View Full Version : ZD30 Snail & Exhaust "Wrap-Up"

28th May 2016, 01:20 PM
So, here is another one of my little projects. After another thread where it was asked about removing the factory heat-shield, I thought about how I ditched it (was a little mongrelised after removal). So in the interests of getting engine bay temps down and maybe a tiny bit more efficiency, I went with putting on the "Turbo Beanie" and wrapping the exhaust.

This is the snail blanket I ordered on eBay to suit a T25 - GT35 snail for around the 40 odd clam delivered.
67073 . . . 67074

I also ordered two roles of 2-inch red fiberglass wrap for 35 buckeroonies at the same time. I was impressed the supplier also sent a pair of handling gloves (more in this shortly).

So, after much frustration, the blanket went on. Note it was a tight fit around the manifold and the bracket holding the VNT actuator which is not fouled by the nappy.

So after a couple of hours pulling shit off to make room and the trial-n-error testing, I managed to get the bastard on. The easiest was was to fit the springs to the lower half then wrap/roll it around and and back up under the scroll of the turbine scroll. From here, long needle-nose pliers and a hook-tool, I was able to chase the spring back up near the turbo core and the exhaust manifold for the front side. The rear side was a lot easier and no tools needed here. So, off to bed after several washes due the bloody fiberglass in the booty.

In the morning, the next step was to wrap it. I was toying with idea of removing the dump pipe to make it easier then I remembered the joy of the badly placed nuts on the rear studs. Fark that! So, it was wrapped in-place. So what was needed was about 6 meters to wrap the dump pipe and the rest was used from first flanges tot he second set. I then used another half roll from the flex-joint flange to the rear muffler. So a roll and a half was what was needed. If don't run a rear muffler, then you could wrap all the rear to over the diff if keen. The ties that are usually supplied will not pull up real tight and I would suggest the use of stainless hose clamps to ensure a good clamping. I had enough to the dump pipe and lower first section but then ran out so fell back to the metal zip-ties. If the loosen, I will put clamps on.
67083 67084 67085 67086 67087 67088 67089

A lesson learned: If you are going to do this, do it when you upgrade the zorst, it would be a lot easier when not hung. Next issue, the glass, you will want/need a full body dust suit (the ones from Supercheap/Autobarn), dust mask and gloves. The reason is the wrap makes a lot of glass dust that will get everywhere, even in places you don't want to be scratching in public. I am now a red, itchy mess and will be for next couple of days.

28th May 2016, 01:43 PM
Last few photos don't seem to be working mate..

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28th May 2016, 02:03 PM
Last few photos don't seem to be working mate..
Yeah, I find the attachment tool a pain in arse. Works some times, not others.

28th May 2016, 02:07 PM
The question: Was it worth it?

Bloody Oath

Cabin noise down a little (wasn't expecting this)
Engine bay temps, way cooler
Can put hand on turbo and pipes straight after pulling over after highway run.
Exhaust note changed a little (likely due to hotter and faster exhaust gasses in pipe).
EGT's rose aroun 10-20° over normal (mine measured 2 inches out of turbo in dump pipe).

28th May 2016, 02:07 PM
Yeah, I find the attachment tool a pain in arse. Works some times, not others.

Yeh I've had similar issues before - I find Tapatalk is good for uploading photos

Edit: all photos are working now

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28th May 2016, 02:15 PM
Sweet. Not into the tappacrap, especially the signatures it ads.

18th July 2017, 11:47 PM
Did you wet that heap wrap before putting it on ? I wrapped the exhaust on my truck ( big semi not ute ) from the turbo all the way back to the Y piece at the back of the cab - tedious bastard of a job , only to be told the next day it has to be applied wringing wet so it dries & shrinks tight on there so I had to unwrap the whole bloody thing & re do it . Not amused . I too used stainless hose clamps to hold it on .

19th July 2017, 09:43 AM
Did you wet that heap wrap before putting it on ? I wrapped the exhaust on my truck ( big semi not ute ) from the turbo all the way back to the Y piece at the back of the cab - tedious bastard of a job , only to be told the next day it has to be applied wringing wet so it dries & shrinks tight on there so I had to unwrap the whole bloody thing & re do it . Not amused . I too used stainless hose clamps to hold it on .

LB is long gone Sprock! Way too intelligent for the likes of us retards n sumthin bout the mods being a little touchy feely! Obviously knows em better than I!:D

19th July 2017, 10:22 AM
Haha I only just looked at the date of his posts , didn't think I'd seen his name on here 😳

19th July 2017, 10:44 AM
Did you wet that heap wrap before putting it on ? I wrapped the exhaust on my truck ( big semi not ute ) from the turbo all the way back to the Y piece at the back of the cab - tedious bastard of a job , only to be told the next day it has to be applied wringing wet so it dries & shrinks tight on there so I had to unwrap the whole bloody thing & re do it . Not amused . I too used stainless hose clamps to hold it on .
I never knew this too. I put the wrap on dry... Hasn't fallen of yet and is still tight. I think I will now do the next pipe after the dump pipe. As on long hauls the floor gets hot. I have cardboard stuffed under the carpet to help insulate this. It works a little bit.

19th July 2017, 08:52 PM
I Assume it's the same for all heat wraps - the stuff I used in the truck was a big roll & was white & softer fluffy looking than the smaller roll I got elsewhere that looks more like a hessian type of material , I too am going to wrap the dump pipe & right along about level with the B pillar - the passenger floor & more so centre console gets hot .