View Full Version : What a feeling

Sir Roofy
10th May 2016, 08:59 PM
Well went for a C.T scan today got there on time had to go to Dandenong Hospital
Found where we had to go fill in all the forms again Take a seat thankyou and they
will call you
Sat and waited for a while then get called in
the male nurse had 2 goes at putting the cafeter in my arms got it the first time that
go back and wait again waiting waiting and more waiting then bingo its my turn
in I go male nurse again strip from the waist down put on the gown
go in get on the table explain whats going to happen
Flush with water,test run the table a couple of times then they hooked me up to the dye
test run the table again,hold your breath,let it out now we are ready hold your breath
table comes out as I go back in my ears go all warm then down the body mmmm
loverly feeling OH MG did I or didn't I just shat my self a warm glowing feeling
phew that was all good
The MRI I had before all this thought I had wet myself

10th May 2016, 09:08 PM
LOL! Set yourself free matey, not as if you have any responsibility for it! As long as you felt good and you got the scan you needed, as a taxpayer I'm happy to pay for the clean up mate! :)