View Full Version : Where were you 40 years ago last weekend?

12th April 2016, 09:11 AM
Lucky for me I was on Fraser for the 1st time. Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th April were the start of life long love affair. It is still my favorite place to go.

I had just bought a shorty cruiser for $1200 off a cattle property near Normanton when I worked up there in the old Bank of New South Wales. It had been under water during the 74 floods and the receivers of the property had put new rings and bearings in the old F series petrol motor, changed fluids wired up ignition and headlights only and a quick splash of paint. Drove back to Brigvagas with 5gallon fuel drum in the back as fuel gauge and everything else electrical did not work. Three speed box with no syncro on first, no power steering, dodgy drum brakes but incredible amount of fun.

Back then,if you saw another vehicle on the beach, you would stop and have a beer and a chat. Fuel at Happy Valley was hand pumped in to a churn to measure and then poured in the fuel tank. No maps available-just follow a track you have been told about and eventually you arrived at the other side of the Island to catch the barge back to River Heads depending on the tide.

Those were the days when there was no rubbish, fires were allowed, no rangers or police and no problems with the poor old dingos as there were brumbies for them to hunt, sand mining and timber getting. Some progress and some not so good.

12th April 2016, 09:40 AM
Somewhere in Port Hedland, don't remember much, I was only 3

12th April 2016, 09:50 AM
Apprentice carpenter. Tweed Heads / Coolangatta

12th April 2016, 09:59 AM
40 years ago I was 25. I cant remember what I was doing when I turned 60 let alone what I was doing when I was 25. i would have been in Perth, working for the PMG department (whats that).

12th April 2016, 10:04 AM
As I was only 11 at the time I would not know where specifically where I was on that weekend.
A typical weekend for me back then I would normally be spent catching yabbies down the creek or fishing on the Port Noarlunga jetty.
I also spent a lot of time at a disused quarry in Reynella which has lots of caves to explore and a riffle range where I would collect the slugs to melt down to make sinkers.
On one weekend a month we would go to a community movie theater at Morphett Vale and see a movie, it was always full.

12th April 2016, 10:10 AM
I woulda been 9 so might've been carrying rabbits Dad had shot, fishing or getting towed on a car tube behind the tinny at Lake Eppalock. Might also have been yabbying or
running riot in the mine tailings with the neighbourhood kids.

12th April 2016, 10:15 AM
I was happily settling into retirement

>>>tappin from tassie

Sir Roofy
12th April 2016, 10:20 AM
40 years ago I was 25. I cant remember what I was doing when I turned 60 let alone what I was doing when I was 25. i would have been in Perth, working for the PMG department (whats that).

Post Master General

12th April 2016, 10:30 AM
Public Money Grabbers.

12th April 2016, 01:14 PM
yep i had just got out of the RAAF and had just started with the PMG as a lines assistant :) at Yankalilla in south oz

12th April 2016, 02:05 PM
i was 7 and would have been up at Lake Eildon at the Caravan and would have been doing some water skiing and motorbike riding on a mates XR75. We'd go there ever other weekend and it was great. the days before Time Share resorts on the Weir and everyone was having a great time. I was in about grade 2 and Moved house about then too.. Away from my friends from birth into a new suburb and new friends. Back when the Outer East was still Croydon which was still farm land! Roville did not exist and the Freeway finished at Doncaster! Pentridge Prison was still open and we'd have to skirt around it to get onto Sydney Rd because the Hume was still a Goat track that started beyond Kalkalo.

The neighbour across the road had just got the first Colour TV in the street and all the kids would gather there to watch Batman and Robin in colour! The Grass was SOOOOOO GREEN!!!

My bicycle was a Malvern Star Dragster with a Tbar gear shift and a big Far koff Sissy bar! Livin in the 70s was Kool! Dad drove a HQ Panel Van and mum drove an EH Wagon which we owned from New.

12th April 2016, 02:21 PM
I was still 10 years and 11 months away..

Sir Roofy
12th April 2016, 02:24 PM
Roofy was 26yrs old living in Queensland. He was a station hand on a property in central Queensland. Bit of droving, stock mustering and riding wild horses. Living rough out of his swag and riding bulls in rodeos. That's why he suffers a bit these days bodywise. Can tell lots of tales about those days.

12th April 2016, 02:25 PM
I was still 10 years and 11 months away..

Same but 11 years and 6 months for me

12th April 2016, 02:57 PM
8 yrs old, just moved to Narara from Gundagai 2 days before Christmas.
Got a new malvinstar, no gears still thought it was the bee's knees, & rode & rode my little brains out.
Arrh The good old days & a 4x4 was just about as rare as hens teeth

12th April 2016, 03:01 PM
Touring,, mainly Nth western area in WA
You name it I was going there going places
Id been across the Nullabor 3 times and not once
was it tarred. Ah the stories,,,, come find me lol

12th April 2016, 03:38 PM
My dad was driving a HQ station wagon which he had from new. It was his company car and doubled as the school bus for our street, could get a dozen kids in easily. He bought it off the company and kept it for years and I got to learn to drive in it.

the evil twin
12th April 2016, 03:46 PM
Water Skiing on the Hawkesbury River.

This I know 'cause that was all we did for years... finish work on the Friday arvo, launch the boat, grab the sheilas and the beer, set up on the Ski Beach and ski from dawn to dusk until it was either Sun night or the money ran out for more fuel and beer

12th April 2016, 03:54 PM
Might also add I met the love of my life and we are still
together, 31 years of wedded bliss.Her name is Lily
a hot blooded Italian, wouldn't have it any other way

12th April 2016, 04:04 PM
I was happily settling into retirement

>>>tappin from tassie
Hell taslucas you don't look a day over 85 mate66182 you saying you retired at 45?

12th April 2016, 06:04 PM
I was serving in the Rhodesian light infantry..... oh wait no I just IMAGINED that.

I was doing training/preparation work for the big race, luckily a few years later I won!

12th April 2016, 06:11 PM
I was serving in the Rhodesian light infantry..... oh wait no I just IMAGINED that.

I was doing training/preparation work for the big race, luckily a few years later I won!

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12th April 2016, 06:28 PM
I was serving in the Rhodesian light infantry..... oh wait no I just IMAGINED that.

I was doing training/preparation work for the big race, luckily a few years later I won!
Bahahaha.. brilliant..

12th April 2016, 06:39 PM
wow, back then, I would have been just started High School

so probably pissing around at a mates place with the Girl thingys............
he had a pool and older sisters.................

jay see
12th April 2016, 07:21 PM
Bugger if I know, where were you when you were 2?

12th April 2016, 08:01 PM
What a great thread

12th April 2016, 08:03 PM
Ouch, my awesomeness meter just exploded!



Wow!! That's it!! Damn! That's the one but mine was Fluro Orange!!!!

I remember those KMX before the advent of BMX with the fake fuel tank and all!

12th April 2016, 08:05 PM
I was serving in the Rhodesian light infantry..... oh wait no I just IMAGINED that.

I was doing training/preparation work for the big race, luckily a few years later I won!

Nearly choked on my dinner!!

12th April 2016, 08:24 PM
I was nearly 4 years old and lived in glebe in Sydney. ....

Back then you could walk down the middle of the road on a Sunday no problem even though it was an inner-city suburb in our biggest city.

And at 6 years of age i had one of those dragster push bikes with the gear change between your legs.

12th April 2016, 08:32 PM
I was still 10 years and 11 months away..

Same but 11 years and 6 months for me

Same here but 10 years and 6 months away

12th April 2016, 08:32 PM
Probably would have just found out the the wife was pregnant with our first born, that turned out to be twins but we didn't find that out till 3 days before they arrived. Pre ultrasound days.

12th April 2016, 08:54 PM
I was nearly 4 years old and lived in glebe in Sydney. ....

Back then you could walk down the middle of the road on a Sunday no problem even though it was an inner-city suburb in our biggest city.

And at 6 years of age i had one of those dragster push bikes with the gear change between your legs.

I just spent a month in apartment in Glebe, $1150 a week and we were surrounded by streets full of junkies.
Would not want to walk down the middle of the street now as the traffic is crazy and they all want to run over pedestrians.

13th April 2016, 06:34 AM
Ouch, my awesomeness meter just exploded!



I had a red one just like that plassy. Eventually converted it into a BMX
But as for the Q? Farked if I know. Was 4 and probably on my Pa's farm

Bush Ranger
13th April 2016, 10:09 AM
Forty years ago, I would`ve been living in a town called Three Springs, WA. Had fun back then.

13th April 2016, 11:40 AM
I was living in Geneva, Switzerland with my Swiss wife and 3 year old son.
April would have been Spring time and I was probably working on my '69 VW combi to fit it out as a campervan.
We did 50k kms with it around Europe. Even drove it to the northern most point of Scotland.. 3 weeks with the wipers on, won't ever do that again :)

13th April 2016, 11:55 AM
Great thread guys, keep them coming.
Makes me feel like I've accomplished very little haha.

>>>tappin from tassie

13th April 2016, 03:41 PM
I was.5 so probably getting dad another bit of willow off the tree out front dor something i had done or was going to do...and he had one of them Valliant also

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13th April 2016, 04:02 PM
Ask this question in 40 years... There will be answers of "I was in my bedroom playing Minecraft on my iPad" etc.

13th April 2016, 04:16 PM
Ask this question in 40 years... There will be answers of "I was in my bedroom playing Minecraft on my iPad" etc.
So true
and my bike looked like this

13th April 2016, 04:16 PM
Ask this question in 40 years... There will be answers of "I was in my bedroom playing Minecraft on my iPad" etc.
Not if they ask you! Or me. Or anyone in this thread lol

>>>tappin from tassie

17th January 2019, 02:09 PM
Joined the army next week 40 years ago, for a 3 year stint.

17th January 2019, 03:02 PM
I cant remember what I was doing last week let alone 40 years ago LOL

but 77 years ago I was getting ready to pop out.

17th January 2019, 04:17 PM
I would have been getting ready to start year 9 at school. Was a bit different back then, no computers or mobile phones but I did have one of these.


17th January 2019, 04:29 PM
I would have been getting ready to start year 9 at school. Was a bit different back then, no computers or mobile phones but I did have one of these.


You were a lucky lucky boy! You had stereo! Ours was a powerful 2 watt mono unit.

17th January 2019, 04:51 PM
1979!!!! I was 10 years old. Id just got a fluro Orange Malvern Star Chopper bicycle for Christmas. KOOL as Fark! Big sissy bar off the back. Ape hanger bars and a TBar 3 speed gear selector on the top bar. Killer!!!

I was going into Grade 5. Mum drove a VB Commodore i reckon maybe? And Dad had a HZ Panel Van for work.

17th January 2019, 04:57 PM
Wish i still had it!!!! Just like this beast!!


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17th January 2019, 05:29 PM
Wish i still had it!!!! Just like this beast!!


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Haha I'd pay good money to see you ride it around town now mate!!

17th January 2019, 05:34 PM
1979!!!! I was 10 years old. Id just got a fluro Orange Malvern Star Chopper bicycle for Christmas. KOOL as Fark! Big sissy bar off the back. Ape hanger bars and a TBar 3 speed gear selector on the top bar. Killer!!!

I was going into Grade 5. Mum drove a VB Commodore i reckon maybe? And Dad had a HZ Panel Van for work.

You were spoilt, my bike was a hand me down that both my older brothers had prior.

My dad was driving a HQ station wagon with 3 on the tree, I learnt to drive in it.

17th January 2019, 06:29 PM
Probably in a bus on the way to school in Athens..... Either that or having sea urchin spines removed from the soles of me feet...... Lots of sea urchins over there you know

17th January 2019, 06:50 PM
I was into my 7th year of a 10 year blurr, still can't remember much about it hahahahahaha

17th January 2019, 07:39 PM
I would have been getting ready to start year 9 at school. Was a bit different back then, no computers or mobile phones but I did have one of these.


That still looks quality to me even now!

Edit: Short wave and all, so you can listen to those spooky signal/numbers stations at night! That used to fascinate me as a kid (actually still does).

17th January 2019, 07:40 PM
I was into my 7th year of a 10 year blurr, still can't remember much about it hahahahahaha

Doin' time can do that woofa! :D

17th January 2019, 08:44 PM
i dont think i was even a thought in the oldies eyes.... bludy old farts the lot of ya!

17th January 2019, 09:17 PM
Best 40years to date!
Whatcha reckon AB :-) ?????

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17th January 2019, 11:08 PM
I would have been getting ready to start year 9 at school. Was a bit different back then, no computers or mobile phones but I did have one of these.

77613Ohhhhh you had a flash new age portable..... This was our portable, trouble is, it only ran on mains power so we could only go as far as the mains lead would allow, and the speakers were separate too. Got a bit heavy after a while.

My mum still has it. Will probably be passed down to my brother at some stage.


jay see
17th January 2019, 11:09 PM
Out of interest for those that know the area, where Werribee Plaza is now was just paddocks and the farmer had camels in them. An ingrained early childhood memory.

Know the area mate.

My old stomping ground was lalor. Parents still live there.
Egders rd was two way traffic, finished at child's rd, then there was the dirt road to high street. The whole of Epping plaza and the hospital use to be a Scocer ground for the wogs and the Aussies had the bmx and motorbike tracks.

Ahh, those were the days.

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17th January 2019, 11:25 PM
Probably in a bus on the way to school in Athens..... Either that or having sea urchin spines removed from the soles of me feet...... Lots of sea urchins over there you know

You've always been a tripper! Dunlop Volleys for the reefs mate :D

17th January 2019, 11:30 PM
Ohhhhh you had a flash new age portable..... This was our portable, trouble is, it only ran on mains power so we could only go as far as the mains lead would allow, and the speakers were separate too. Got a bit heavy after a while.

My mum still has it. Will probably be passed down to my brother at some stage.


Betcha it's still higher quality than the Chinese crap made today. No exclamation I'm serious. !

18th January 2019, 11:44 AM
40 years ago I was 21 & on the verge of committing to a career after several years of occasional casual work, travel & lots of fun. I recall struggling to imagine working in a job for more than a few months maximum, but jobs which had been easy to get we’re becoming more difficult to find.

the evil twin
18th January 2019, 12:46 PM
Camped at our Ski Beach on the Hawkesbury River near Windsor, Skiing and Drinking with the odd break for food and/or sleep. Skiing in the summer, fished in the winter, fixed C130 Hercules during the break between weekends.