View Full Version : QLD's NP Members Advice -Fraser/Rainbow

24th March 2016, 09:10 PM
G'day QLD NP's,

AB, our young families and I are looking to escape the Vic mountains later this year and head North to the awesome beaches of Fraser & Rainbow that we thankfully experienced as children and briefly later as only young 'P' platers.

Memorable times I personally had up there and must at the least pass this opportunity down to our whipersnapers.

Near the top end, beachside near Ocean Lake track was our old man's camp of choice, around 10 clicks past Waddy Point ?

We were hoping for some experienced current local knowlege of the Island & Rainbow these days and how much has possibly changed I'm sure!

Is Indian Head still a nightmare to pass without a Chevy at full noise :-) ?

Many thanks


24th March 2016, 10:17 PM
Rainbow hasnt really changed. Sometimes you can drive from di point to rainbow along the beach sometimes you can't. Will depend on tides and sand movements as to whether you can. There are some nice secluded spots in the cooloola national park. Down near harrys hut is one that comes to mind.

I dont know to much about fraser.

24th March 2016, 10:43 PM
Cheers NNB,

Please do tell me the old school rusty barges are still possibly running from Rainbow to the Island ?

Was hoping to secretly take AB's hubs out whilst loading on :-) !

24th March 2016, 10:56 PM
Cheers NNB,

Please do tell me the old school rusty barges are still possibly running from Rainbow to the Island ?

Was hoping to secretly take AB's hubs out whilst loading on :-) !

Yeah the old barges still run from inskip to fraser. Its pretty expensive for the relatively short trip.

24th March 2016, 11:03 PM
Cheers NNB,


Over & Out :-) !

25th March 2016, 07:35 AM
Cheers NNB, Please do tell me the old school rusty barges are still possibly running from Rainbow to the Island ? Was hoping to secretly take AB's hubs out whilst loading on :-) ! Not so much a secret now big fella ;)

14th July 2016, 05:27 PM
Does anyone know if there is any time to be gained by going up Cooloola/Rainbow beach to the Inskip barge, or inland via Gympie?

14th July 2016, 06:12 PM
Yeh ,i guesstimate you can save about a hour, but........ this is reliant on there not being a big queue for the Tewantin Car Ferry, at some peak travel times, you can easy wait a hour + to get across, the other thing is to plan for tide times so you get a good run past the Mudlo Rocks, but of course most people also want to travel at low tide so Ferry Traffic is increased at these times.

Regardless of any time factor, i would always take the beach, because as soon as you hit the sand ,it instantly feels like you are on holiday already, the inland route is very boring in comparison.

I also suggest NOT be tempted to go inland taking Cooloola Way, this road is not well maintained and can be rough, corrigated and annoying after a few Ks

Check the conditions report before you travel, theses are normally updated about every 2 weeks :049:
