View Full Version : Relay for air horn

1st June 2016, 02:48 PM
I have a Stebel Nautilus air horn hooked up. Has been for quite some time. As of late its not really working. So I pulled it down and check the inside for dirt etc. All good. Blowing air via my workshop compressor directly into the trumpet side it works. But hooked up to the car it struggles. So I tested it directly to the battery and its much better, but if it can go louder I'm not really sure but it was pretty loud...
For some reason, when I first had a different dual trumpet air horn setup, I had wired in a relay, using the original power wire to the original horn as the switch wire to the new relay. Not even thinking that there would already be a OEM relay. So as it stands its running two relays.
The Nautilus draws 18amps.
Could running two relays create a voltage/ amp loss to the horn? Can I run the Nautilus via the OEM relay?
Just one of the things I need to attend to for the RWC....


the evil twin
1st June 2016, 05:06 PM
Hiya cobber,

You can run 10 relays if you want but it will always be the last one (and the high current wiring to it) that determines the power as the rest are low current switching only.

Those horns pull heaps as you say.... so I would check the power side of the relay you fitted not.

I wouldn't run it solely of the factory wiring, well, it didn't work real flash on mine anyway

1st June 2016, 08:15 PM
Thanks. So its probably advisable to leave the second relay but maybe juice up the power feed to the relay and delivery from the relay to the horn? Its currently wired in using 4mm which i think is rated at 15amp. Or is it 10....
Pain in the behind this will be as i have incorporated all the aftermarket relays into the oem relay box. And the extra relays are feed independently via a fuse box then to the battery.

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2nd June 2016, 01:45 PM
I run two Stebils Nautilus horns found I had to up the fuse rating
for best result, and yes they are loud,,,,lol
Im using the OE horn wires

19th June 2016, 06:24 PM
I have a Stebel Nautilus and It was working fine then it stopped (the relay died) so I decided to just use the original horn relay it worked about 5 times now I have nothing at all.

I'm thinking I need to find the switch wire from the horn and wire up a complete new system.