View Full Version : Fishing tours/ trips in the N.T

16th April 2016, 03:34 PM
Can anyone recommend at fishing trips in N.T or around there?
My dad, my brother, my nephew and myself want to do a trip up that way and fish for some Barra. We want to use a guide of course. Maybe stay somewhere up there for three or so days???


16th April 2016, 03:41 PM
Forgoten the name I think they call it Barra Base these days off the tip of Arnhem land

the evil twin
16th April 2016, 03:52 PM
Can anyone recommend at fishing trips in N.T or around there?
My dad, my brother, my nephew and myself want to do a trip up that way and fish for some Barra. We want to use a guide of course. Maybe stay somewhere up there for three or so days???


What time of year are you going?
That will depend where/who will suit you best.

I lived in darwin for 13 years but been gone a while now.
Using a guide is def way to go for that once in a lifetime experience BUt be aware it will be a once in a lifetime price as well

16th April 2016, 08:25 PM
What time of year are you going?
That will depend where/who will suit you best.

I lived in darwin for 13 years but been gone a while now.
Using a guide is def way to go for that once in a lifetime experience BUt be aware it will be a once in a lifetime price as well
I assume in the dry season. I dont even really know where to start looking at this. Done a bit of googling i dont really know who to look for or at.

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the evil twin
16th April 2016, 08:56 PM
Dry Season you are talking Saltwater (all species) and River (Barra and Salmon) or, if you want Barra and only Barra, the Billabongs

IMHO the saltwater option is the go (mainly cause I loooove Mud Crabs)
If you want full facility camping then places like Crab Claw are pretty good.

If you want specialist fishing guides there are heaps.
If they suck they don't last long so go with someone that has a bit of history or specialises in an area
Good tip is ask the mob at wherever you decide to stay.

The guides won't be all that cheap BUT... they have exactly the right gear and know exactly which lures and colours are working at any given time.
Barra are a tricky fish, they are the laziest mofo in the water and you can hit 'em on the scone with a lure and they will ignore it.

You can flog the water for hours without a strike then someone will turn up and catch the buggers from right under your nose.

I have been involved with Fisheries up there and they will work an area with electroshock equipment and there will be a couple of hundred in an area no one has caught a fish all day

Most dry season barra spots are a few hours each way from Darwin and pretty much boat access only

16th April 2016, 09:43 PM
Thanks et. I had in mind to stay "on site" and have everything booked before we leave.

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I just sent this mob an email asking for more info.

17th April 2016, 11:40 PM
Always wanted to do this with my father when he retired.

Unfortunately died before this could happen.
Hmmm got me thinking now.

18th April 2016, 07:45 AM
Mudski if you are not set on the dry season, the run-off is the best fishing you'll ever see. Places like Shady Camp (Mary River) with a decent guide for a day could see you boat a hundred Barra and the birdlife etc. is fantastic.

Think April, talk to the guides and if you are flexible enough, and prepared to drop everything and go when they recommend, then you will have a fat time!

18th April 2016, 08:31 AM
You need to go at "Knock em" down season which should be around this time of year.
Knock em down is when the winds flatten all the Pandanas grass around the place.
Some call it the "run off" I suppose, this is when all the water is draining off the Arnhem
I lived up Darwin for a year and a half, best place on the Planet if you ask me.
Not sure you want to be waiting too much longer, I take it you want to book for next year.
as I think the best fishing is happening as we write, IMO

18th April 2016, 03:51 PM
Yeah this will be for next year.
@FNQGQ. i would prefer the dry season. I dont particularly want to be fishing in a monsoon. Lol.
But we'll wait and see if this mob returns my email.
Anyone else i should be contacting?

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18th April 2016, 04:04 PM
Mark, when I was up Weipa way in the dry, all locals were saying the same as above. If it's purely a fishing trip I would reconsider time of year mate

….................... On the move

18th April 2016, 04:13 PM
Always wanted to do this with my father when he retired.

Unfortunately died before this could happen.

This is why I want to do this. He's getting on is age and we've always talked about this. So I need to get off my rrss and do something.
Hmmm got me thinking now.

Mark, when I was up Weipa way in the dry, all locals were saying the same as above. If it's purely a fishing trip I would reconsider time of year mate

….................... On the move

Thanks Kris. I would definitely reconsider if it means fish or no fish. I just need to get more info on prices, and tour/ guide types etc etc.

18th April 2016, 05:09 PM
This looks good mark article on the run in and run out http://www.barramundi-fishing-adventure.com/darwin-fishing-seasons.html

18th April 2016, 05:25 PM
This looks good mark article on the run in and run out http://www.barramundi-fishing-adventure.com/darwin-fishing-seasons.html

The second paragraph got my blood pumping!
I've got about 300 tabs open in my browser with website after website on chartered tours with onsite accommodation. From what I can tell, its going to be around 4k for 3days fishing and 4night accom. Then we have to get here and back, maybe another 1 1.5k??? Not to bad considering I will more than likely never get to do this again in my lifetime.
The hardest thing is knowing finding the right place.
We want something where we don't lift a finger, all meals inclusive, we get to eat our catch, and drink some 18yo Glenlivet while watching the sunset. We don't mind paying for the privilege too ( I just need to save some more lol). As like I said it will be a once in a lifetime thing for me. And to spend some precious time with my Dad doing what we've always talked about.
I'm so confused already.
Why don't there bloody websites put up pricing instead of making us contact them? Only a few show prices. I might even go to the local travel agent and see what they have.

18th April 2016, 06:43 PM
So far these two catch my eye. Excuse the pun.

the evil twin
18th April 2016, 06:43 PM
snip... I would definitely reconsider if it means fish or no fish. I just need to get more info on prices, and tour/ guide types etc etc.

Sorry, I thought you were doing the fishing around a trip not a trip around the fishing and had decided on the dry season.

Darwin is a bit different to a lot of areas.
It will 'fish' almost all year round.
There are a heap of BIG rivers and humungous wetlands.
The East and South Alligator, Mary, Adelaide, Finiss, Daly are all 'day trips for the locals

I loved the build-up fishing myself but a word to the wise the humidity is an absolute killer if you aren't acclimatised.
Billabongs - We used to get pissed up and sleep during the day and fish the moon rise at night (the later the moon the better, say 11 to 2 AM.
Rivers/Creeks - We used to go down near the mouths and fish the run in tide and crab.

Wet Season (Jan Feb March depending) is not much chop - very limited access and too much water

Run off (March to May depending)- Prime fishing on the wetlands but where and when can be tricky. Most spots will 'fire' for about 3 weeks or so. 'When' is totally dependant on how much flood and if it is an early or a late Wet season.
Very, very easy to get caught up in the 'you shoulda been here last week' scenarios

Dry season - is a steady time, chasing the 'resident' fish and local knowledge really becomes important.

For nothing else but a 'Fishing trip of a Lifetime' you are on the right track 'google' shopping for a venue and guide.

18th April 2016, 07:13 PM
I only decided on the dry season due to the weather. I had no idea until this thread, about the run off seasons etc etc.
So mate. I'll bloody go now if I can. No wait, I can't. I haven't saved enough yet. Half way there. We want the 'Fishing trip of a Lifetime'. I can't bloody wait now. I told th missus on the estimate costs and she was o.k with it. I near fell off my chair. As it will cost around 1k per day I reckon after we include everything.
I think I will need to take my back drugs tonight just so I can sleep.

18th April 2016, 07:34 PM
$$$ against the best time of your life with your family mate. Chance of your lifetime mate ....I'd jump at it if me old man was still kicking!

18th April 2016, 08:47 PM
I've been over to fish the run-off several times now and haven't missed yet. Ring around the guides and get a feel for how they run their show. Ring the tackle shops up there too mate - they no doubt have their favourites but also know who knows their shit.

The Daly River was awesome, but you need to run long distances in boats. Caught 70+ barra off one creek mouth (I think it was called No Fish creek from memory), but had to share it with four other boats. The river can run at 8-9 knots too, so if you take your 12ft tinny and 9hp motor, be very wary that the trip home will suck more fuel and take longer.

The other beauty was Shady Camp and the wetlands over that way. Awesome, but you share it with a LOT of other boats. Having come from Nth Qld where the etiquette is very different (ie. you are on a creek mouth - it is yours), I struggled at first with the NT sharing way of doing things.

If you want to fish Shady Camp, just stay in Darwin and do day trips. The guides pick you up early and drive you out each day. That leaves you with the Night Markets and other activities after a day out. I seem to recall Mud Wrestling was still a go at one of the back-packer joints if you are looking for a laugh.

Otherwise, save some coin - book a donga at the Daly for a week and spend your coin on rum and guides instead. The guides will make it worth while. Find a place with a pool and good BBQ area for when you get back each evening. F.ck the 5-star rubbish, you only sleep and fish! And in between you talk about fish or sleep.

I'm heading back that way next year for another dose! Yes, be wary of the late floods and high waters, but I wouldn't bother buggerising around with the dry season or having to work those billabongs.

18th April 2016, 09:04 PM
We don't really want to stay in Darwin and do day trips. We'd rather be there and get the full experience. Less stuffing around too. Fish during the day. Eat fish and drink during the evening. I can ring guides and fishing shops etc but i really dont know what i should be asking. Sounds strange but this is new to me, im used to doing a solo run up the high country with just me and my fly rod and hunt some trout.

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19th April 2016, 12:37 PM
Now that sounds the go a big Barra on the fly you got me excited now mark

19th April 2016, 01:05 PM
As ET says the humidity is life draining, you breathe water its that humid,
still saying after the monsoons have subsided , but again that humidity is
beyound belief, You wash your jeans and hang them on the line they get wetter lol
Think Ive seen that second link on TV so "as seen on TV" is a winner
Stuff fishing light you're there to catch fish, the local prefer thread fin salmon to Barra.
They recokon barra is for the tourist.
You want a metre barra use 80lb line fishing light never caught big fish consistently

19th April 2016, 02:08 PM
Stuff fishing light you're there to catch fish, the local prefer thread fin salmon to Barra.
They recokon barra is for the tourist.
You want a metre barra use 80lb line fishing light never caught big fish consistently[/QUOTE]
I don't see any thing about fishing light TD

19th April 2016, 03:20 PM
As ET says the humidity is life draining, you breathe water its that humid,
still saying after the monsoons have subsided , but again that humidity is
beyound belief, You wash your jeans and hang them on the line they get wetter lol
Think Ive seen that second link on TV so "as seen on TV" is a winner
Stuff fishing light you're there to catch fish, the local prefer thread fin salmon to Barra.
They recokon barra is for the tourist.
You want a metre barra use 80lb line fishing light never caught big fish consistently

Lol. Well what am I if I'm not a tourist?

20th April 2016, 04:58 PM
Just use 20lb braid on a decent reel and if you are flicking lures all day then a graphite rod is nice to have too. We use mostly either Calcutta 200b's or some lighter weight older Chronarch 100's, on 5'10" rods, although my favourite is a light weight Shimano Core 50Mg reel and 12lb braid on a Samurai 12-16lb fast action 5'6" rod. Super light, but a shite load of fun and it still lands some bloody big fish for its size. I also have a Calcutta 400 rigged with 30lb braid that I troll with or live bait with, mostly because of the ratchet.

If you are going to flick lures all day for several days, then I wouldn't suggest using heavier gear as you will regret it. Your wrists will be sore and accuracy of casts suffers dramatically.

If you are going to use guides, then don't waste your time thinking about lures or rods. Just use their gear and replace as you lose it. They know best what is working in what areas and their rods and reels are generally very good gear.

Salmon is good to eat, and so is barra. Both fight well and are as much fun to catch as the other. If you have a chef who knows his shi.t, you won't have a bad meal! One of my favourites is a Sambal Barra (or whatever fish you have that day).

You'll have a great time, no doubt about it. Damn you've got me thinking about my next trip already!!! Borrooloola and Roper Bar probably. As soon as we can get in after next years wet season.

21st April 2016, 08:19 PM
So i spoke with my dad today and he asks when are we going. I said next year and he wants to go like now. Bloody hell this might happen quicker than expected.
Only issue is my brothers missus. They have more money that i could dream of and she's saying its too dear and is not keen on letting my brother spend that kind of coin. Lol

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21st April 2016, 08:22 PM
Well you did say nobody wants to go 4wd-ing with you this weekend so ... Book the flights !

21st April 2016, 08:26 PM
Well you did say nobody wants to go 4wd-ing with you this weekend so ... Book the flights !
In time...

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9th June 2016, 07:09 PM
O.k Back into looking at venues. Run off is obviously the best time, feb to may, for the freshwater barra. But what about salt water barra? From what I can see that don't matter. Plus with salt water fishing, we have the chance to catch other species.
I suppose I need to ask what I want to do? Problem is my answer is fish. For that big barra. And have the time of my life with my dad. Having good accomodation is a must, and it would be nice to have someone there to cook our catch for dinner that night.
These are the sites I have been looking at, and its just made me more confused...

the evil twin
9th June 2016, 07:29 PM
FWIW... and I left Darwin 0ver 10 years ago after living there for 13 so been gone a while, I would rank them
1. Dhippirri
2. Coburg
Reasons for that being that the fishing in Arnhem is awesome and you will also go where only a small percentage of others have ever been.
I've been to Coburg but not over Mullingimbi way altho my son has and the memories will last a lifetime.

Of the closer to Darwin alternatives it is harder to split them and I think you would do OK with any of the 3 so I would base my choice on a telephone conversation or two.

Bottom line is if you want the epic trip to a place few will ever see I would go Dhipirri with Coburg a close second

9th June 2016, 09:08 PM
Thanks ET. I've just spend the last few hours looking at website after website. Is that all people in the NT do for a crust? Fishing tours? Hehe...
Still lost myself looking.
Fishing in Arnhem land is where we want to go. Somewhere a bit more remote. So now we have narrowed the area down, I just have to find the sites offering in that region.
Myself, my brother and my dad are meeting up Saturday night to discuss what we want in this trip and look at some sites. My brother also wants to stay in Darwin a few days either side of the fishing trip to look around. Maybe hire a 4wd and go for a drive.
Something else to look at.....

11th June 2016, 12:50 PM
Another that's been on TV lately is Clearwater fishing tours, but they may be out of Melville Is.
I've sadly only caught one Barra from the Wenlock river in '83 ,

15th June 2016, 11:33 AM
“Fish catches have been down dramatically compared to an average year, so it's very poor and it's not just the barramundi fishery, it's right across the banana prawn fishery, the crab fishery, and it's all basically due to the lack of [wet season] rain we've had over the last three seasons."

Reports from fishermen in the Northern Territory suggest barramundi catches have been strong in waters west of Darwin and fairly reasonable along the north Arnhem Land coastline, but definitely poor in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

http://www.willyweather.com.au/news/5667/barramundi+boats+return+to+port+because+of+low+cat ches+in+the+gulf+of+carpentaria.html

Looks like you might be lucky Mark.

15th June 2016, 11:53 AM
Is that $1mil Barra still up for grabs around Darwin ???

15th June 2016, 03:36 PM
The news papers are full of croc incidents of late. Make sure you cover your clothes in pepper and attach a few small bells to them as well.

15th June 2016, 03:48 PM
“Fish catches have been down dramatically compared to an average year, so it's very poor and it's not just the barramundi fishery, it's right across the banana prawn fishery, the crab fishery, and it's all basically due to the lack of [wet season] rain we've had over the last three seasons."

Reports from fishermen in the Northern Territory suggest barramundi catches have been strong in waters west of Darwin and fairly reasonable along the north Arnhem Land coastline, but definitely poor in the Gulf of Carpentaria.

http://www.willyweather.com.au/news/5667/barramundi+boats+return+to+port+because+of+low+cat ches+in+the+gulf+of+carpentaria.html

Looks like you might be lucky Mark.
Woo hoo! Looks like we are going next year after the wet season too.

Is that $1mil Barra still up for grabs around Darwin ???

I believe it still is.

The news papers are full of croc incidents of late. Make sure you cover your clothes in pepper and attach a few small bells to them as well.

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15th June 2016, 05:24 PM

That way - when the rangers find the peppery smelling croc shit with the little bells in it - they can send it to your rellys so they have something to put in the coffin. :p:p:p

30th September 2016, 09:54 PM
Ok its booked. We have decided on the Cobourg Peninsula trip. Its a fair bit cheaper, easier to get to, two planes instead of three, the guy at Cobourg was easier to talk to aswell. So we are heading up there in April, 10th i think. Will be up there for three days and three nights, then we go back to Darwin and we are hiring a 4x4 and will do Kakadu, then head south to someplace, then head northwest back to Darwin. This will be over three or four days.
I am bloody looking forward to this.
I need to get myself a GoPro before i leave too.
Im finally doing it!

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1st October 2016, 11:19 AM
Thought you might like this one mark to get your blood pumping

2nd October 2016, 12:31 AM
Yeah cool. If I took my fly rod I think a Barra would bust it a little. :)

7th January 2019, 07:07 PM
did this happen, any pics?

7th January 2019, 07:20 PM
did this happen, any pics?

Yeah I did happen. Going back up there again in October. Can’t bloody wait.
Ended up on the Cobourg Peninsula. Cost around 4K for 3.5 days. 2k of it was for the chartered flight. We could have hired a car and driven it but that’s just stupid. And a waste of fishing time.
In the end. It’s the best fun I have ever had. Even for my brother who hates fishing absolutely loved it. Catching massive GT’s and Queenfish was an absolute buzz. But the highlight was the Spanish Mackerel I caught.

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7th January 2019, 08:15 PM
nice, great fish