View Full Version : My Patrol STOLEN - Ashfield, NSW

28th March 2016, 01:08 PM
Hey all,
Long time lurker here...James is my name.

Patrol got stolen last night from Ashfield, NSW. Please keep a look out and msg me anything that might help.

Pretty upset as its probably gonna get ripped apart for parts...


STOLEN: Nissan Patrol GQ 1994 white
Taken from Ashfield, NSW between Sunday 27th March 10pm (ish) and Monday 28th 10.40am

If you see any vehicles similar to pics attached, please msg me.

Please share.

Rego: QIL 780 (but probably changed by thieves now)

Distinctive features: Roof rack, side and rear awnings, BFG Mud-Terrain tyres, snorkel, top full length LED bar, front roo bar with small LED bar...please see pics

28th March 2016, 02:03 PM
F****** cockroaches... Wish you the best of luck mate. Best case scenario is they just used it to get from A to B and dumped it...

28th March 2016, 02:04 PM
Do you have a Face ache link with this info we could share around?

Hope you find it with no damage

28th March 2016, 02:26 PM
That really really sux mate, absolute scumbags. All the best with it hope it turns up.

28th March 2016, 02:32 PM
Very sad that this stuff goes on. What size engine, is there any stickers or dings in the body work that you can describe? Best of luck.

28th March 2016, 03:26 PM
That sucks big ones mate , hope you get it back, Friggen thieves lowest
of the low total rrrrrrsole' hope you get a chance to have a "talk" if you ever find the thieves

28th March 2016, 05:18 PM
C$%ts f#@ked......!!!!!!

28th March 2016, 06:08 PM
Do you have a Face ache link with this info we could share around?

Hope you find it with no damage

OK - Facebook just has the same info as above...will elaborate here:

- 1994 Nissan Patrol GQ (RX)
- Auto
- 4.2l petrol (6 cylinder)
- 273,000kms (ish)

I'm thinking the only benefit the scumbags will get is to break it up for parts...so please keep an eye out:

Distinctive features:
--- Is a LWB, rearmost 2 seats removed and drawers and cargo barrier installed.

Pic shows raised compartment on right hand side but I modified it all to be flat:


--- Mid seats are 50:50 split. Driver side mid seats are removed for additional storage.

- Stickers
--- (worn out "Old Man Emu" suspension sticker on driver side rear window)
--- New ARB St Peters stick on rear window
--- Some sort of Nissan Patrol NSW Owners Club stick on back too
--- Some weird sort of monkey sticker rear passenger side
--- "EFI" and "RX" stickers wearing off


- Body condition
--- No major damages (few little dents here and there, nothing to speak of)
--- Paint condition - White paint blown off by pressure washer middle/above front windscreen. Same at the rear (stopped using pressure washer after that) - Grey primer showing.
--- Above rear wheel arches on "puttied" seams the white had been worn off either side by use of a buffer

Engine Bay
-- Unique 12v system as I did it myself, wasn't even 100% finished... recognisable by ARB battery tray on right hand side of engine re-purposed with 3 fuses boxes for AUX BATTERY, STARTER BATTERY, and ACC all labelled. ACC isn't even wired in. SSB 130Ah deep cycle AGM battery is mounted in the rear of the car. Rear fuse box mounted with inverter and 6 way 240v extension on board mounted behind mid right seat.

Front windsreen is cracked from as of 4 days ago at bottom in a sort of backward "C" shape as a stone hit from passing lorry on way through Blue Mountains to Newnes/Lost City

That's all I can think of for now...head's still spinning. Family holiday in Fraser in May now off.....

28th March 2016, 06:47 PM
...another little unique things was the rear wheel cover....it had button holes put in the bottom to allow the rain to drain out. If you see a cover with "4x4" on it with about 8 button holes in the bottom...chances are it's mine.

28th March 2016, 06:57 PM
I hope the extra info helps mate. You never know, someone might remember some of it if they see the vehicle for sale.

28th March 2016, 07:19 PM
OK - Facebook just has the same info as above...will elaborate here:

Hi James,

Can you please post a link / links 2 the face book info so we can share it around on our private accounts

28th March 2016, 08:18 PM
Low life egg sucking gutter trash. We can only hope the steelers are caught and we are able to attend a public thrashing of the scum.

28th March 2016, 09:51 PM
man that just sucks balls big time........ hope you get it back mate

28th March 2016, 10:50 PM
Hi James,

Can you please post a link / links 2 the face book info so we can share it around on our private accounts

Really appreciate the support. Pretty upsetting TBH

Facebook info: https://www.facebook.com/DriversGarageAu/posts/1080116488693348

Excuse the post using "The Drivers' Garage"...it's my business I tried (still trying) to get off the ground....couldn't for the life of me figure out how to share from my personal FB account...

29th March 2016, 05:33 AM
Really appreciate the support. Pretty upsetting TBH

Facebook info: https://www.facebook.com/DriversGarageAu/posts/1080116488693348

I'm sure it would be very upsetting :(

Started sharing around FB world

29th March 2016, 06:38 AM
I know I'm all the way over here mate, but I wish you the best of luck with getting yer babe back!

29th March 2016, 08:21 AM
Shared on FB.... :(

29th March 2016, 08:56 AM
Shared on FB.... :(

Really appreciate the help.

29th March 2016, 09:12 AM
Heya James. Welcome! Nasty news, hope it turns up ok!

29th March 2016, 10:01 AM
Hey James welcome mate hope you get your truck back have shared on FB

29th March 2016, 12:46 PM
What have the Police said about this , any leads , they must know its going on.
Touch wood it was happening here abit last year, mainly GQ, scum bags eh

29th March 2016, 02:57 PM
Yeah, GQs are bit easier to steal. These scumbag bums know that. I had to build few security additions to mine 'cos the immobilizer and alarm aren't enough for these specialist GQ stealing gutter scum. I hope the cops find the OPs truck before it gets dismantled into pieces, which is usually the reason they do it for. You can do few things like,
1)Have a GPS/GPRS locator beacon installed in a hidden spot and hard wire it, so it's powered all the time.
2)Wire up hidden switches to disconnect ignition
3)Make a religious habit of locking the steering with a steering locker.
I guess nothing much we can do if the scumbags steal the vehicle using a tow truck, or is there something we can do??!!!

29th March 2016, 06:19 PM
I did have these boys protecting my gear.
only have billy ATM hes a 52 kg american bull dog.
absolute beast of a dog.

29th March 2016, 10:54 PM
I did have these boys protecting my gear.
only have billy ATM hes a 52 kg american bull dog.
absolute beast of a dog.

Cool security guards you have there. :)

Howz the second fella able to drag his bulky torso with those stick like legs?!! ;)

I've seen those ones in videos. They can put up a good fight with cougars as well.

30th March 2016, 12:28 AM
What have the Police said about this , any leads , they must know its going on.
Touch wood it was happening here abit last year, mainly GQ, scum bags eh

Apart from reporting it stolen on 131 444 (my local police told me to ring this call centre) I've heard nothing from the Police.

I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside though when I see the cops issuing parking fines like at Parramatta Speedway the other Saturday night where they managed to mobilise not one but two officers for the job. Good to know that proper crime is top priority.

30th March 2016, 10:22 AM
Cool security guards you have there. :)

Howz the second fella able to drag his bulky torso with those stick like legs?!! ;)

I've seen those ones in videos. They can put up a good fight with cougars as well.

Yeah Dom the blue pit bull is Tyson he was going through his wombat stage he he
He had front feet like a crocodile, sadly no longer with us ,loved them all equally
no a bad bone in any of them

30th March 2016, 02:25 PM
Yeah Dom the blue pit bull is Tyson he was going through his wombat stage he he
He had front feet like a crocodile, sadly no longer with us ,loved them all equally
no a bad bone in any of them

Sorry to hear that mate. He died of old age, I'm guessing?

30th March 2016, 02:35 PM
Sorry to hear that mate. He died of old age, I'm guessing?

Nah sadly we had to put him down, sad now even thinking about it.
Big dogs and their ego's

30th March 2016, 02:36 PM
Apart from reporting it stolen on 131 444 (my local police told me to ring this call centre) I've heard nothing from the Police.

I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside though when I see the cops issuing parking fines like at Parramatta Speedway the other Saturday night where they managed to mobilise not one but two officers for the job. Good to know that proper crime is top priority.

Because there's no immediate revenue or any revenue for them to mobilize the forces to investigate your case and find the vehicle, so they don't care. On the other hand, plenty of incentives & revenue for them to sit on their bums and issue parking fines and hide behind a tree to catch hardworking normal law abiding people who goes over 5-10km/h while they are busy at changing the speed limit signs without any prior notice. At least that's how I see it most of the time.

30th March 2016, 02:39 PM
Did here on this forum the GQs were parted out and resold over in Malaysia

30th March 2016, 10:03 PM
Did here on this forum the GQs were parted out and resold over in Malaysia

If that's true then it means there's a highly organized group are coordinating it, most likely with heavy connections to Malaysia.
It's not that simple to export the stolen vehicle parts overseas without a sophisticated crime ring.