View Full Version : fuel problem

Bush pilot
2nd February 2016, 11:06 AM
Hi every body, I have a Nissan Safari 1991 Y60 diesel for now 5 years. I have speed problem, the engine stop an run au 85 kl., to fixe the problem My mechanic man
told me to install a low pressure pump on the intake fuel line. That was working for about 4000KL, and the problem his back. I change fuel filter every 4000 to 5000 KL.
Tell me if I am wrong or not but I really think the real problem it is the fuel tank, is that possible their is sluge or mud in the tank?
I have only 116500 KL on the Safari it is a 2 dors model right hand drive.
I am a new member on Nissan Patrol, thanks you to exist, I really need help. In Canada Nissan Safari is not very popular, on the road everybody turn the head to put their eyes on the truck.
Regards Robert

2nd February 2016, 11:15 AM
Hi every body, I have a Nissan Safari 1991 Y60 diesel for now 5 years. I have speed problem, the engine stop an run au 85 kl., to fixe the problem My mechanic man
told me to install a low pressure pump on the intake fuel line. That was working for about 4000KL, and the problem his back. I change fuel filter every 4000 to 5000 KL.
Tell me if I am wrong or not but I really think the real problem it is the fuel tank, is that possible their is sluge or mud in the tank?
I have only 116500 KL on the Safari it is a 2 dors model right hand drive.
I am a new member on Nissan Patrol, thanks you to exist, I really need help. In Canada Nissan Safari is not very popular, on the road everybody turn the head to put their eyes on the truck.
Regards Robert

First would be to check that the low pressure pump is still working I would think. If that fixed it before it may be blocked or not working now. Check filters for contamination as well.

2nd February 2016, 11:47 AM
Check the inlet to the injector pump. Some have a small gauze filter. You will need small hook to get it out. Usually there is a spring that sits on top of thegauze filter.

Bush pilot
2nd February 2016, 11:50 AM
The low pressure pump working very well, the fuel filter was black inside, when i take off fuel filter i put the fuel over flow in transparent bol and the fuel was black?? I think i have to clean the tank.

Bush pilot
2nd February 2016, 11:53 AM
Yes the small gauze filter was check pass 3 weeks by my mechanic man. he was ok.

Bush pilot
2nd February 2016, 12:01 PM
Yes the small gauze filter was check pass 3 weeks by my mechanic man. he was ok.

2nd February 2016, 12:15 PM
The low pressure pump working very well, the fuel filter was black inside, when i take off fuel filter i put the fuel over flow in transparent bol and the fuel was black?? I think i have to clean the tank.

Fuel is black - yep recon you should clean the tank. in fact clean the entire system. from another website;

Dirt, rust or oxidised fuel may form a fine suspension of brown or red particles,
causing a greasy black deposit on the fuel filter. Laboratory analysis of the filter and
fuel may be required to establish the cause. Resolution of the problem may require
change of fuel and/or improved fuel storage management.


Bush pilot
2nd February 2016, 12:32 PM
I just go on you web reference, it is really look i have contamination in my tank. Some one have and idea how to clean inside tank??

2nd February 2016, 01:26 PM
I would think the easiest and best way would be
to remove the tank and give a good internal scrubbing.
Might want to replace the fuel line as well it wouldnt
break the bank IMO

Bush pilot
2nd February 2016, 01:34 PM
what is the bank IMO?

2nd February 2016, 01:54 PM
what is the bank IMO?
He means it's not going to cost a lot of money

2nd February 2016, 02:02 PM
what is the bank IMO?

I mean its cheap to do as fuel line is not very expensive.
IMO means in my opinion,
I apologise for not being clearer with my response

From memory there is an inspection hole to get to the fuel sender unit
with this removed you can see the condition of the inside of your tank