View Full Version : ANZMI false and misleading Assertions

10th March 2016, 09:05 PM
If any of you spineless turds had any guts you would have contacted me with your questions, instead you failed to ring me or PM, instead you cowardly attacked me behind my back after not researching all of the facts.

ANZMI false and misleading Assertions

ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan is a Welfare Officer and a DVA Advocate!

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I am an RSL Pensions officer and Veterans Advocate! I have never worked as a welfare officer, nor have I ever worked for DVA as an Advocate.

ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan has made claims to have had prior service as a Trooper with 2 Commando Company in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Claims which he supported in his application to join the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch. Here is his application!

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never severed in either the Rhodesian SAS or Rhodesian 2 Commando Company. Nor did I ever serve in the Australian SASR. The document is a fraud. I have spoken to and sent a letter to NSW RSL Anzac House requesting a copy of my RSL application form that was filled out by and signed by Woolgoolga RSL Sub-Branch secretary Mr Allan Crouch and President Graham Geyson in 2009. The hand writing is not mine; my date of birth is 17/1/1961 and not 1960 as alleged. I Joined the Australian Army in 1981 and not 1980 as alleged in this bogus document. Note they have even altered the date to state I joined the Woolgoolga RSL in 2008. This is in possible I was in Tasmania in March/April/May 2008. I joined the Woolgoolga RSL sub-branch in April 2009.

I have been issued with the Australian Defence Force Medal and I have never worn it and I will never were any medals in my life and that is my choice. You will never ever see a photo of me wearing any military attire or medals at Anzac day. I only attend the dawn service pay my respects to the fallen and those that served then go home. I have never marched or attended any military reunions. That is my choice.

ANZMI QUESTION: Interestingly, on McTernan’s application to join the RSL, he claimed to have been deployed to Somalia under the UN sanctioned United Task Force (UNITAF). This US led operation was conducted in 1992 – nine years AFTER McTernan discharged from the Australian Army. To make sure it was beyond reasonable doubt a search of the Nominal Roll for all Australian Defence personnel who deployed to Somalia concluded that no one by the name of McTernan was ever deployed to Somalia.

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never served in Somalia! To allege this is a totally disgrace, I have many good mates that did serve with 1 RAR and they have expressed their disgust with ANZMI’s false claims.

ANZMI QUESTION: This photo is not the original photo that McTernan had posted on his Facebook page. He has since removed it when questions arose about its authenticity. The caption he had attached to the photo was “on patrol with Rhodesian army 3 commando operation repulse 1979”. He never said it was him in the photo, but he ‘inferred’ it was him.

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: over the last 5 months I have posted hundreds of various military photos on various Facebook pages. If I am personally in any photos that I post up; I always state which photos I am in. It is ANZMI who are doing all the false and misleading inferring!!!!!!!!!!

ANZMI QUESTION: They are anonymous cowards who make unsubstantiated allegations". When ANZMI quizzed McTernan about the statement he had made, he asked where that statement had come from. We couldn’t direct McTernan to the location of the quote, because he had deleted it from his Facebook page.

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: What a load of fucking crap! This demonstrates that ANZMI’s creditability is totally flawed; they make unsubstantiated statements, however they cannot provide the proof. This is hypocrisy at its best.

ANZMI QUESTION: The vehicle in the photograph is a modified Unimog used by the SASR at that time (1980’s – 1990’s). Once again, McTernan is INFERRING he had a relationship with SASR, but never confirms or denies it.

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: The photo was of me in the passenger’s front seat, Simon Efford in the driver’s seat and Wayne Withers is standing at the rear. We were members of the Defence Plt from H/Coy a specialised Infantry unit to provide a security detail for Brigadier General Blake and not the SASR as ANZMI are INFERRING! The photo was taken over in Karratha /Western Australia in 1983 during exercise K83 by Steve Burgees. Steve is a good mate of mine and who is still serving in the Army after 37 years. He is also a member of the Veterans Motor cycle group in Wollongong NSW. He has accused those attacking me for the bullshit they have posted up. Thanks Steve!

Furthermore I told ANZMI investigator PAUL FAGAN the following when asked; “Paul McTernan: Not a problem XXXX, I was just a baggy arse infantryman in the Australian Regular Army and proud of it. I had nothing to do with the Australian or Rhodesian SAS. Kind regards” Now ANZMI must have the IQ of a turd, they even posted up my response and yet they are the very fuck-sticks doing all the inferring. Lol

ANZMI QUESTION: In this photograph McTernan is holding a Heckler and Koch MP5 9mm sub-machine gun. This weapon is primarily used by police and Special Forces personnel world-wide. McTernan is also sporting a blue polo shirt embossed with “Australian Defence Training Academy”. Again, McTernan is inferring he has a relationship with Special Forces or Special Operations of some kind. He is not, and never has been, involved in Special Forces or Special Operations, either military or civilian, whatsoever.

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: For start the weapon is an MP5K 9mm sub-machine gun which we used for close personal protection training. I was part of a security training company set up by Peter Kilfoyle who was ex-SAS soldier and good friend Garry Fiegner who was ex- SOG Victorian Police member during the 1990’s. After I left the army I went to the US in 1988 and trained with both Smith and Wesson firearms and Heckler and Koch. We specialised in close personal protection, firearms training, defensive tactics, ASP baton, T/Baton and handcuff training and so on! I am totally pissed off with ANZMI’s scurrilous accusations as Garry took his own life late in 1990’s.

QUESTION: As for McTernan’s post nominals ‘JP’. ANZMI was able to learn that McTernan is not an authorised JP in NSW. McTernan first became a JP in QLD. However, he is currently suspended due to his failure to re-register within the required timeframe. Anyone who has had documents signed by McTernan should seek legal advice to determine whether the documents submitted to the respective authority are still considered to be legally acceptable.

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY FALSE! ANSWER: Yes I was a JP in Queensland and No, I have never been a JP in NSW, I was not suspended as falsely claimed by ANZMI. I notified Queensland Justice of peace association in 2004 when I moved to Tasmania. That is a legal requirement to notify any legal entity of your movement. I have always used a qualified certified NSW JP to sign any legal documents that required signing whilst conducting legal affairs in NSW.

Folks, I find the following ANZMI statement hilarious;

“To begin, ANZMI would like to make it clear that we have no interest whatsoever in the antics between McTernan, the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch or the Save the Woolgoolga WW1 Memorial Group. Our focus is on McTernan’s false claims to have served in the Rhodesian Army and other relevant information connected with this case.”

What a load of crap ANZMI, it is you doing all the lies and betrayals in the veteran community. Your Mr Buick, Mr Tennant and Mr Fagan are fiends with both Woolgoolga’s Vice President Mr Greg Jackson and Coffs Harbour President. Or shit I have exposed the names of some of your RATS!!!!!!!

Furthermore, you bullshit to the public about my alleged military application form, what a load of crap!!!!!!! I have never seen that form before. However, I do note that the false hand writing is quite similar to the bogus RSL membership form. PROVE IT! Let’s go to court and demonstrate to the Australian public who is telling the truth shall we!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No that will not happen will it, because it is that are you are the ones telling all the lies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Folk’s the two cowards names who ANZMI deleted were the first turd was PAUL FAGAN an ANZMI investigator, I have never met this turd or ever spoken with this dick-brain. The only communication was on the “Save the Woolgoolga WW1 memorial” Facebook page where he asked me the following;, FAGAN: On patrol with Rhodesian special air service 1979? Photo

Paul McTernan: I was never on patrol with the Rhodesian Special Air Service in 1979. The only thing I posted up was photos of the Rhodesian Army!

FAGAN: Ok I accept that, I read it wrong it said on patrol with Rhodesian army 3 commando operation repulse 1979. Some of my close friends asked me as well, not the ones who argued with you.

FAGAN: I shall get back to you, but when you did all your recruiting for site you also asked some of my friends who served in SAS, they asked me if I knew you.

Paul McTernan: Who did you serve with Paul and did you serve with the SAS? Why are you and your so call friends attacking the “Save Woolgoolga Memorial project”?

FAGAN: I did not serve in SAS,I taught them on SAS patrol medic courses. You will also find one of my friends up until recently was high in the RSL retiring as a Colonel. That is why I asked if you had taken it further, with RSL

Paul McTernan: Not a problem Paul Fagan, I was just a baggy arse infantryman in the Australian Regular Army and proud of it. I had nothing to do with the Australian or Rhodesian SAS. Kind regards

Folks, note that ANZMI love to edit all information to suit their hidden agenda, this is how dishonest this nest of criminal turds act, “do as I say, not as I do” philosophy. Furthermore FAGAN and his ANZMI accomplices continued to white ant this very important project, which at the time we could not understand why.

What we did know at the time, that he and Keith Tennant were friends with the Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch Vice President Greg Jackson who also served in Artillery in Vietnam with Tennant. Also that Bob Buick is friends with Coffs Harbour RSL president Bob Payne another ANZMI member who also is friends with both Woolgoolga RSL Vice presidents Greg Jackson and Allan Crouch.

The second turd who perjured himself by writing the unlawful statutory declaration document is ALLAN CROUCH the Woolgoolga RSL Vice President.

Folks over the last 10 years there have been numerous allegations by members of the Woolgoolga public and sub-branch members to why the sub-branch executive committee got rid of the original WW1 memorial. Furthermore at last year’s Club Limited AGM the clubs board of directors ( including board vice president Greg Jackson) announced that the club suffered a financial loss of $285,000. Folks, how can a club loose that amount of money in 12 months, the town has only a population of five thousand citizens.

I and many others have had concerns about the operations of both the sub-branch and club limited executive committee and have reported these matters to the various authorities and the local media. As a result I have been attacked. However I did not know they were friends with ANZMI.

Finally, ANZMI state the following;

“it has also been revealed that, on McTernan’s Facebook page, he claims that between 1994 and 1997 he obtained a Diploma in Social Science Justice from Swinburne University of Technology in Victoria. According to the Admin staff at Swinburne Uni, no one with the surname McTernan has ever studied there, either on campus or by distance education. Another ‘McPorkie’ maybe?”

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS UNTERLY FALSE! ANSWER my Diploma certificate number is 11181 Issued on 1ST May 1998.

Folks, I always had time for ANZMI especially exposing those idiots wearing uniforms with false medals that never served in the military and those that wore medals that they were not entitled too. However, I do not agree with unlawful false and misleading material being used to attack innocent people that do not agree with unlawful actions carried out by crooked Vietnam veterans.

This was posted out on Facebook in September 2015
__________________________________________________ _________________________

I am staggered that ANZMI has failed to carry out properly due diligence when conducting its initial investigations, as a former licenced investigator, Victorian Licence No 1A19257F they have failed the basic test of assessing the relevant factors when in assessing complaints. The task of a competent investigator is to prove or disprove, if possible, any matter or matters of fact raised by a complaint. The investigator does this by gathering evidence. In an investigation, the main sources of evidence are:
• oral evidence (recollections from all parties concerned);
• face to face evidence (speaking to the alleged complainant)
• documentary evidence (records and interviews);
• expert evidence (technical advice); and most important;
• witness statements

A diligent investigator will at all times assess whether the complaint is not trivial, frivolous or vexatious. He/she will ascertain if the party or parties making the initial complaint has anything to gain by the subsequent inquiry.

All investigations must be conducted without bias, in an impartial and objective manner. No-one with an actual or perceived conflict of interest should be appointed or remain the investigator. An Investigator must at all times ensure that you provide the person being investigated with lawful procedural fairness.

I am really upset that people have sought to make judgment against me before I was given the proper opportunity to defend myself. I have spent 6 years of my life conducting pensions and looking after both current and ex-serving members. I have recently taken on over 15 pension’s claims from Facebook alone on behalf of Infantry lads that have been duded by both poor pensions officers and DVA unfair decisions.

After I finalise these claims I will be permanently retiring from helping anymore Defence Force Personal in 2016. Once bitten twice shy!

However if anyone amongst you are a qualified pensions officer please feel free to take over my claims now, I look forward to spending quality time with my family, I am done with looking after Veterans and helping others.

PS, uneducated fools listen, read and believe in false and misleading material, educated peoples research all the relevant facts before making any judgement, which are you?

Regards Paul McTernan:furious:

10th March 2016, 09:07 PM
Thanks for the reply Paul. I just have one question for you though.
Did you ever serve in the Rhodesian army? Or the Rhodesian Light Infantry?

10th March 2016, 09:21 PM
Paul regardless of what you deny, or who you attack there are folk here on this forum know you have lied to them. Denials in the pre-prepared (& previously used) post above only serve to prove that. It really doesn't matter how strenuously you deny having said things, people KNOW what you told them.

It is pointless getting into any debate about what you said or didn't say, what you did or didn't do. That is your game & one you are well versed in.

How about growing a pair & apologising to all those here you have deceived?

10th March 2016, 09:22 PM
Wow so do I understand that the anzmi have manufactured evidence and pursued you personally over a period of time because you showed concern in the management of a single sub branch over an amount of $285,000?

>>>tappin from tassie

11th March 2016, 04:44 AM
Thanks for the reply

Did you serve in the RLI?

If not why did you post on this forum that you did?

Sent from my iPhone using My thumbs

11th March 2016, 04:48 AM
Too much smoke in the room and mirrors on the walls.

I never attacked you, I was simply gutted and felt odd.

Bloody hell you could knock me over, feel gutted and a bit odd about all this.

To be branded a "spineless turd", your call Paul.

If any of you spineless turds had any guts you would have contacted me with your questions, instead you failed to ring me or PM, instead you cowardly attacked me behind my back after not researching all of the facts.

I couldn't say we were or are mates, so I wasn't going to reach out to you about this, if that is cowardly, who knows.
What I do know is I don't need other peoples crap in my life any more than I need wind blown up my freckle.
AND I simply can not be bothered to become an "educated peoples" so I must be an "uneducated fool", fair go you certainly are good at getting a bloke off side!

PS, uneducated fools listen, read and believe in false and misleading material, educated peoples research all the relevant facts before making any judgement, which are you?

If you are being slandered by ANZMI take them to task and clear your name.

my third 256
11th March 2016, 06:10 AM
hey pmc go buy a toyota we dont need your habitual lies and ranting on here its a family forum
and needs to be treated with respect to all members and their families
if you dont like it fade into the distance and join another forum
surely they will listen to your many tall stories and form thier own oppinion of you

11th March 2016, 06:16 AM
This is very interesting

ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan has made claims to have had prior service as a Trooper with 2 Commando Company in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Claims which he supported in his application to join the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch. Here is his application!

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never severed in either the Rhodesian SAS or Rhodesian 2 Commando Company. Nor did I ever serve in the Australian SASR. The document is a fraud. I have spoken to and sent a letter to NSW RSL Anzac House requesting a copy of my RSL application form that was filled out by and signed by Woolgoolga RSL Sub-Branch secretary Mr Allan Crouch and President Graham Geyson in 2009. The hand writing is not mine; my date of birth is 17/1/1961 and not 1960 as alleged. I Joined the Australian Army in 1981 and not 1980 as alleged in this bogus document. Note they have even altered the date to state I joined the Woolgoolga RSL in 2008. This is in possible I was in Tasmania in March/April/May 2008. I joined the Woolgoolga RSL sub-branch in April 2009.

Regards Paul McTernan:furious:

Your nickname and how you got it!

G'day folks,

RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) i served with the unit during the Bush war in Africa in 1979



I Joined the Australian Army in 1981 and not 1980 as alleged in this bogus document

11th March 2016, 07:08 AM

11th March 2016, 07:22 AM
This is very interesting

"Your nickname and how you got it!

G'day folks,

RLI (Rhodesian Light Infantry) i served with the unit during the Bush war in Africa in 1979



If thats a true quote it's pretty damning.

11th March 2016, 07:34 AM
Check this out Third Post on the Page


This is the Post in case it gets deleted
Quote Originally Posted by biggqwesty View Post

So pmc is initials, what did rli stand for??
G'day mate,

PMC=Paul Mc RLI= Rhodesian Light Infantry.

Kind regards,


11th March 2016, 07:37 AM
If thats a true quote it's pretty damning.

It's from " your nickname and how you got it" thread
Here's a snip before it gets deleted...LOL

11th March 2016, 07:58 AM
Check this out Third Post on the Page


This is the Post in case it gets deleted
Quote Originally Posted by biggqwesty View Post

So pmc is initials, what did rli stand for??
G'day mate,

PMC=Paul Mc RLI= Rhodesian Light Infantry.

Kind regards,


The delete function was changed after someone had a tanty and deleted a shitload of posts previously

11th March 2016, 07:59 AM
It's from " your nickname and how you got it" thread
Here's a snip before it gets deleted...LOL

"Thats not my typing hahahahha must be forged!"

11th March 2016, 08:15 AM
I'm have a choking fit at the moment ... no wait, I know what it is. I'm allergic to bullshit. How about we all get back to the usual topics on this site and let the authorities & media deal with any other crap.

11th March 2016, 08:20 AM

>>>tappin from tassie

11th March 2016, 08:20 AM
Right. Now the pretense of the investigation was Not did you Or did you not serve, but rather, have you made claims above your general service? Have you claimed to be any more than a member of the Australian Army?

They state you were Never Deployed Internationally? You Deny when quizzed by them that you ever stated you have.

The Basis for their case against you has nothing to do with Medals and Uniforms, they present you as someone who Brags about your Service and presents through innuendo and inference.

Paul John McTernan, JP is a very special individual. His Modus Operandi is deception, innuendo, inferences and never admitting to anything. In fact, his favourite saying is “I never said that…!” McTernan likes to think he can outsmart anyone who questions him about his military history. However, we here at ANZMI are far smarter than the average bear and we have proven that McTernan is a liar, a cheat and a wannabe all rolled into one portly little package!

I have due Respect for every Man and Woman who put on the uniform, it is not your choice if you are deployed. If you are then you may face live fire and if you come home you will be scared for life. The Brave are Many. The Dead are Many. RIP. I Solute you.

I am the Uneducated. I have never been a member of the Armed Forces. Instead I spent 2 Years as an International AID Worker in PNG in 93/94. This presented its own challenges and personal Security was high on the list. I respect anyone that has spent time in that Environment,

The ANZAC Spirit means we are Proud of our Servicemen and Women. This Respect and Honour is Sacred.

Paul you have my Respect for the work you have done with the Return Services Community, for the men and women who were not being supported by our Government. Well done.

But you Shit on the memory of the Dead and Shit on those suffering PTSD from the Horror of War if you claim to have been there beside them and Understand their Demons. That is a Con!

Respect Them for Their Service.


The Guys who lived through ^^ That ^^ are HEROES!!!

Are you a Hero Paul??


There is No Innuendo or Inference there! You State You were There! You Are a Hero!......


STAND TALL SIR ..........



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk cause AB turned it back on!!

11th March 2016, 08:32 AM
I'm have a choking fit at the moment ... no wait, I know what it is. I'm allergic to bullshit. How about we all get back to the usual topics on this site and let the authorities & media deal with any other crap.

It will. But for now people are pissed off that they've been bullshitted to. The dudes been sprung and people want to know why.

11th March 2016, 08:44 AM
The trouble with lying is you need a very good memory or lie again
to cover the first lie.
I think this may be a mental health issue and hope Paul seeks some professional
I feel for the members that have seen conflicts and served in any of the ADF's
They are my heroes

11th March 2016, 08:53 AM
Ok I wasn't going to put my two bobs in... But I will

Innocent or guilty this forum is not for witch hunting. If I was a mod I'd close this thread

This is not what the Nissan patrol forum is about

11th March 2016, 09:05 AM
Ok I wasn't going to put my two bobs in... But I will

Innocent or guilty this forum is not for witch hunting. If I was a mod I'd close this thread

This is not what the Nissan patrol forum is about

Cheers Lucas,

I appreciate you comments. This will be contained into this thread. The thread will be closed when the discussion have taken place. At this stage there are many questions on the table and Paul is entitled to a right of reply.

Note also that Paul was Very Very active on this forum until about a year ago, he is not a new member and he has Presented himself here as this person for a long time.

Note also that when Paul left as RLI he deleted about 2000 posts that left holes in the forum everywhere that I then spent hours cleaning up yo retain continuity in the affected threads.

He came back as PMC. He is big and loud and has always been a Rippin FARKEN Yard. This issue pits a question mark over every post he has made here. It's a matter of Integrity. Once this is sorted then we move on with or without Paul.

We will wait and see.
I will speak with AB at lunch time. He will have the final say but at this stage let's see what happens.

11th March 2016, 09:09 AM
Ok I wasn't going to put my two bobs in... But I will

Innocent or guilty this forum is not for witch hunting. If I was a mod I'd close this thread

This is not what the Nissan patrol forum is about

Fair enough Lucas, the title of the thread is clear, I respectfully suggest you ignore it.
I have history here and would like answers, its not having a shot at you or any other members who feel as you do.
There is loose talk on all sorts of non patrol related issues on here, so please let this run it's course as those others do.
What the owner and the Mods do is up to them.
Yours with the best intentions.

11th March 2016, 09:26 AM
Paul, I am so saddened with what is going on. The worst thing I have ever said about you is to anyone is "The people you meet on the internet." And that was tongue in cheek.

I have travelled hundreds of kilometres to meet with you, I have laughed at your stories. I have offered encouragement and support when you were going through hell with you medical condition.

If that makes me a "Gutless Turd", in your opinion, then I will just have to live with it.

After reading the allegations made about you, and re-reading some of the claims you have made, I don't know what to think of you or to say to you, except:

If you can hold your head high be proud of what you have accomplished in your life, then do so, but everyone makes bad judgement calls and some can't admit when they have made mistakes, whether huge, or small. The pressure on you at this moment in time must be immense, and I believe you need to seek help in dealing with it for you and your families sake.

11th March 2016, 09:39 AM
The following is a copy of my request letter to other parties that are involved in trying to call a royal commission into both DVA and the illegal abuse of defence force members. Due ongoing legal issues i request you all stay focused to this page!


G’day Folks,

Firstly my apologies, if I have offended anybody with my requests for help, information or presenting ideas. I have only been attacked by ANZMI since 9th Aug 2015. I am fully aware that you honorable people have been attacked for years by these unscrupulous individuals.

As previously advised, I do not have a problem with ANZMI reporting the likes of Civilians posing as war veterans ie; Hines brothers, Rex Crane or ADF personal seriously bullshitting about their service, especially those who claim to have served with special forces, when in fact they were ordinary serviceman. However, I do have a problem with ANZMI falsely accusing victims just because those individuals have questioned certain Vietnam veterans over various issues.

However David and I really need your help folks; firstly my time frame for commencing a deformation claim against ANZMI and those responsible is 12 months. I have seven months up my sleeve to commence proceedings. My lawyers Slater and Gordon in Coffs Harbour need all documentary evidence, tape recordings, photos and sworn affidavits.

We have two former members of ANZMI XXX XXXXXXX and XXXX XX AAAAAAA who have provided damming statements to solicitor Andrew Monroe.
Slaters and Shine lawyers are seriously looking at running a class action against ANZMI/AVM/ websites and RAR Buddies Facebook Page and all those individuals who have participated in defamation; As previously stated, I have extensive experience in being part of two Class Actions over the years, where my company ASG Dynamic Solutions carried out both the investigations and para-legal work on behalf of two Queensland law firms, Klooger Phillips Scott and Clewett, Corser Drummond solicitors.

The best thing about class actions you can name as many respondents as possible on your statement of claim, including any companies that they have. Secondly, the respondents have to turn up on the first directions hearing with legal representation to fight the claim, or face the prospect of having a both a judgment and cost orders awarded against those that fail to turn up. Judges do not take likely to those that fail to attend proceedings.

If respondents fail to show up to court on a third directions hearing, this usually equates to Judges issuing summons to those show ASAP or face arrest. In the Batten V Patrick's case this happened to several respondents (Kilfoyle, Wells) and including a former Minister (John Sharpe) who finally rolled over and provided written sworn affidavits and evidence in exchange to be struck of the statement of claim.

When David and I and 35 others go after ANZMI, and others, as soon as these individuals have been served with the statement of claim, they will have to do one of the following;

1. Get legal advice ASAP to defend against the statement of claim or

2. Fail to ignore the claim (which is both legal and financial suicide)

Should they decide to get legal advice, note that all parties concerned will all have to get solicitors and/or barristers to defend themselves and this starts the legal cost process, which usually causes panic amongst the ranks especially when a solicitor will charged them anywhere between $2,000 and $3,000 dollars each just to read the statement of claim and file a motion to represent them in their first directions hearing.

After the first directions hearing their solicitor will then advised their clients that they will need to seek leave from the court to seek advice from a barrister to provide a detailed defence statement to why they should not be a respondent of the class action. This is where it gets very interesting; usually a detailed defence brief from a barrister will cost around between $5,000 and $10,000 dollars.

Nine times out of ten the financial cost of lawyers always causes internal infighting amongst the respondents. Especial when they face the prospect of having hundreds of thousands of dollars being awarded against them. Furthermore they always get more anxious when a caveat is issued against them at the first directions hearing. This is designed to prevent respondents from suddenly going bankrupt. This usually causes massive infighting between themselves and their partners and spouses.

Folks, David and I are prepared to take these unscrupulous individuals on with your help. All we need is all the proof/evidence that you have to who is the operator/operators of ANZMI/AVM/ Aussie Diggers websites. I am where that you have extensive evidence that link Sloane with both CPMH/ANZMI then e-mails that link Buick/Coker/King/Tilbrook/Tennant/ and then finally to Petelczyc.

Furthermore we will be naming John Tilbrook and Writeway Research for professional misconduct and negligence for releasing an forged altered copy of my Army application form to ANZMI, both the Department of Defence and Department of Veterans Affairs for negligence for failing to protect my privacy in allowing a private sub-contractor being John Tilbrook and Writeway Research to access my personal files in a conspiracy to defame my reputation; by providing this false and misleading information to be used by an unauthorized third part being ANZMI. This will be followed by those person who personal defamed me ie, Crouch, Fagan, Geyson, Jackson, RAR Buddies members etc, etc the list will include over 50 names.

If Buick did take over from Sloane as you state; then he has to provide a detailed defence to his involvement and time-frame and then he too has to name who took the website from him.

As far as the court is concerned if there is no legal agreement between parties outlining who is the owners; then all are liable to be sued.

With regards to the ANZMI Active Whiteboard material that I have viewed , have any of you identified who the following initials are; BH, GB, RR, MD?

Greg can you please send me a copy of the original CPMH and early ANZMI data-bases? I need this ASAP so that our solicitor and Barrister can view this material for our case?

XXXX XXXXXXX informed us a couple of weeks ago, that he had a couple of discs full of information regarding both ANZMI and AVM websites. XXXX also states that Sloane told him that he set up CPMH and that his ultimate aim at the time was he and other Vietnam Veterans wanted to damage the RSL’ reputation.

Finally both former ANZMI members XXX XXXXXXX and XXXX XX XXXXXX state that the photo shopped documents that they witnessed being created by other ANZMI members and material they received from inside contacts from inside both the Army History Unit (John Tilbrook and Writeway Research) and staff from Department of Veterans Affairs will lead to criminal charges laid. They are requesting that they are granted immunity from prosecution for them to give evidence in court. Andrew is looking into this request.

Folks, I would like to file and serve these individuals just before August 2016. Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated.

PS, please find attached my copy of my 50 page RSL complaint for your perusal.

Kind regards,

Paul McTernan

11th March 2016, 10:03 AM
Sounds like the anzmi have done some very very bad things to defame you. Why would they do that?
What agenda do they have?
Did you serve in the Rhodesian army or the Rhodesian light infantry?

>>>tappin from tassie

11th March 2016, 10:15 AM
It's from " your nickname and how you got it" thread
Here's a snip before it gets deleted...LOL

Note also that when Paul left as RLI he deleted about 2000 posts that left holes in the forum everywhere that I then spent hours cleaning up yo retain continuity in the affected threads.

I'm sorry but I was the one first who saw your antics that morning and alerted admin to you not only disgracing the forum but also disgracing the admin team and Andy..
I then thought I hope he gets the help needed..
Now it's clear as rain that it was simply removing evidence because you were caught out.

Now I know why you called em ripping Yarns..
Thats all they were.. Bullshit..

Can you explain your nickname RLI or did they hack your account then and post that??

I'm feeling for the actual service men and women you have disgraced with your actions.
But most of all I feel sorry for your Daughter..
I can't imagine having a disability and being bullied for it..
But now a disgraced father to top it..

Even with your reply above..
Anyone can write words on a forum mate.. All we've seen is words..
Where is the proof..

I personally think you should go..
But I respect the others who wanna see you sweat.........

11th March 2016, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the reply Paul. I just have one question for you though.
Did you ever serve in the Rhodesian army? Or the Rhodesian Light Infantry?

This is the only answer I need from you mate.

11th March 2016, 10:27 AM
Thanks for the reply Paul. I just have one question for you though.
Did you ever serve in the Rhodesian army? Or the Rhodesian Light Infantry?

Thanks for the reply

Did you serve in the RLI?

If not why did you post on this forum that you did?

Sent from my iPhone using My thumbs

Sounds like the anzmi have done some very very bad things to defame you. Why would they do that?
What agenda do they have?
Did you serve in the Rhodesian army or the Rhodesian light infantry?

>>>tappin from tassie

This is the only answer I need from you mate.

This has been asked several times and you have not answered, did you serve in the Rhodesian Light Infantry?

11th March 2016, 10:32 AM
Heres a bit on the real RLI.
PMC would have been 18 yrs old

EDIT, Thats a lot of experience for someone who's just turned 18

11th March 2016, 10:37 AM
Paul, legal threats are a common form of intimidation & certainly not confined to innocent parties. Your latest post proves absolutely nothing & is simply a distraction from the issue about whether you have attempted to deliberately deceive people in this forum community.

You are a hard man to pin down, but one thing you have stated in writing is that you served in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Also in writing you have denied that you did so. This seems to be clear evidence of you not telling the truth.

Both pieces of evidence are in this thread.


ANZMI QUESTION: McTernan has made claims to have had prior service as a Trooper with 2 Commando Company in the Rhodesian Light Infantry. Claims which he supported in his application to join the Woolgoolga RSL Sub Branch. Here is his application!

McTernan’s response once again THIS IS TOTALLY THIS IS FALSE! ANSWER: I have never severed in either the Rhodesian SAS or Rhodesian 2 Commando Company.

11th March 2016, 10:39 AM
It appears that this current scenario is routine to 'our Paul'. Even his OP in this thread has been pressed into service before.

For those of you with Facebook check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/246139652258445/?fref=ts & scroll down to 10th August 2015 & subsequent posts throughout August 2015. You will find familiarity. Prior to then Paul had been a prolific poster, but this ceased by the end of August 2015. What is happening here is simply repetition. One wonders where else the repetition has occurred, & unfortunately where it is probably likely to occur in the future.

the evil twin
11th March 2016, 10:42 AM
Hmmm... so all you guys are after from PMC to settle the discussion once and for all is something like this?

As an example using my time...
Total ADF Service 21 years 2 months
Jan '71 - Joined RAAF posted to RSTT Wagga
Jul 73 - posted to RAAF Richmond, 2AD and 486 SQN
Dec 79 - posted to RAAF Williamtown, 481 SQN
Nov 81 - posted overseas, RAAF Butterworth 478 SQN and 3 SQN

Would something like that sort it?

11th March 2016, 10:49 AM
@ ET we spoke about this earlier that the ADF records dept would show where anyone was deployed and for how long.
These records CAN NOT be fudged

11th March 2016, 10:51 AM
I personally think you should go..
But I respect the others who wanna see you sweat.........

I'm not interested in seeing him sweat (in fact I'd suggest it would be unlikely, I expect it's just another day for him).

But I would like to see him leave the forum & not return, whether of his own volition or not.

I find the way he is behaving here as continued lack of respect for members of this forum community.

11th March 2016, 10:58 AM
Hmmm... so all you guys are after from PMC to settle the discussion once and for all is something like this?

As an example using my time...
Total ADF Service 21 years 2 months
Jan '71 - Joined RAAF posted to RSTT Wagga
Jul 73 - posted to RAAF Richmond, 2AD and 486 SQN
Dec 79 - posted to RAAF Williamtown, 481 SQN
Nov 81 - posted overseas, RAAF Butterworth 478 SQN and 3 SQN

Would something like that sort it?

Cool he could just cut n paste this ;)

Sir Roofy
11th March 2016, 12:39 PM
The evidence is in black and white as stated earlier this forum is not about witch hunting
just bury it and get on with the job at hand and fix our trucks

11th March 2016, 01:29 PM
Yep you're right Roofy. In the absence any 'fessing up & apologising (& pigs flying) I reckon the best course of action would be to cease giving him the stage & for him to be permanently banned, & the rest of us get on with what we enjoy doing.

11th March 2016, 01:36 PM
Very disapointing.



11th March 2016, 01:41 PM
These posts 100% contradict what is said in the first post of this thread.

11th March 2016, 01:56 PM
Yep you're right Roofy. In the absence any 'fessing up & apologising (& pigs flying) I reckon the best course of action would be to cease giving him the stage & for him to be permanently banned, & the rest of us get on with what we enjoy doing.


Why the call for banning Cuppa, besides not giving you a straight answer, the possible lies or not getting stories straight and deleting a whole pile of useful info in the past. What has he personally done to you for you to have such a personal vendetta against him? If your so adamant about wanting an answer, then chase him up via PM and leave it off the forum.


This forum is based on helping others when and where possible, it's not about what people may or may not have done in the past or in their own personal lives.

At the end of the day, it's AB's decision as to what he thinks should be done, seeing as it's his forum and his rules that he painstakingly set up.

Threads like this serve no purpose to the forum and detract from what a great place it is for knowledge base, a bit of banter and in some cases comradery amongst it's peers

11th March 2016, 02:51 PM
Why the call for banning Cuppa, besides not giving you a straight answer, the possible lies or not getting stories straight and deleting a whole pile of useful info in the past. What has he personally done to you for you to have such a personal vendetta against him? If your so adamant about wanting an answer, then chase him up via PM and leave it off the forum.

This forum is based on helping others when and where possible, it's not about what people may or may not have done in the past or in their own personal lives.

At the end of the day, it's AB's decision as to what he thinks should be done, seeing as it's his forum and his rules that he painstakingly set up.

Threads like this serve no purpose to the forum and detract from what a great place it is for knowledge base, a bit of banter and in some cases comradery amongst it's peers
I read all of that clunk and not one single dick joke!?

>>>tappin from tassie

11th March 2016, 02:54 PM
I read all of that clunk and not one single dick joke!?

>>>tappin from tassie
I know right, proud of me?hahahahaha

11th March 2016, 02:56 PM
was thinking that myself, maybe he's drinking lol

11th March 2016, 03:25 PM
Very disapointing.



WTF! PMC youre trippin, you didnt join the Army until 1981! Remember??? How deep a hole can a bloke dig

11th March 2016, 03:28 PM
Look no harm exposing people sometimes. Remember the rock spider/rapist that made his way onto a forum meetup that had kids there. No harm letting people know that someone may not be what they seem. Someone here may have dealings with Paul down the track and will now know to take his words with a pinch of salt

11th March 2016, 04:43 PM
Author Don Tate 21st January 2016

The ANZMI/AUSTRALIAN VETERANS MATTERS websites are inhabited by some of the vilest men in Australia- and pending legal action might well see them completely investigated by court order.

The class action being pursued by Shine Lawyers against the Australian Defence Force for abuse suffered by ex-members of the ADF and veterans should allow, at long last, for the discovery of the cowards who facilitated, administered, and contributed to both the ANZMI and AVM web sites- particularly there financial structure.

Because when mud is thrown, it tends to stick. And that’s the worst of it. It's why the AVM became such a compost heap. It allowed for mud to be thrown at an individual for no other reason than to discredit whoever was standing against the corruption endemic to the Australian Defence Force.
Sadly, at a time when we celebrate those supposed noble traditions of “Anzac”, the fact that this web site even exists at all detracts from all that nobility those veterans espouse.

Forget mateship and honour and ‘Anzac spirit’ and all that guff.

Sure, there are those who will argue that this is to be expected from a troubled minority group like Vietnam veterans. It is, after all, a fragmented, disaffected minority group like no other, inhabited by men with a seething anger at losing a war, who lost their youth and their health in a futile enterprise, and who still alienated to a great extent from the greater body of man by the prolonged media exposure that turned so many minds against the warrior.

Add to that disaffection a time bomb caused by exposure to defoliants and herbicides ticking away inside them, and it’s a toxic blend.
These are men mostly sick in mind, and heart.

In truth, it is a community of men still at war. Not just with the society which still finds reason to revile them despite the decades of platitudes poured upon us since the Welcome Home march, but with each other. Man against man; unit against unit; Corps against Corps.

To some degree, it is a community of malcontents that sees injustice at every level, be it from those previous leaders who were prepared to use soldiers as expendable pawns in the pursuit of ‘gallantry medals’, to the politicians and governments of every government since in respect of devalued pensions and superannuation, and even from the courts where the impact of war service on the psyche is rarely understood or made allowance for.

Then again, there are also those who always had criminal predilections and inherent character flaws who use their service in the war (as little as it was in many cases) as an excuse for abominable social misbehaviour.

So, mischievous, idle hands abound. A manifest madness exists within the ranks and the worst of it is that the higher echelons of the military ‘establishment’ uses those sick minds to its own advantage. They are not only a party to the abuse of veterans already psychologically disturbed by war, but in some instances actually provides the administration and the network to facillitate the abuse.

The internet is the perfect tool for such cowardly men, and web sites like the AVM and ANZMI are the perfect vehicle for cowardly behaviour to flourish. There’s nothing like anonymity to give a man the balls he lacks in real life.

Make no mistake, the AVM (the more evil of the two web sites) acts as the buffer between a beleaguered, self-serving hierarchy of former military officers and its most strident, clamorous opponents. By pretending to expose ‘wannabees’ and ‘frauds’ within the veteran community, it has a licence to negate any opposing opinion by utilising the tools of slander and vilification.

All the while, the bona fides of the AVM’s administrators and contributors are steadfastly hidden by cowardly pseudonym- though a careless few have been unmasked, as mentioned already.

More often than not, they use words that suggest some measure of the very masculinity they lack – names like “Spartakus”; “Cassius”; “Savage”; “Zion”; Boots”; “Action”; “Cavalry”; “Ruger 357” and so on. It’s as if they realise they really are lesser men – having nothing but a coward’s core, the quisling’s heart, and by using such a pseudonym, it allows them some small measure of self-esteem.

Or pseudonyms like “Fergus Fairfax”; “Samsung”; “Certo”; “ Cicero”; “Shadow”; "Sunray"; and “Mowgli” – exotic choices meant to convey some sense of a greater intelligence than the run- of- the- mill, a choice that suggests a grander view of the world. But in the hands of such men, those terms are demeaned, for their actions portray them as little men of the world with nothing but a maggot’s appreciation of it.

Then there are those whose level of relative intelligence is reflected in pseudonyms like: “Nuidat68”; “D371”; “KRT”; “KD117”; “BC”; “XXXX”; "CD"; "PM"; and so on. Here are ‘men’ (and I use the term loosely) capable only of utilising the initials of their name, or some aspect of their service history. These are the weaklings who lack not only a measure of intelligence, but creativity. These are men who run with the herd, who cannot survive without the protection of the pack. By hiding within, they avoid the glare of the searchlight themselves.

Sadly, despite its links to a known paedophile in Rockhampton, and to an ex-service organisation in the same locale which is run by those with similar sexual appetites, and despite many of its contributors being known criminals (including a self-confessed murderer, thugs, and fraudsters) no one dares call it to account.

No politician. No media commentator. No Police Commissioners.

An impotent Australian Federal Police force simply refuses to enforce the legislation clearly set out in the Telecommunications Act (Section 474: 17). Thus, the cowards proliferate- or they did, until a small group of us turned the tables on the fools.

These are men who dare not raise a knuckle like true men once did, instead resorting to the abject cowardice of social thuggery armed only with a keyboard and the dead of night to do their dirty work.

Like that most cunning of animals- the dingo, which leaves no paw prints, the contributors to the AVM reflect all that is sad and evil within man.

But on days when war veterans march proudly along our city streets, one needs to ask these questions of such men – while they pretend some overt display of Anzac pride, can there a greater expression of true cowardice than those who choose to hide in such shadow-lands? What does it say about any man that he would prefer such an existence? What is it about themselves or their own service that they are hiding or running from?

Or have they no true understanding of what being a man is really all about?

They threaten and bluster and boast of their own war service, about how tough they are, what great soldiers they were, and what they'd like to do to someone like me who stands up to them – but when I visited their cities on speaking engagements to do with my memoir as I did on more than 180 occasions across Australia since 2008, with only my wife by my side, they failed to show.

Or like Bob 'the bolter' Buick did at Kawana Library a couple of years ago- bring a dozen mates with him to look after him and make sure the local constabulary were aware of a likely confrontation. Such cowardice.

Or if they did attend, they scuttled away like cockroaches without introducing themselves to me and voicing their opinion face to face like true men might have.

After careful, detailed observation and analysis of those who contribute to those web sites, without exception, these rock throwers prove to be insufficient ‘men’, as men go.

Physically deficient. Socially inept. Failures at work or play. Usually wife-less. These are talentless and tainted men, whose sense of manhood left long ago, hand in hand with any notion of decency, honour and integrity they might have clung to.

The greater tragedy is that the criminals behind these web sites are so devoid of substance and moral fibre that they must hide behind pseudonyms and inhabit a dung pile like the ANZMI, will march alongside men of true grit and honour on days like Anzac Day and have a beer or two afterwards – and no one will notice the difference between the two.

“Only when the beast goes home and looks in the mirror, is the true identity realised”.

Don Tate

11th March 2016, 05:16 PM
So you did serve in the Rhodesian light infantry!

Any comments of your own about the above screen shots?

Lol sorry Paul I'm just an uneducated rock throwing coward turd and I really don't care either way, you don't owe me anything but it's fun for sport.

>>>tappin from tassie

11th March 2016, 05:20 PM
what the?,
Im stumped.
You haven't answered one question that's been asked of you ALL DAY

11th March 2016, 05:23 PM
Reply to long winded Post above by PMC or RLI whatever

What the hell has that got to do with the Price of Eggs.

You need some help

11th March 2016, 05:32 PM

Sorry, couldn't help myself

11th March 2016, 06:26 PM
Author Don Tate 21st January 2016

The ANZMI/AUSTRALIAN VETERANS MATTERS websites are inhabited by some of the vilest men in Australia- and pending legal action might well see them completely investigated by court order.

The class action being pursued by Shine Lawyers against the Australian Defence Force for abuse suffered by ex-members of the ADF and veterans should allow, at long last, for the discovery of the cowards who facilitated, administered, and contributed to both the ANZMI and AVM web sites- particularly there financial structure.

Because when mud is thrown, it tends to stick. And that’s the worst of it. It's why the AVM became such a compost heap. It allowed for mud to be thrown at an individual for no other reason than to discredit whoever was standing against the corruption endemic to the Australian Defence Force.
Sadly, at a time when we celebrate those supposed noble traditions of “Anzac”, the fact that this web site even exists at all detracts from all that nobility those veterans espouse.

Forget mateship and honour and ‘Anzac spirit’ and all that guff.

Sure, there are those who will argue that this is to be expected from a troubled minority group like Vietnam veterans. It is, after all, a fragmented, disaffected minority group like no other, inhabited by men with a seething anger at losing a war, who lost their youth and their health in a futile enterprise, and who still alienated to a great extent from the greater body of man by the prolonged media exposure that turned so many minds against the warrior.

Add to that disaffection a time bomb caused by exposure to defoliants and herbicides ticking away inside them, and it’s a toxic blend.
These are men mostly sick in mind, and heart.

In truth, it is a community of men still at war. Not just with the society which still finds reason to revile them despite the decades of platitudes poured upon us since the Welcome Home march, but with each other. Man against man; unit against unit; Corps against Corps.

To some degree, it is a community of malcontents that sees injustice at every level, be it from those previous leaders who were prepared to use soldiers as expendable pawns in the pursuit of ‘gallantry medals’, to the politicians and governments of every government since in respect of devalued pensions and superannuation, and even from the courts where the impact of war service on the psyche is rarely understood or made allowance for.

Then again, there are also those who always had criminal predilections and inherent character flaws who use their service in the war (as little as it was in many cases) as an excuse for abominable social misbehaviour.

So, mischievous, idle hands abound. A manifest madness exists within the ranks and the worst of it is that the higher echelons of the military ‘establishment’ uses those sick minds to its own advantage. They are not only a party to the abuse of veterans already psychologically disturbed by war, but in some instances actually provides the administration and the network to facillitate the abuse.

The internet is the perfect tool for such cowardly men, and web sites like the AVM and ANZMI are the perfect vehicle for cowardly behaviour to flourish. There’s nothing like anonymity to give a man the balls he lacks in real life.

Make no mistake, the AVM (the more evil of the two web sites) acts as the buffer between a beleaguered, self-serving hierarchy of former military officers and its most strident, clamorous opponents. By pretending to expose ‘wannabees’ and ‘frauds’ within the veteran community, it has a licence to negate any opposing opinion by utilising the tools of slander and vilification.

All the while, the bona fides of the AVM’s administrators and contributors are steadfastly hidden by cowardly pseudonym- though a careless few have been unmasked, as mentioned already.

More often than not, they use words that suggest some measure of the very masculinity they lack – names like “Spartakus”; “Cassius”; “Savage”; “Zion”; Boots”; “Action”; “Cavalry”; “Ruger 357” and so on. It’s as if they realise they really are lesser men – having nothing but a coward’s core, the quisling’s heart, and by using such a pseudonym, it allows them some small measure of self-esteem.

Or pseudonyms like “Fergus Fairfax”; “Samsung”; “Certo”; “ Cicero”; “Shadow”; "Sunray"; and “Mowgli” – exotic choices meant to convey some sense of a greater intelligence than the run- of- the- mill, a choice that suggests a grander view of the world. But in the hands of such men, those terms are demeaned, for their actions portray them as little men of the world with nothing but a maggot’s appreciation of it.

Then there are those whose level of relative intelligence is reflected in pseudonyms like: “Nuidat68”; “D371”; “KRT”; “KD117”; “BC”; “XXXX”; "CD"; "PM"; and so on. Here are ‘men’ (and I use the term loosely) capable only of utilising the initials of their name, or some aspect of their service history. These are the weaklings who lack not only a measure of intelligence, but creativity. These are men who run with the herd, who cannot survive without the protection of the pack. By hiding within, they avoid the glare of the searchlight themselves.

Sadly, despite its links to a known paedophile in Rockhampton, and to an ex-service organisation in the same locale which is run by those with similar sexual appetites, and despite many of its contributors being known criminals (including a self-confessed murderer, thugs, and fraudsters) no one dares call it to account.

No politician. No media commentator. No Police Commissioners.

An impotent Australian Federal Police force simply refuses to enforce the legislation clearly set out in the Telecommunications Act (Section 474: 17). Thus, the cowards proliferate- or they did, until a small group of us turned the tables on the fools.

These are men who dare not raise a knuckle like true men once did, instead resorting to the abject cowardice of social thuggery armed only with a keyboard and the dead of night to do their dirty work.

Like that most cunning of animals- the dingo, which leaves no paw prints, the contributors to the AVM reflect all that is sad and evil within man.

But on days when war veterans march proudly along our city streets, one needs to ask these questions of such men – while they pretend some overt display of Anzac pride, can there a greater expression of true cowardice than those who choose to hide in such shadow-lands? What does it say about any man that he would prefer such an existence? What is it about themselves or their own service that they are hiding or running from?

Or have they no true understanding of what being a man is really all about?

They threaten and bluster and boast of their own war service, about how tough they are, what great soldiers they were, and what they'd like to do to someone like me who stands up to them – but when I visited their cities on speaking engagements to do with my memoir as I did on more than 180 occasions across Australia since 2008, with only my wife by my side, they failed to show.

Or like Bob 'the bolter' Buick did at Kawana Library a couple of years ago- bring a dozen mates with him to look after him and make sure the local constabulary were aware of a likely confrontation. Such cowardice.

Or if they did attend, they scuttled away like cockroaches without introducing themselves to me and voicing their opinion face to face like true men might have.

After careful, detailed observation and analysis of those who contribute to those web sites, without exception, these rock throwers prove to be insufficient ‘men’, as men go.

Physically deficient. Socially inept. Failures at work or play. Usually wife-less. These are talentless and tainted men, whose sense of manhood left long ago, hand in hand with any notion of decency, honour and integrity they might have clung to.

The greater tragedy is that the criminals behind these web sites are so devoid of substance and moral fibre that they must hide behind pseudonyms and inhabit a dung pile like the ANZMI, will march alongside men of true grit and honour on days like Anzac Day and have a beer or two afterwards – and no one will notice the difference between the two.

“Only when the beast goes home and looks in the mirror, is the true identity realised”.

Don Tate

Oy PMC You edited the opening line to include ANZMI. Youre as dodgy as they come cock

11th March 2016, 06:32 PM
Bahaha Paul mate.... Yep the original article has been found.... Get some help.

>>>tappin from tassie

11th March 2016, 06:35 PM
Should send a screen shot of this to the Author Don Tate

11th March 2016, 06:37 PM
This is going nowhere!
Can I suggest that PMC is barred and all this and connections to it deleted.
Not really what I came back for, understand free speech, rights of individuals etc but this is so negative its depressing.
Thought some other outcome might happen but I was dreaming, more fool me!

11th March 2016, 06:40 PM
We'll let the boss make the call when he gets back from Nics wedding

11th March 2016, 07:53 PM
If it's deleted then he'll just do the same thing somewhere else...

11th March 2016, 08:19 PM
Lock it and leave it for the Web to find.

Someone is in need of serious psychiatric help me thinks.

the evil twin
11th March 2016, 08:36 PM
Leave it open and anyone who wishes to do so can read it... and anyone who doesn't can ignore it...

Personally I can't see a problem with that.

11th March 2016, 08:43 PM
Leave it open and anyone who wishes to do so can read it... and anyone who doesn't can ignore it...

Personally I can't see a problem with that.
Yep I have to say that I now agree with this sentiment after having a good long think about it........... yes yes I know, what am I doing trying to think, it's just not in my nature

11th March 2016, 11:54 PM
Paul..... Whats going on?. Seems the judges gavel has fallen!!

You need to step up to the plate mate. It's time for the truth, not long winded cut and paste.

As for... delete, lock or leave open the discussion.... The first two leave nothing but open wounds, better to be able to discuss the situation, otherwise it just festers.

12th March 2016, 05:10 AM
leave this thread open

1) so PMC / RLI can eventually respond to the accusations

2) so forum members can vent their spleen, and try and get answers from others who may or may not know more

3) so it can be found on the Web, if anyone is researching this, or instances like this, it is a record for reference use

as an Army Brat, and Proud of my Father as being a Vietnam Vet,
I take it personally when others claim they were serving somewhere in the ADF when they were not

12th March 2016, 08:23 AM
Interesting read here.


This is a line from this report.

"Today, a core group from the guild led by former SAS soldier Paul McTernan have met to discuss strategy."

12th March 2016, 08:34 AM
whats that song oh yeah Henry the eight, so
second verse same as the first,,,,,,,,,,

12th March 2016, 09:02 AM
Interesting read here.


This is a line from this report.

"Today, a core group from the guild led by former SAS soldier Paul McTernan have met to discuss strategy."

And http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/named-the-wharfies-deep-throat/2008/04/04/1207249460429.html

former army officer Paul McTernan

12th March 2016, 09:44 AM
OOI are all RLi/PMC medical conditions real or are they fabricated as well.
looks like he's been living next to a pie shop [insert]

12th March 2016, 10:30 AM

It's no secret on this forum that you and I were mates and I was instrumental in getting you reinstated (at your request) when you were banned. As you know I've been aware of the ANZMI accusations for about six months. You refuted these on the ANZMI website, the Save Woolgoolga War Memorial Facebook sites and other Facebook sites.

I know what you told me personally and this didn't gel with what you later publicly denied. Mates don't lie to each other, at least I don't and they don't use each other either. It didn't take me long to realise you were actually a fraud, that's when I ceased all contact with you in Sept last year.

I've refrained from commenting here but I've had a couple of PM's and phone calls asking my view on all this as we were mates.

I've never done any military service but I have mates and family who did. My father and several uncles fought with the Allies in WW11, my uncle was killed and he was only 17. My father and uncle then went on to fight in Indonesia for another three years (they were in the commando unit). My uncle was seriously wounded but continued to fight on and saved several others from certain death. He received a medal from the King and had the limp to show for it until he died. I still remember the burn scars on my late fathers back from when a troop carrier exploded above him. Neither of these brave men sought any glory or celebrated the war, it wan't till after my fathers funeral that someone from the RSL even realised he was a returned serviceman and contacted us. It wasn't something they talked about or glorified, I do recall him telling us as boys that he hoped we never had to live through a war.
My best mate of over 50 years enlisted in the army as soon as he turned 18 during the Vietnam war, he never got posted overseas as the war ended not long after. Fifteen months ago I attended the funeral of a family friend of over 40 years, he served in 1ARU, 2RAR Vietnam. He was wounded at least once and did occasionally speak about what he saw, he went on to serve as the local RSL President and later Vice President until he became to ill to continue.

I've been around a while and worked with several ex servicemen, they didn't see it as anything shameful that they didn't see action. I have the up-most admiration for them and all returned servicemen, BUT I don't have any time for frauds.

Drop the spin Paul, I think you should seek professional help.

12th March 2016, 11:19 AM
yep, seems like i too was duped :( as much as i dont like to admit it unless Paul can come up with some solid answers im afraid i too have to go with the belief that he has been living a lie and spreading bullshit all over, i did as previously stated get some good help for my niece in Victoria through Paul for which i will be forever grateful but to misrepresent yourself so publicly is not on, shame on you and the lies and deceipt.

12th March 2016, 11:22 AM
yet to hear from Matt NN I think they were pretty tight,
hopefully it will be done and dusted and we can all get
back to Nissan Patrol topics,

12th March 2016, 11:53 AM
yet to hear from Matt NN I think they were pretty tight,
hopefully it will be done and dusted and we can all get
back to Nissan Patrol topics,

TD, I don't think it reasonable to put pressure on any member to post, it is an individual decision.
Everyone who has been on the forum a while will have felt some impact of all this, some more , some less. Choosing to say nothing is just as valid as speaking out.

12th March 2016, 12:01 PM
I dont care one way or another I just want to get back to normal.
Just seems to be dragging on, did AB go away ?
I wasnt waiting on NN he's a big boy and can do what he likes

12th March 2016, 12:06 PM
So I wonder which one of these who were employed by Fynwest for the Wharfe was Paul, wonder if he's the one from SASR?

Army Reserve personnel have been identified as being involved in Dubai stevedoring training. Reserve members are part-time employees and there are less stringent conditions relating to taking leave. However, 5 members notified their unavailability to parade which included notification of overseas travel.
Of the 36 members in the permanent forces, the breakdown is as follows:

Australian Regular Army

Army Reserve


x Warrant Officer Class 1


x Captain


x Warrant Officer Class 2


x Warrant Officer Class 1


x Staff Sergeant


x Warrant Officer Class 2


x Sergeant


x Sergeant


x Corporal


x Corporal


x Lance Corporal


x Lance Corporal


x Private


x Private





Royal Australian Air Force
1 x Leading Aircraftman
Total: 1
The personnel came from the following units around Australia:

ADF Recruiting Unit—

- Melbourne


ADF Recruiting Unit

- Sydney


Army Logistics Training Centre

- Portsea


Command and Staff College

- Portsea


Defence Centre

- Perth


Directorate of Military Engineering (Army)

- Melbourne


Headquarters 13 Brigade

- Perth


Perth Logistics Battalion—

- Perth


Royal Australian Ordnance Corps

- Bandiana


School of Armour—

- Puckapunyal


Special Air Service Regiment

- Perth


2nd Commando Company

- Mosman


2nd Combat Engineer Regiment

- Enoggera


4th Brigade Admin Support Battalion

- Oakleigh South


4th/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse

- Macleod


5th/7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment

- Liverpool


5th Combat Engineer Regiment

- Penrith


10th Terminal Regiment (Transport)

- Mosman


13th Field Squadron

- Perth


301 Base Wing (RAAF)

- Orchard Hills


12th March 2016, 12:56 PM
I dont care one way or another I just want to get back to normal.
Just seems to be dragging on, did AB go away ?
I wasnt waiting on NN he's a big boy and can do what he likes

Since when have things ever been normal here!!!!????? hahahahaha

And yes the bossman went to Rusty_Nails wedding, and apparently will be joining us here in WA tomorrow night............. I'm so excited I could pee

12th March 2016, 12:58 PM
Pull yourself together man sounds like you're falling apart. lol
Think of a dick joke and all will be good lol

PMC is not going to answer any question here , all he'll do imo
is cut and paste another page of non related dribble if that.
Suppose he should not have called us all turds etc etc

OOI are turds measured in KG or CM ???

the evil twin
12th March 2016, 01:21 PM
OOI are turds measured in KG or CM ???

I measure mine in Hours.

IE after I punch one out... How many hours it takes before anyone else can enter the Dunny without onset of immediate and continuous projectile vomiting.

My record is a 4 hour turd but I admit I used a performance enhancing diet of caramalised onion, anchovie, licorice and vindaloo now banned by WADA and also blocked off the Air Con to the ablution area, a practise now outlawed by FARTS (Federated Australian Rectal Turdological Society).

12th March 2016, 01:31 PM
Could also be described as "Hang time" imo
A good dog will do that. lol

12th March 2016, 01:49 PM
I measure mine in Hours.

IE after I punch one out... How many hours it takes before anyone else can enter the Dunny without onset of immediate and continuous projectile vomiting.

My record is a 4 hour turd but I admit I used a performance enhancing diet of caramalised onion, anchovie, licorice and vindaloo now banned by WADA and also blocked off the Air Con to the ablution area, a practise now outlawed by FARTS (Federated Australian Rectal Turdological Society).
I also measure mine in hours, but its to do with how long it takes to unblock the sewerage pipes, not how long the smell lingers, although that is a rather tasty byproduct.........

My record so far has been 18.5 hours, the watercorp and neighbours werent too happy that day...... I now eat plenty of curries and spicy food to keep my stools sloppy and try to stay off the eggs and bananas

12th March 2016, 01:53 PM
This thread started with shit, so ending with it seems logical .......

the evil twin
12th March 2016, 02:02 PM
I also measure mine in hours, but its to do with how long it takes to unblock the sewerage pipes, not how long the smell lingers, although that is a rather tasty byproduct.........

My record so far has been 18.5 hours, the watercorp and neighbours werent too happy that day...... I now eat plenty of curries and spicy food to keep my stools sloppy and try to stay off the eggs and bananas

Ahhh... You must be a member of ANUS (Australian National Union of Shitters) if your using the compaction standard of measurement versus odiferous.

I moved from ANUS after a rather sordid disagreement with an official about the use of artificial binding agents versus natural fibre doping when they disallowed my claim for 16 hours and 59 minutes.
Good to see you have subsequently beaten that mark anyway and by a significant margin too so my heartiest congratulations and keep the poo dropping as they say

the evil twin
12th March 2016, 02:04 PM
This thread started with shit, so ending with it seems logical .......

Sorry, got a bit bored... happens to me a lot when the 'on topic' posts dry up...

12th March 2016, 03:57 PM
What's OOI?

the evil twin
12th March 2016, 03:58 PM
out of interest...

12th March 2016, 04:04 PM
I measure turds by the number of people that complain that they stink. My record is a whopping 16 (Christmas dinner, 2014)

12th March 2016, 04:05 PM
I measure turds by the number of people that complain that they stink. My record is a whopping 16 (Christmas dinner, 2014)

(that was really the only thing I felt I could contribute to the this thread. I know nothing about PMC or any of this army stuff, but I do have experience with compulsive liars and accusations, whether true or false, and in my experience the best way to deal is to avoid the topic altogether)

12th March 2016, 04:21 PM
PMC is like a stinking turd. He's smelt bad for a hell of a long time to take the medal. One he can wear proudly for the greatest stinkiest turd

12th March 2016, 04:58 PM
Ahhh... You must be a member of ANUS (Australian National Union of Shitters) if your using the compaction standard of measurement versus odiferous.

I moved from ANUS after a rather sordid disagreement with an official about the use of artificial binding agents versus natural fibre doping when they disallowed my claim for 16 hours and 59 minutes.
Good to see you have subsequently beaten that mark anyway and by a significant margin too so my heartiest congratulations and keep the poo dropping as they say
Yes mine become a danger to shipping when they get out into the waterways

12th March 2016, 04:59 PM
Cheech and Chong for those that remember had a great skit.{ Up in Smoke}
"Hey Dave whats that"
"Looks like dog shite to me"
"pick it up" "Taste "
"It Tastes like Dog shite"
" Thats good lets walk around it"
"good thing we no step in it"
or to that effect

Myth Busters also proved you can polish a turd

12th March 2016, 06:18 PM
What's OOI?

I thought it was more cockney gangster talk:

Oooooiiiiii!!! Paul, leave it out yer avin' a laaaarf ain'cha? You ain't no bleedin Rhodesian ridgeback!!!!!! Stop tellin porkie pies you muppet!!!!

12th March 2016, 07:26 PM

12th March 2016, 07:49 PM

About time.

13th March 2016, 11:01 AM
He has either logged off or been banned

13th March 2016, 12:34 PM
He has either logged off or been banned

Nope not banned, so either hiding or scouring the net for more articles to cut & paste

14th March 2016, 09:44 PM
This whole thing is disappointing to say the least. Once you start lying though, it is very hard to reverse it, and lying about Military Service is fraught with danger I'd reckon. I've met a few blokes who like to embellish their military service, usually with some BS story involving the SAS or Commandos, but they tend to shut up quick smart when asked for detail and who else was there. Usually these sorts of blokes have very little real substance but have a big ego that needs stroking constantly. Lots of these types of blokes are in the Security Industry from what I've seen, floating around the Mining and Oil industries and bullshitting themselves from job to job. This bloke will just be one of many.

Judging by the limited responses and ongoing denials, I don't think that there is about to be a confession anytime soon here, so I think I'll go back to the PUB Thread for a laugh and forget about PMC/whoever...

15th March 2016, 09:25 AM
Having served myself with the RACT although never deployed and have family and friends that have and continue to serve in the ADF ranging from the SASR, RACT, 2 - 7 & 5/7 RAR amongst others, find it very belittling to such blatant deceit and disrespect towards those that do or have served and who've lost loved ones along the way.

Growing up in a military family, I've seen more embellished stories of service than I can remember and every time it happens, it destroys everything and everyone around them.

Never underestimate the power of the tap, let it flow through you.

15th March 2016, 09:51 AM
G’day folks,

I thought this was the Nissan Patrol forum and not an unlawful Spanish inquisition, firstly it is quite apparent that it does not matter what explanation I give, either way you people have been poisoned by false and misleading information.

There is an old saying “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones” I do not know any of your personal backgrounds or what colorful past some of you might have, I came to this forum for a bit of fun and to swap and share Nissan Patrol information and more importantly to learn more about Patrols. I have accepted everyone on this forum for their face value for all of their warts and all. I sincerely hope that those that have been attacking me are squeaky clean and have no skeletons in their closets; furthermore they want to be cleaner than a colonoscopy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the last few years I have donated monies to various causes including recently Roofy’s engine cause. In which my family have donated $100 and I have provided a F1 Jordon Racing team shirt worth over $300.00 to help raise further funds.

Also over the years my family have organised several B/Q’s and several trips for members to participate in, my wife and I provided all food and alcohol which was paid by us. My wife and I have even provided our home to several members over the years to stay and visit; every time a member or members have stayed at our home we have covered all expense’s.

I have even paid a member his fuel expenses and other costs to help me fix my Patrol, which I was extremely appreciated off. I have given away hundreds of dollars’ worth of equipment and Nissan parts free of charge to several forum members.

I have never asked the forum for any financial assistance or help over the years, especially when I was going through a bad period in my life! However, I have always been there for Patrol members in their time of need.

Lets make this clear 90% of the forums members are fantastic people, however the other 10% are dead set imbeciles. To read some of the crap that has been started on this tread is a dead set joke. Cowards, like gutless sheep always follow follow the leader, so gullible some of you are ( failure of social intelligence in which a person is easily manipulated into an ill-advised course of action. It is closely related to credulity, which is the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence.)

The NSW RSL are aware of the situation and are also investigating about the false and misleading bogus application form that was sent to ANZMI. I have full support from the Veterans Centre NSW where I work from and the vast majority of ESO pensions officers and advocates that are extremely upset by the attacks made against me.

First and foremost for any website that is providing information into the public domain as they have to be transparent and accountable and most importantly the information needs to be lawful, factual and the truth, unfortunately this is not the case with ANZMI/AVM and Aussie Diggers websites.

These websites are they are run by unscrupulous criminals. The main reason they registered the websites overseas was to hide from further criminal prosecution. These individuals have a total dislike to authority, the RSL and other ESO’s. Several members from these websites have been convicted of serious offences with several serving time in goal.

Also interesting is that ANZMI/AVM does not do actual personal inquiries and does everything “electronically”. This explains the errors and omissions in their “alleged investigations” and gives the lie to the provenance of any photographs and/or documentation they rely upon. No wonder the Police, DVA and the RSL etc are not interested in anything they publish on their websites due to the very fact that it operates unlawfully and as convicted criminals and outlaw motorcycle group members are involved with its operations.

It is interesting to note that Mr Garry Sloane admits to one very grievous fault with ANZMI “exposes” – they do not confront the “accused” with the accusations, much less publish the accused’s answer. In short, they act as a self-appointed “kangaroo court”, motivated by rumour, innuendo, personal malice and hatred.

ANZMI hate the RSL and NATIONAL SERVICEMEN'S ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA with a passion. They blame the former WW1 and WW2 veterans for not excepting them into the various ESO’s during the Vietnam War. Funnily, it is now the Vietnam Veterans mistreating all the post 1975 error veterans with distain, what hypocrisy and what a bloody disgrace .

It is the anonymity that I particularly object to I firmly believe that an “accused” has the right to be confronted with his/her accuser. If a person or group believe themselves to be in the right, in levelling accusations, then they should have the courage and integrity to level their accusations using their real names and by being accountable. Using pseudonyms and anonymous servers is simple cowardice.

All the folks that have served in the Military did for the following reasons, to protect Freedom, Democracy and most importantly the Rule of Law. There is no place in our society for unlawful vigilantes that fail the basic trait that everyone is innocent until proven guilty by a Court of Law.

Here are some of your new friends the main players of ANZMI/AVM websites; you judge yourself about the quality of these individual’s. Anyone that supports pedophiles in my book are pedophiles themselves.

Most of this information has been exposed by Don Tate and others in books and also on online forums. The real interesting thing to note is this; not one of the individuals has ever filed legal action against those statements made about them. The main reason is quite simple, it is all true and those that have made those statements have all the evidence to prove their assertions; that is why they do not want to be exposed in the public arena for being a disgruntled group of criminals and hypocrite’s.

I have now been provide hundreds of e-mails and other documentary evidence, copies of both the CPMH/ANZMI websites provided by to former members who are disgusted with their former colleagues who have now turned ANZMI into attacking anyone who does not share their values. Furthermore, they left due to the criminal fabrication of materials used to incriminate targets.

Firstly, let’s do a quick review of some of ANZMI/AVM operators.

1.Garry Sloane failed marriage, fled Darwin after trouble with authorities, did not like the indigenous lads hanging around his daughter, (discharge a firearm in public) Fled to Queensland only to threatened a person with a firearm, then had a dispute with his neighbour and decide to drown his neighbour’s cat. The following is a media article about Mr Sloane “Man fined $5,000 for drowning cat in wheelie bin” Updated 11 Sep 2009, 10:43am A 58-year-old man from Petrie, north of Brisbane, has been fined $5,000 for animal cruelty. Gary McIntyre Sloane pleaded guilty to drowning his neighbour's cat in a wheelie bin earlier this year after catching it. He appeared in Petrie Magistrates Court this morning. The RSPCA had sought a custodial sentence because the killing was premeditated. Mr Sloane is well known to both the NT and Queensland police services.

2. Bob Buick, interesting man, he has stated on numerous occasions that he has never been involved or had anything to do with either ANZMI and AVM websites, folks, this is a total lie. As my IP researcher stated; “as requested Paul here are the details of the email addresses you sent. If you note that there are multiple IP addresses that are in this email address that is linked to ANZMI - also the programmes used is Aache - if you note that ANZMI use Apache and it is art of the capabilities of NEW DREAM NETWORK. LLC. this is Bob Buicks e - mail address = bobbuick@netspace.net.au. Bob lives in QLD not W.A. - then look at the same IP addresses on his e - mail and compare with Anzmi. This is another e - mail that Bob Buick uses - sent to John Tilbrook from BB - again note the same IPS on the web ANZMI and Bobs private e - mail address. My advice Paul, there is overwhelming evidence to prove to a court that Bob Buick was the owner operator of both the ANZMI and AVM websites”.

3. Barry Billing, another interesting man, ANZMI member a convicted fraudster and thief who served four years in goal for his offences and more recently he has fronted court on another 16 similar charges. Uses the AVM web site as a tool to attack fellow veterans using the pseudonyms "Certo", among others. Reported numerous people on the ANZMI website. His two tours of Vietnam were once as a driver, and once as a barman. However, he claimed the full pension based on fraudulent heroic exploits with the enemy which has since been denounced by his former Commanding Officer. Billing was discharged under the Mental Health Act. The judge at his first trial called him a "pathological liar".

4. Michal Petelczyc ex-navy ANZMI Admin. Has used the alias Bill Hobson ANZMI investigator. Currently under investigation by the Balmain Police Station in Sydney for stalking and abusing several women. He is also currently under investigation by DART for abuse against young sailors. Sacked by the commonwealth government in 2000 for using government computer systems to attack Israeli citizens.

5. Keith Tennant, NOW THIS IS ONE MAN WITH A SERIOUS CREDITABILTY PROBLEM! Also the owner/administrator of the (Aussie Digger) web site created on 9th June 2006, first registered in Boat Harbour Tasmania and administrator of the Australian Veteran Matters (AVM) and Admin member of ANZMI. However I was horrified to find out that Mr Tennant was DISHONORABLY discharged from the Royal Australian Artillery for paedophilia. I now have a copy of the 1975 Townsville magistrates’ court case which found Mr Tennant guilty for sexually assault of a minor. Mr Tennant lured a little boy away from his father in the SGT mess, took him upstairs to his bedroom, removed his pants- and then molested him. According to the Statement given by the boy’s mother to Townsville Police, he inserted his fingers (or that’s what the boy thought it was) into his anus. Mr Tennant never demonstrated any remorse at the time, or at any time since, especially when the boy’s father committed suicide as a consequence of Tennant Raping his little boy. Tennant had the audacity to use alcohol as his excuse FOR RAPING A LITTLE BOY; he then tried to blame his Vietnam service for his paedophilia. Mr Tennant is well known by both the Queensland and Tasmanian police. He is also listed on the police known sex offenders list. QUESTION: WHY IS THIS MAN NOT ON THE ANZMI WEBSITE? Easy he is one of the operators of the disgruntled criminals now attacking everyone else. THIS MAGGOT HAS HAD IS MILITARY FILE REMOVED by unlawful mates at the Army Historical Unit. Folks, try and search for this paedophile on the Vietnam Nominal Role, you will not find him. He has had unlawful friends remove is information. WHY? Because he does not want the public to know about his disgusting past.


PS, i have screen shot all the material from this thread and other threads to be used as evidance to demonstrate the attacks that have taken place against me.


Paul McTernan

15th March 2016, 10:42 AM
Paul you are obviously an intelligent and articulate person, you have written something about being part of an group of people that you have denied in subsequent written material.
Now when asked about that you reply with long winded, replies that attack, insult, vilify and defame all and any in your sights that don't support you 100%.
I do not understand why you don't answer the simple question. Your credibility is eroded with each post that doesn't answer the quick and simple question.
You carry on like an alpha male but come up short when tested.
I hope your screen shots are of the whole thread here not a cut and paste of what suits you as you are prone to do.
We all know a person can be the best person, most liked, generous etc in our community, but if there is a skeleton that falls out of the closet all that came before is negated,. don't you see that?

15th March 2016, 10:45 AM

You have still not answered the single question that was asked of you at the very beginning of this thread.
Why won't you answer the question?

Thanks for the reply Paul. I just have one question for you though.
Did you ever serve in the Rhodesian army? Or the Rhodesian Light Infantry?

15th March 2016, 10:49 AM
Firstly, to be honest Paul I couldn't give a fark about this subject. I don't feel any personal wrong to me either way. What has got my attention though is the manner of which this is unfolding. There definitely are some great tactics being used. "attack the attackers" is probably taught in the service. There's also plenty of rock throwing from within glass houses happening but seeing as I have never been in the military, and therefore under no scrutiny over my service, I know I mustn't be one of the said rock throwers. Therefore I must just be a cowardly turd of a mentally ill sheep and that's a bit of a harsh thing to call someone simply for asking a question.
To the layman though, a contradiction often leads to scrutiny.

So did you serve in the Rhodesian light infantry? Lol.

Did you alter the letter from Don Tate to include the term ANZMI before posting it here?

I give you permission to screen shot this attack lol.

>>>tappin from tassie

15th March 2016, 11:05 AM
To paraphrase taslucas "Firstly, to be honest Paul I couldn't give a fark about this subject. I don't feel any personal wrong to me either way."

I just wanted to add my bit. Mate, in your last post you have listed a few occasions when you have helped out other members. Well good on you, but that has nothing to do with the argument that you seem determined to perpetuate. If you want to continue this, go right ahead, but don't start telling us in general what a great guy you are because you have chucked in a few bucks here and there.
For the record, just after I joined the forum, BA had his engine issue and I chucked in a few bucks because I was doing OK and he wasn't. I won't list the amounts and what else I have helped in because it won't make me a better or worse person. People just do what they can when they can, not to gain respect or credulity.

15th March 2016, 12:07 PM
it seems Patrol 4x4 have an ADF/Defence section and been caught out on that too.
There is no $$$$$ value on mateship. over the years I to have helped plenty
of PPl like you, next time I'll remember to get a receipt, wrap it up
he never was in the RLI never will be.
I objected to your posts when you wrote in detail how to skin a human,
who posts that sort of info, I know ,,,,,,,one sick dude

15th March 2016, 12:15 PM

If you have a genuine beef with & evidence against ANZMI this should be addressed in the appropriate place which is not here.

Mention of your profile on the ANZMI website was made here in good faith. Your subsequent posts & lack of response to pertinent questions asked by members have not assisted your credibility.

You may already have dug your hole too deep, but there might be some value in changing tack. I can't see more of the same serving any useful purpose.

15th March 2016, 12:29 PM
evidence is spelt this way not the way you did it {evidance}
Ill see how the rest went $2 please GGrrrrrr

15th March 2016, 12:31 PM
evidence is spelt this way not the way you did it {evidance}
Ill see how the rest went $2 please GGrrrrrr

And spelt is a wheat, spelled is the word you were looking for. But let's not take away from the thread yeah?

15th March 2016, 12:39 PM
As has been said before, there are plenty of folk on here who have donated monies or other services in order to help others during their time of need, so don't even bring that argument to the table.

One question is all that is required to be answered........... Did you or did you not serve in the Rhodesian Light Infantry???????

Oh and by the way, this isn't a personal attack on you, just a simple request for a simple answer.

15th March 2016, 12:40 PM
And spelt is a wheat, spelled is the word you were looking for. But let's not take away from the thread yeah?

Thought I did ok at school, but you're right not worth the effort


the evil twin
15th March 2016, 12:54 PM
And spelt is a wheat, spelled is the word you were looking for. But let's not take away from the thread yeah?

As a past tense for 'Spelling' then 'Spelt' is English and a wheat, 'Spelled' is American... sama sama as for 'Smelling" where 'smelt' (which is also a fish) and 'smelled' occur so I call it a draw :-)

EG "his claims smelt like Bullshit to us all" as opposed to "his claims smelled like Bullshit to us all" both mean the same thing depending on the grammatical roots of the audience.

(see how cleverly I avoided the hijack there)

15th March 2016, 01:00 PM
As a past tense for 'Spelling' then 'Spelt' is English and a wheat, 'Spelled' is American... sama sama as for 'Smelling" where 'smelt' (which is also a fish) and 'smelled' occur so I call it a draw :-)

EG "his claims smelt like Bullshit to us all" as opposed to "his claims smelled like Bullshit to us all" both mean the same thing depending on the grammatical roots of the audience.

(see how cleverly I avoided the hijack there)

Well there you go...

15th March 2016, 01:12 PM
As a past tense for 'Spelling' then 'Spelt' is English and a wheat, 'Spelled' is American... sama sama as for 'Smelling" where 'smelt' (which is also a fish) and 'smelled' occur so I call it a draw :-)

EG "his claims smelt like Bullshit to us all" as opposed to "his claims smelled like Bullshit to us all" both mean the same thing depending on the grammatical roots of the audience.

(see how cleverly I avoided the hijack there)

Knock me down with a feather. you wordsmith you.
Hate the idea of becoming americanised / americanized

15th March 2016, 01:23 PM
Knock me down with a feather. you wordsmith you.
Hate the idea of becoming americanised / americanized

yankified :)

the evil twin
15th March 2016, 01:46 PM
Knock me down with a feather. you wordsmith you.
Hate the idea of becoming americanised / americanized

ROFL... there ya go...
How do you get 'Z' to stop bludging and get to work like the rest of the alphabet?
Simply give it a job share with 'S' like the Merikanz do.
Rhodesia might have been Rhodezia if it was the Yanks and not the Poms that came over and kicked the shit outa the locals...

15th March 2016, 01:55 PM
As has been said before, there are plenty of folk on here who have donated monies or other services in order to help others during their time of need, so don't even bring that argument to the table.

One question is all that is required to be answered........... Did you or did you not serve in the Rhodesian Light Infantry???????

Oh and by the way, this isn't a personal attack on you, just a simple request for a simple answer.

Well he must have..
Says so right here on p4x4..
Unless these naughty nasty people hacked that account aswell and posted all those nasty thing..........


15th March 2016, 05:37 PM
Yup well I'm bored,
Paul i couldn't be bothered reading your last cut n paste.

15th March 2016, 05:45 PM
Did you serve in the Rhodesian army?

Simple yes/no question.

15th March 2016, 07:04 PM
Did you serve in the Rhodesian army?

Simple yes/no question.
It was then that Paul knew he'd stuffed up

>>>tappin from tassie

15th March 2016, 07:16 PM
Well fark me lounge lizards, I haven't followed this thread for a few days and I have to say Pauls reply has to to be the most unsubstantiated bit of crap I have ever seen!
As others said, answer the questions asked on this forum instead of calling good people of this forum turds, sheep, etc. in my eyes you are a DOG!

Feel free to screenshoot this if you please

….................... On the move

15th March 2016, 07:26 PM
Well fark me lounge lizards, I haven't followed this thread for a few days and I have to say Pauls reply has to to be the most unsubstantiated bit of crap I have ever seen!
As others said, answer the questions asked on this forum instead of calling good people of this forum turds, sheep, etc. in my eyes you are a DOG!

Feel free to screenshoot this if you please

….................... On the move

Not a problem Nisshead!

15th March 2016, 07:29 PM
Not a problem Nisshead!
And you continue to dodge the question. As far as I am concerned Paul, that is as good as a confession to me.

15th March 2016, 07:33 PM
Not a problem Nisshead!

....so your answer to our question "Did you serve in the Rhodesian army" is????

C'mon Paul this is getting boring mate

….................... On the move

15th March 2016, 07:38 PM
Well fark me dead LOUNGE LIZARDS,

I thought this was the Nissan Patrol forum and not an unlawful inquisition, firstly it is quite apparent that it does not matter what explanation I give, either way the you people have made your minds up! So WHY WOULD I WASTE MY FARKEN TIME!!!!!!!!

I do not give a RATS ARSE to those negative folks that are blinded by false and misleading information.

What i have done in my life is my business and certainly not anybody else business.



15th March 2016, 07:41 PM
Well fark me dead LOUNGE LIZARDS,

I thought this was the Nissan Patrol forum and not an unlawful inquisition, firstly it is quite apparent that it does not matter what explanation I give, either way the you people have made your minds up! So WHY WOULD I WASTE MY FARKEN TIME!!!!!!!!

I do not give a RATS ARSE to those negative folks that are blinded by false and misleading information.

What i have done in my life is my business and certainly not anybody else business.



Deep-throat has spoken

15th March 2016, 07:48 PM
Paul you have been busted mate, now you need to MAN UP and admit it! You are weak.

the evil twin
15th March 2016, 07:49 PM
Well fark me dead LOUNGE LIZARDS,

I thought this was the Nissan Patrol forum and not an unlawful inquisition...

Dude... really?

It was you that started the thread!

15th March 2016, 07:53 PM
Paul you are obviously an intelligent and articulate person, you have written something about being part of an group of people that you have denied in subsequent written material.
Now when asked about that you reply with long winded, replies that attack, insult, vilify and defame all and any in your sights that don't support you 100%.
I do not understand why you don't answer the simple question. Your credibility is eroded with each post that doesn't answer the quick and simple question.
You carry on like an alpha male but come up short when tested.
I hope your screen shots are of the whole thread here not a cut and paste of what suits you as you are prone to do.
We all know a person can be the best person, most liked, generous etc in our community, but if there is a skeleton that falls out of the closet all that came before is negated,. don't you see that?

G'day Macca,

With due respect, I am not an intelligent and articulate person, i am just an average bloke being attacked by a negative group of people.

As previously stated it does not matter what answer i give, i have already been judged by a kangaroo court!

What i am so upset about, you and a lot of other people have my contact details and NOT PERSON had the decency to ring me and ask what ever questions they wanted answered.

Instead, typical of cowards and back-stabbing turds, people decided to attack me on another thread with-out me being able defend myself. It was farken days latter that clunk notified me with the appropriate link that i knew what was going. TO ME A FARKEN DOG ACT!

If you want to get rid of me please, do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




15th March 2016, 08:00 PM
In simple layman's terms Paul Did you serve in the Rhodesian army??

Fark me it it can not get any simpler than that!
Stop avoiding the farking question

….................... On the move

15th March 2016, 08:11 PM
G'day Macca,

With due respect, I am not an intelligent and articulate person, i am just an average bloke being attacked by a negative group of people.

As previously stated it does not matter what answer i give, i have already been judged by a kangaroo court!

What i am so upset about, you and a lot of other people have my contact details and NOT PERSON had the decency to ring me and ask what ever questions they wanted answered.

Instead, typical of cowards and back-stabbing turds, people decided to attack me on another thread with-out me being able defend myself. It was farken days latter that clunk notified me with the appropriate link that i knew what was going. TO ME A FARKEN DOG ACT!

If you want to get rid of me please, do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I'm getting a bit tired of you calling me names. I did not make judgement on you, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I just wanted to see you say you did/did not serve for the Rhodesian army.
I am not a coward, I am not a back stabbing turd, and I am not a dog.
You have not had the decency to answer the only one question I had for you.

You are a scum bag and you will get what is coming.

15th March 2016, 08:17 PM
G'day Macca,

With due respect, I am not an intelligent and articulate person, i am just an average bloke being attacked by a negative group of people.

As previously stated it does not matter what answer i give, i have already been judged by a kangaroo court!

What i am so upset about, you and a lot of other people have my contact details and NOT PERSON had the decency to ring me and ask what ever questions they wanted answered.

Instead, typical of cowards and back-stabbing turds, people decided to attack me on another thread with-out me being able defend myself. It was farken days latter that clunk notified me with the appropriate link that i knew what was going. TO ME A FARKEN DOG ACT!

If you want to get rid of me please, do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




OY nobby correct it is your personal life. But YOU told us all that YOU served in the RLI. No one asked you. YOU just came up with a cock n bull yarn that you did. I think all the people that believed you (at the time had no reason not to) just wanna know why you said this. All your other "alleged" lies that ANZMI has published, I don't think are really relevant to the forum as its not something you crapped onto us about. Just this RLI nonsense.
I'm all for banning you, I think it's the best for the forum. Maybe we should start a poll and let the forum members decide? Plenty of better blokes than you have been banned for a lot less!
Or you could just FO and not come back.

Sent from my iPhone using My thumbs

15th March 2016, 08:34 PM
I still would love to hear the answer from Paul . Don't think he's man enough to let us know but anyway...

….................... On the move

15th March 2016, 08:36 PM
What i have done in my life is my business and certainly not anybody else business.

Except when you behave in ways which has an impact upon others. When that happens what you do becomes other people's business as friends & mates look out for each other & if someone is doing the wrong thing by them then word passes around firstly to help to prevent more folk being hurt, & secondly to express the anger which results from either being 'played' or witnessing friends having been played.

There are plenty of folk here who have shared personal examples off-forum of your lies, exaggeration & deception since this all came up. Verbal deception is easily deniable, so no point in repeating it, suffice it to say that there has been a fair degree of folks realising stuff they had previously let slide, now 'adds up' with the aid of the added context provided by ANZMI.

ANZMI is now almost irrelevant, your 'profile' there was just the flag which needed waving to allow folk to look at things anew. Things here have moved beyond that, folk have realised they have their own 'evidence'. They don't need to justify themselves to you, they know what you told them.

You may believe you have done no wrong, but the reality is that your behaviour leaves an emotional toll for some in your wake, as well as a 'bad taste' for many more & in the absence of any acknowledgement & apology from you one thing is for sure, your behavior will be watched like a hawk as long as you remain here, folk don't forget those who treat them poorly.

I have nothing against you personally, it's your behaviour I have not been prepared to tolerate & that is based upon two things - my dislike of dishonesty & seeing innocent folk treated as fools.

15th March 2016, 08:38 PM
What i have done in my life is my business and certainly not anybody else business.


PMCI`m not getting involved in any of this stuff Paul,it is between you and whoever , but you made it other peoples business when you began posting your life story online.

15th March 2016, 08:38 PM
I'm getting a bit tired of you calling me names. I did not make judgement on you, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I just wanted to see you say you did/did not serve for the Rhodesian army.
I am not a coward, I am not a back stabbing turd, and I am not a dog.
You have not had the decency to answer the only one question I had for you.

You are a scum bag and you will get what is coming.

I too gave you the benifit of the doubt at the start..
And PROOF on my statement....

But Paul..
You suck at stringing a story together..
You've left evidence everywhere.. My 5 year old can tell a better Bullshit story..

Did you serve in the Rhodesian Army..
If you didn't then who made these statements that you did??
Did someone hack your account on nissanpatrol.com and patrol4x4.com and post those statements?

Fess up bloke.. Games up..

15th March 2016, 08:39 PM
G'day Macca,

With due respect, I am not an intelligent and articulate person, i am just an average bloke being attacked by a negative group of people.

As previously stated it does not matter what answer i give, i have already been judged by a kangaroo court!

What i am so upset about, you and a lot of other people have my contact details and NOT PERSON had the decency to ring me and ask what ever questions they wanted answered.

Instead, typical of cowards and back-stabbing turds, people decided to attack me on another thread with-out me being able defend myself. It was farken days latter that clunk notified me with the appropriate link that i knew what was going. TO ME A FARKEN DOG ACT!

If you want to get rid of me please, do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Refer to posts #6 and #55 Paul.
I know you will never answer the RLI question, it opens a huge can of worms for you on all sorts of levels that are nothing to do with this forum.
Some of it probably legal with more than likely huge ramifications for you.
I am far from perfect, more than likely have a skeleton or two hidden away but never pretend to be someone I'm not. I apologize when I stuff up and let another go first if they were there before me. All I ask in this life is to be treated as I treat others.
So it seems I am a spineless turd, at 59 years old that is new to me. Paul we were not mates, and will not be. And be stuffed if I was going to contact you about this.
After all your deflecting / attacking comments and personal ones too, I am at a loss why I ever called you so long ago.
Pity because of your situation I don't know. Offer some support... definitely. But it seems I stuffed up.
To be told to F/Off by you really is icing on a turd flavored cake.
Don't let this reply be considered fuel for your fire, you are what you are and sadly so many here can see it.

Edit, What does PS mean?

15th March 2016, 09:22 PM
What i have done in my life is my business and certainly not anybody else business.



But you post anywhere and everywhere about your "supposed" service and then continue to involve yourself in everyone else's life and business.

You can't have it both ways

Never underestimate the power of the tap, let it flow through you.

15th March 2016, 10:15 PM
This is like watching a train smash. You know you shouldn't stand there and stare ................................ but you just can't look away!!

Can I have the video rights? This is better than days of our drearies! Maybe we could sign up Hugh Jackman to play my part ...............

15th March 2016, 10:58 PM
Well fark me dead LOUNGE LIZARDS,

I thought this was the Nissan Patrol forum and not an unlawful inquisition, firstly it is quite apparent that it does not matter what explanation I give, either way the you people have made your minds up! So WHY WOULD I WASTE MY FARKEN TIME!!!!!!!!

I do not give a RATS ARSE to those negative folks that are blinded by false and misleading information.

What i have done in my life is my business and certainly not anybody else business.



Wow that is a massive Cop Out Paul! Seriously!

Explanation? What explanation? You have not provided a Single explanation! HAVE EVER SERVED IN THE RHODESIAN LIGHT INFANTRY? Explain That!!!

You came to this forum, Fark that! BURST INTO THIS FORUM! As That Guy!!! You were all about a Rippen FARKEN Yarn!! Telling everyone who you were! What you've done, where you've been, Where You've Served!

You brought National Service as a subject Too this forum! This Is A Nissan Patrol Forum FFS!! This was not my FARKING idea mate!!!


You could have come here and been anyone you wanted to be, everyone welcomes you, everyone participates, we give, we get, everyone makes a contribution. Everyone says Thank You.

You! Nah Fark that! YOU! Had to be a Farken War Hero!!! WHY??? Make no difference to me and mine mate!! Make no difference to members of a Patrol Forum! You FARKING brought it here chump! This is not our doing!

I don't need to know anything about anyone here accept what they drive, I'm happy to give advice to anyone that posts a question and will give anyone a chop out if I can, War Hero Or Not!!

You rode in on your FARKING Stallion screaming from the roof tops about your War Service, sprouting Real Action in the Trenches type stuff, stuff of Legends, stuff of heroes! RESPECT!!!! Given without question.

You brought the FARKING War here chump not me or anyone else.

Now you sit in you Glass House looking down at our membership calling us Cowards!

Fark right off karnt!

Step up, Stand Up! Respect the Service, respect the heroes that have fallen.


Screen shot whatever you like mate!! It will remain here. No need to worry.

Filthy on you mate!

15th March 2016, 11:05 PM
Right i have stayed out of this for so long........

I only came here for the manuals

and then heard of the redback rooftop bags

i found the manual........and still no rooftop bag......

i reckon i'll get the rooftop before we get an answer on the RLI......PMC...please just answer the fucking qusetion...until then people like me are still undecided......so please mate..yes i'm still your friend on this site..i just want an honest answer...did you or did you not serve in the RLI..please...that's all i want to know..if you can tell me honestly that you did..just like you have in previous post but not once since being asked you'll still have a friend on this forum

15th March 2016, 11:14 PM
Looks like you need a wank MR, release some of that tension bud hahahahaha

15th March 2016, 11:46 PM
Looks like you need a wank MR, release some of that tension bud hahahahaha

someone just got a salad hey Clunk

15th March 2016, 11:52 PM
someone just got a salad hey Clunk
Wasnt tossed enough

15th March 2016, 11:59 PM
Looks like you need a wank MR, release some of that tension bud hahahahaha

Sometimes I wonder why you are not a moderator on here, you have been on here for ever, you have lots of posts, then I read posts like this and realize why. lol

16th March 2016, 12:01 AM
Sometimes I wonder why you are not a moderator on here, you have been on here for ever, you have lots of posts, then I read posts like this and realize why. lol
You're welcome [emoji12]
I only say waht other folk think lol

16th March 2016, 12:52 AM
BULLSHIT...you're on ya own on this one Carnt

16th March 2016, 01:12 AM
BULLSHIT...you're on ya own on this one Carnt

I take it you didn't get a reply?

Never underestimate the power of the tap, let it flow through you.

16th March 2016, 01:35 AM

16th March 2016, 01:37 AM
BULLSHIT...you're on ya own on this one Carnt
You talking to me cocko?

16th March 2016, 05:54 AM
G'day Macca,

With due respect, I am not an intelligent and articulate person, i am just an average bloke being attacked by a negative group of people.

As previously stated it does not matter what answer i give, i have already been judged by a kangaroo court!

What i am so upset about, you and a lot of other people have my contact details and NOT PERSON had the decency to ring me and ask what ever questions they wanted answered.

Instead, typical of cowards and back-stabbing turds, people decided to attack me on another thread with-out me being able defend myself. It was farken days latter that clunk notified me with the appropriate link that i knew what was going. TO ME A FARKEN DOG ACT!

If you want to get rid of me please, do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I don't appreciate being called a coward or a back stabbing turd without proper evidence, I am simply asking one question in a public forum(where you have happily told contradictory stories about your military past before, as you have done on the other patrol forum and have done in the previously posted newspaper clippings).

Did you serve in the Rhodesian Army?

16th March 2016, 07:44 AM
I was tossing "UP" is if I was going to march this year as I thought it might be too overwhelming
Now I think I will and hold my head up high knowing my father did his "BIT".
With my back the way it is Ill go in a wheel chair just to remember those that
fought ,died were injured and came home. You PMC wil not be thought of it has nothing to do with you
"Lest We Forget"

16th March 2016, 12:10 PM
Sorry about the cut and paste

the evil twin
16th March 2016, 12:17 PM
Nice find, Macca

16th March 2016, 12:37 PM
Just for you PMC


Reading this will make you feel at home

16th March 2016, 01:48 PM
I've only skimmed over this thread but what I have read is entertaining non the less. I've never met RLI / PMC or whoever he is. But seriously mate wtf. Why continue on with this blah blah massive posts. You only need a simple 4 word post to close it all up. "Yes I served in RLI" or "I'm sorry I lied" simple mate. I myself served and find it pretty pathetic when guys even embellish their service, making a good story and false claims are two different things.

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

16th March 2016, 02:59 PM
I've only skimmed over this thread but what I have read is entertaining non the less. I've never met RLI / PMC or whoever he is. But seriously mate wtf. Why continue on with this blah blah massive posts. You only need a simple 4 word post to close it all up. "Yes I served in RLI" or "I'm sorry I lied" simple mate. I myself served and find it pretty pathetic when guys even embellish their service, making a good story and false claims are two different things.

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

Sooty it'a actually 5 words but I wont split hairs over it.lol
Can I suggest something to us all
Its just feed for fodder

the evil twin
16th March 2016, 03:06 PM
Stop posting in the thread?
Nope, can't do that.
The thread hasn't been hijacked yet so that means it hasn't run its full course

16th March 2016, 03:07 PM
Sooty it'a actually 5 words but I wont split hairs over it.
Can I suggest something to us all
Its just feed for fodder
The one he should be saying is only 4 words..... haha..... yeah hmmm.

Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk

16th March 2016, 03:09 PM
Stop posting in the thread?
Nope, can't do that.
The thread hasn't been hijacked yet so that means it hasn't run its full course

We could discuss hair splitting for a while.

16th March 2016, 03:11 PM
Not having fun yet he he
Yes the RLI did not have dots
but I see where youre coming from lol

16th March 2016, 03:18 PM
Is this (http://www.rhodesians-worldwide.com/anzac2011.htm)a coincidence, scroll down to the ATTENDEE LIST

Does the plot thicken?

16th March 2016, 03:38 PM
Is this (http://www.rhodesians-worldwide.com/anzac2011.htm)a coincidence, scroll down to the ATTENDEE LIST

Does the plot thicken?

I simply have No Idea!!!!.

Imagine! Just Imagine! If the answer was "YES! I was a member of the RLI! They got it wrong!" Imagine if that is true and Paul posted THAT as the opening statement in this thread!! This thread would be DEAD!.

Instead Paul has either lied further or left himself swinging in the wind!!

16th March 2016, 03:43 PM
We could discuss hair splitting for a while.

you said it not me,,,,,,,so would a pubic hair split better than
say an ear hair not the ones on top of an ear, but one of those buggers from inside.
You would need massive hair splitting skills imo

@ timE what post number please????

Bush Ranger
16th March 2016, 05:04 PM
Splitting pubic hair would be splitting the whisker. Wouldn`t it?

16th March 2016, 05:34 PM
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtl1/v/t1.0-9/12814421_997222003702199_1463948778505495382_n.jpg ?oh=d31831071982a037de70d0bef5331774&oe=57576588

16th March 2016, 06:20 PM
you said it not me,,,,,,,so would a pubic hair split better than
say an ear hair not the ones on top of an ear, but one of those buggers from inside.
You would need massive hair splitting skills imo

@ timE what post number please????

td click on the highlighted blue THIS on his post it will take you to the list

16th March 2016, 06:21 PM
Is this (http://www.rhodesians-worldwide.com/anzac2011.htm)a coincidence, scroll down to the ATTENDEE LIST

Does the plot thicken?

@ timE what post number please????

The link is in the word "this" in TimE's post.

Edit. Stropp beat me to it.

16th March 2016, 07:28 PM
Is this (http://www.rhodesians-worldwide.com/anzac2011.htm)a coincidence, scroll down to the ATTENDEE LIST

Does the plot thicken?

16th March 2016, 09:40 PM
Sorry about the cut and paste

sounds like my Mum...............

yeppers, thats her..........

17th March 2016, 07:11 AM
td click on the highlighted blue THIS on his post it will take you to the list

Found it but who's supposed to see that , that was a cut an paste article imo

17th March 2016, 07:30 AM
Maybe someone from there can confirm if he served in the RLI?

Wonder if they check service records or go on face value?

Plot thickens.

17th March 2016, 07:53 AM
Too easy mate eh have you served in the RLI ??
Now I'll just sit and wait, been asked way to many times before
He never answers, Im taking it as a no

17th March 2016, 07:59 AM
I simply have No Idea!!!!.

Imagine! Just Imagine! If the answer was "YES! I was a member of the RLI! They got it wrong!" Imagine if that is true and Paul posted THAT as the opening statement in this thread!! This thread would be DEAD!.

Instead Paul has either lied further or left himself swinging in the wind!!

As with all liar's in the world you tell one lie you better have a good memory, most dont
and create another lie to cover the first lie and so on and so on

A current Affairs would love this

17th March 2016, 08:29 AM
Sooty it'a actually 5 words but I wont split hairs over it.lol
Can I suggest something to us all
Its just feed for fodder
You're doing most the posting?

I think keep it open but stay on track.

Paul has had the right of reply the whole time but doesn't seem to reply to the right bits... I think I just confused myself lol.

>>>tappin from tassie

17th March 2016, 11:24 AM
He's been asked time and time again on this forum
"If he served in the RLI" all PMC does is launch an attack
against all us cowardly turds.

Found a site called "Forces War Records" some one
with better pooter skills than might be able to find something.
Its a free site

I had a small search and all I could find was a Corp.PJG Mctierney
Devonshire regiment around 1940

17th March 2016, 11:46 AM
Wtf is with that pic TD..
Just a little random..

17th March 2016, 12:03 PM
just keeping it fresh and more interesting lol

17th March 2016, 01:28 PM
He's been asked time and time again on this forum
"If he served in the RLI" all PMC does is launch an attack
against all us cowardly turds.

Found a site called "Forces War Records" some one
with better pooter skills than might be able to find something.
Its a free site

I had a small search and all I could find was a Corp.PJG Mctierney
Devonshire regiment around 1940
Lol 3ds nice picture

17th March 2016, 01:39 PM
Who taught 3d to post pics?.....

>>>tappin from tassie

17th March 2016, 01:50 PM
That Corp.PJG Mctierney is one good looking soldier, a bit out of uniform though - I assume thats her in the picture?

17th March 2016, 02:28 PM
Unfortunately that name isn't uncommon, there have been several with that name and with various spellings that have served in the ADF.

Never underestimate the power of the tap, let it flow through you.

17th March 2016, 03:06 PM
Who taught 3d to post pics?.....

>>>tappin from tassie

you can blame the big man called MR and its paid for itself over and over
Thanks again Darren and to you bikini girl thanks MN

17th March 2016, 03:09 PM
Unfortunately that name isn't uncommon, there have been several with that name and with various spellings that have served in the ADF.

Never underestimate the power of the tap, let it flow through you.

Would you have any way of finding out who served in past confrontations

18th March 2016, 02:37 AM
CARO (forget what it's fully called) is the Army records office in Victoria from memory that has records of all current and ex-service personnel.

Not 100% sure if they release records to non serving people though, only current or former members.

I can't recall the timeframe for records to be made public for former conflicts but it can be quite lengthy.

Never underestimate the power of the tap, let it flow through you.

18th March 2016, 04:57 PM
So any sign of PMC/RLI? I was looking forward to him avoiding my question again...

18th March 2016, 05:02 PM
So any sign of PMC/RLI? I was looking forward to him avoiding my question again...

Sadly I don't think he can do one liners

the evil twin
18th March 2016, 05:03 PM
Why all the interest in ADF records witchhunt?
I thought the 'discussion' was about the RLI?
... or did I miss something?

18th March 2016, 09:46 PM
Why all the interest in ADF records witchhunt?
I thought the 'discussion' was about the RLI?
... or did I miss something?

Has any thread ever stayed on the original topic ?

18th March 2016, 10:25 PM
Has any thread ever stayed on the original topic ?
The drunk and rambling one did.

>>>tappin from tassie

18th March 2016, 11:42 PM
The drunk and rambling one did.

>>>tappin from tassie
And the pub thread

21st March 2016, 12:49 PM
Well there has been an update!!! Np.com.au and Patrol4x4 get a mention. All laid out and read in conjunction like that it would seem there is little to no doubt.


21st March 2016, 12:57 PM
Yeah, wow.
That's pretty damning. Many conflictions there.

Paul has not been online here since last Wednesday but I am sure he will see the update on the ANZMI website.

21st March 2016, 01:27 PM
The halls been rented ,,the bands been paid,, now its time to watch you dance Paul ,,,,,goodbye from a liar turd

That photo sitting in the tan truck was taken with the flash on from his computer screen

Again you have let down not Commrades as I dont believe you had any, seek the help you need
as you can keep living a lie it will eat you from the insides out

the evil twin
21st March 2016, 01:29 PM
Once this thread hit #3 on the Google Search Results I was pretty sure ANZMI would pick it up fairly quickly.
The P4X4 thread wasn't as high (mid 20's I think) or as active but ANZMI got that one as well I see.

If someone identified me on a public website as "an outright liar, a cheat and a despicable person without an ounce of honesty and integrity" (direct quote) and that was false I would die a very wealthy man instead of a cowardly turd.

Methinks the jury is about to return and deliver it's verdict.

21st March 2016, 05:16 PM
I emailed ANZMI on the 11th with a link to this thread and asked if someone could read it and comment on Pauls claims, they emailed back saying they do not indulge in back and forward debate but would have an update soon. I am glad to see they have totally confirmed things on the site but there was already little or no doubt with what we could find on the forum.

21st March 2016, 05:51 PM
If you are going to make out you are something you are not, then you should at least leave some room for there to be an out.

For example, I was at Duntroon for 5 years, and regularly revisited the Cadets to teach them field craft. This is a true statement, but read by itself could be interpreted in several ways.

The whole truth is I was born at Duntroon and left when I was 5 years old (Dad retired from the Army). I returned a number of times each year in later life to play "field" hockey against the Cadets, we older Pharts usually tought them a lesson on how to play!

21st March 2016, 06:52 PM
If you are going to make out you are something you are not, then you should at least leave some room for there to be an out.

For example, I was at Duntrpon for 5 years, and regularly revisited the Cadets to teach them field craft. This is a true statement, but read by itself could be interpreted in several ways.

The whole truth is I was born at Duntroon and left when I was 5 years old (Dad retired from the Army). I returned a number of times each year in later life to play "field" hockey against the Cadets, we older Pharts usually thought them a lesson on how to play!

Well technically, depending on who definition we use, that might make you a War Hero!! Live that dream mate for everything you can get out of it is the way to go apparently!!

You can even say you took a few shots (at Goal that is) you legend!!!

22nd March 2016, 05:33 PM
Well technically, depending on who definition we use, that might make you a War Hero!! Live that dream mate for everything you can get out of it is the way to go apparently!!

You can even say you took a few shots (at Goal that is) you legend!!!

Yep, and I'm an internationally renowned brewer, people in three different countries know I make home brew.

22nd March 2016, 06:36 PM
Yep, and I'm an internationally renowned brewer, people in three different countries know I make home brew.
Me.... I'm just a %%$#

22nd March 2016, 06:42 PM
Me.... I'm just a %%$#

Good boy..

22nd March 2016, 06:49 PM
Me.... I'm just a %$$#

An internationally renowned one at that!

22nd March 2016, 06:51 PM
An internationally renowned one at that!
I'm also a brewer........... I brew me own gases

22nd March 2016, 08:09 PM
And Tuppa, remowned for nipping heels..... wondered how long it would take

Thought you quit mate?

22nd March 2016, 08:22 PM
This theard is








22nd March 2016, 08:26 PM
This theard is







It's not here to be exciting

22nd March 2016, 08:30 PM
No, but we should just shelve it and move on.

22nd March 2016, 08:37 PM
No, but we should just shelve it and move on.
So don't read it...... just walk on by, do do do do doooo..... walk on byyyyyy

Rock Trol
22nd March 2016, 10:34 PM
After following this thread for the last couple of weeks and getting really confused about what the fark is going on, I finally read the ANZMI article and it all makes sense now. No wonder some of the guys where getting hot under the collar on this issue.

23rd March 2016, 12:42 AM
it seems Patrol 4x4 have an ADF/Defence section and been caught out on that too.

Yep and he's been put on the bus.

Here's something he wrote in our ADF topic (which he started!*). Bold type is my own addition.

G'day FOLKS,

My mission in life at present, is to look after as many Veterans and their families as i can and also fight for the rights of all current and ex-service personal, whether they have operational or non-operational service.

Has stated by Rudyard Kipling, "making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep" (Kipling, Tommy), and my personal phrase that best describes our defence forces: "I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it." – Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men)



Good riddance to bad rubbish.

* I've read that people who do this actually want to be found out, deep down... well he certainly planted the seeds of his demise with his continual military talk...