View Full Version : Permit Required for aftermarket fuel tank? Why?

14th March 2016, 01:50 PM
Hi Guys,

Newbie here. Just wanted to find out if anyone in WA has had issues with requiring a permit for an aftermarket fuel tank?
We had the vehicle examined this morning to remove a defect notice and the mechanic said it has an aftermarket fuel tank that requires a permit. The car is a 91 GQ Ti Wagon and has Petrol and LPG. The tank in question is a alloy tank and sits under the rear passenger seat drivers side.

I am a bit lost on what to do regarding this. Never heard of this before? If it needs a permit why didn't it get one initially when the gas system was installed and certified?

14th March 2016, 02:04 PM
The tank in question is a alloy tank and sits under the rear passenger seat drivers side.

Hey mate welcome to the forum.
When you say under the seat? You mean inside the vehicle? Maybe that's why. As far as I am aware you're not allowed to carry fuel containers (including tanks) inside the vehicle.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong on this.
And I'm writing this under the assumption that you indeed meant the tank is inside of the car.

14th March 2016, 02:05 PM
No the tank is under the vehicle but its location is under the passenger seat.

the evil twin
14th March 2016, 02:11 PM
Something is a bit odd then.
That is the location of the factory sub tank so it isn't the positioning obviously.
Probably 1/2 or more of the GQ's on the road have been converted to LPG and use the sub tank for the Petrol supply.
The mechanic wasn't talking about the LPG tank needing recertification was he... and the LPG certification and mod plates are OK?

14th March 2016, 02:12 PM
No the tank is under the vehicle but its location is under the passenger seat.

Understood. In that case I render my above comment useless. Sure someone here will come up with a good answer shortly.

14th March 2016, 02:27 PM
G'day mate and welcome to the forum - the inspection repot should have the details written on it as to what the issue is. Regarding LPG tanks, it could be the inspection plate has gone or can't be read which means that it would have to be inspected before a new plate can be attached, assuming the original installation was done by a gas fitter and he filled out the required notification.

14th March 2016, 02:55 PM
Lpg tanks need to be inspected inside and out and re-certified every 10 years,
It sounds like yours is out of date.

much the same as the house hold bbq bottles , they are all stamped.

look for ----EG-----
test date 03/03/16 or similar so this would be good till 3/3/2026
and I guess the lpg install plate will also be re-stamped or replaced.

14th March 2016, 03:52 PM
Correct guys the LPG system requires re certification. Would this also include the petrol tank?

14th March 2016, 04:16 PM
No the Petrol tank won't require recertification. Can you post a pic of it please? I doubt that it is Alloy but given your in WA who knows. It is common practice to fit a 70lt long range sub when converting to LPG. The LR tank is long though and spans longways under the drivers and rear seat. You may have a Home Made Fuel Cell or something adapted from another sport.

A pic will help. It may turn out to be way way easier to just go to a different mechanic mate. Throw some mud at it and go somewhere else. Is there any tags on it at all?

14th March 2016, 05:02 PM
I stand corrected its not an alloy tank. I think I will take it to another inspection facility. Is there no issues with doing that? I have 14 days until I can no longer drive it to an approved inspection facility.

14th March 2016, 05:08 PM
I stand corrected its not an alloy tank. I think I will take it to another inspection facility. Is there no issues with doing that? I have 14 days until I can no longer drive it to an approved inspection facility.

You can go to as many as you like. Dr Shopping if you like. Go for it mate.

16th March 2016, 01:46 AM
It is common practice to fit a 70lt long range sub when converting to LPG. The LR tank is long though and spans longways under the drivers and rear seat.

That is exactly the case in my RB30.

27th March 2016, 06:27 AM
Not sure what the rules are, but when I had my long range tank installed by Ultimate here in Perth it came with certification for rego and insurance purposes. . . . .

27th March 2016, 06:40 AM
Preparing for our first outback trip in 2008, we approached a local sheet metal / stainless manufacturer to make us a custom reserve tank to be strapped into the back of our ute.

They said they had to make two, one for destruction testing and if it passed the other would be certified and right for us to use.

They were following the rules, if they didn't and it all turned to custard they would have been liable for the result of any catastrophe that might be traced to the tank they made.

So we took 3 plastic $20.00 gerry cans in the back instead!!!!

27th March 2016, 12:51 PM
Preparing for our first outback trip in 2008, we approached a local sheet metal / stainless manufacturer to make us a custom reserve tank to be strapped into the back of our ute.

They said they had to make two, one for destruction testing and if it passed the other would be certified and right for us to use.

They were following the rules, if they didn't and it all turned to custard they would have been liable for the result of any catastrophe that might be traced to the tank they made.

So we took 3 plastic $20.00 gerry cans in the back instead!!!!

That's why place like Brown Davis and Long Ranger tanks are all ADR certified
they have done the hard yards for you, so you have a quality product and
peace of mind