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5th July 2016, 11:27 AM
shakey55 - thanks for the link. I looked on their site and could not find it. Obviously did not look hard enough! I have printed off a copy and will keep it in the Patrol. Problem is - other ADRs specify maximum width of vehicles and such, and depending how you (plod in reality) interpret a particular ADR you may still not be compliant. It all seems silly until you are pulled up in the middle of no where and given a defect notice.

10th August 2016, 11:08 PM
Has anyone adapted the Chevy, GMC, F-truck style extendable towing mirrors onto a GU?

I see the Clearview mirrors here are ~$740 and I can buy the American style units for sub $200USD. It doesn't look like they'd be difficult to adapt.
I'll be in the US in August to see my grandkids so wanted to do some useful shopping while I'm there.

I'm currently in the US and just ordered these from Amazon for USD173. Checked the Clearview site and they have Chevy Silverado mirrors for $795 AUD.
I'll do a thread on how I adapt them when I get back.. if it works.. :)

11th August 2016, 12:06 AM
<img src="http://www.nissanpatrol.com.au/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=68581"/> I'm currently in the US and just ordered these from Amazon for USD173. Checked the Clearview site and they have Chevy Silverado mirrors for $795 AUD. I'll do a thread on how I adapt them when I get back.. if it works.. :) ...
Cheers for the update fjj45, enjoy the good ol USofA. Where's abouts mate? Qantas minerals 2 x 32kg sneakies home :-) ?

11th August 2016, 12:37 AM
I'm at our son's place in McLean VA. it's a few kms outside Washington DC, next to Langley where the Bush Intelligence Centre is i.e. the CIA..
I've bought a trans overhaul kit as well as other bits and pieces. I'm lucky my son works for the World Bank so I can post it all back for free :) No room in the suitcases and I need to buy more stuff in LA on the way back home..

11th August 2016, 12:54 AM
One World coming home is the go mate, Qantas have kindly snuck us up a 'mineral' to 'Sapphire' ;-)

22nd February 2018, 04:12 PM
BettaView ® Caravan Towing Side Mirrors Foldable Extendable GU NISSAN PATROL
ADR RULES(Australian Design Rule 14/02 Rear Vision Mirrors) 2006.
Where the lower edge of an exterior mirror is less than 2 m above the ground when the vehicle is loaded to its technically permissible maximum laden mass. Where the lower edge of an exterior mirror is less than 2 m above the ground when the vehicle is loaded to its technically permissible maximum laden mass, this mirror must not project more than 250 mm beyond the overall width of the vehicle measured without mirrors.

22nd February 2018, 07:00 PM
BettaView ® Caravan Towing Side Mirrors Foldable Extendable GU NISSAN PATROL
ADR RULES(Australian Design Rule 14/02 Rear Vision Mirrors) 2006.
Where the lower edge of an exterior mirror is less than 2 m above the ground when the vehicle is loaded to its technically permissible maximum laden mass. Where the lower edge of an exterior mirror is less than 2 m above the ground when the vehicle is loaded to its technically permissible maximum laden mass, this mirror must not project more than 250 mm beyond the overall width of the vehicle measured without mirrors.

Nice area your from mate , not sure what the post is about but for a GU you can buy clearview mirrors which comply to all regs or buy yourself a cheap set of Silverado 2007 mirrors from the states and adapt them to fit the GU which plenty here have done .
There is also a maximum distance they can stick out when not towing .

22nd February 2018, 08:00 PM
I've read all this thread and was still a little confused about legality, so I read the clear view website and found this. Still not totally convinced so I will make further inquiries before purchasing


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Could you just print this and keep in the glove box and produce it if the mirrors ever come into question?